Excerpts from Daily Alta California

(c) 2012, Mike Barkley

Daily Alta California, Volume XIV, Number 4365, 1 February 1862, p. 1


The Flood in Tulare.

Visalia Swept Away -

We are indebted to Wells, Fargo & Co's agent on the Stockton route, for the following extracts from a letter received by him :

I have just arrived from Mariposa, and can give you a few items relative to the effects of the flood in Tulare County. A man arrived at Princetown on Tuesday; I did not see him but Holmes of the Mariposa Gazette says he is a "reliable arrival," who reports the loss of 26 brick houses at Visalia, including the Court House and Jail.

"The whole conntry was flooded, the water standing, or rather running in the streets, to the depth of four feet. I did not learn the names or particulars of the disaster. As a matter of interest to the Press, I am able to state that the Delta office is all "O.K." It yet stands a lonely sentinel over the ruins of the once proud city of Visalia.

"Long Tom," the driver for Hice & Wilson, arrived at Hornitos on Sunday. He left Millerton on the previous Thursday, crossing rivers and monstrous creeks in sluice boxes and.wagon.beds, and walking about forty miles, packing the mail the whole distance to Hornitos. He states that the water was eight feet deep in the streets at Millerton.

Wm. Hice lost his house and stable; damage about $1,000.

Mr. Grierson's stone house was also taken away, loss about the same. The goods in the house of Mr Hughes were also damaged to the amount of about $1,500. He also reports the loss of Smith's Ferry, on King's River. Mr. Winslow or " Long Tom," as he is called, and this gentleman of Princeton are the only persons who have been seen from this submerged portion of the State since the 25th of December. On my next trip I will give you further and more reliable news. Yours, B.

--Mike Barkley, 167 N. Sheridan Ave., Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817
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