(very early draft)
(c) 2011, Mike Barkley

Congress makes the following findings:

1) That the Angle Decree was issued 01/13/1930 in the case U.S. v. H.C. Angle, et al., in the Northern District of California, Case No. Equity 30 (now 80-583, Eastern District of California), that in that Decree most riparian rights of land owners in the 700 square miles of the upper Stony Creek Watershed were taken without compensation in contravention of California property rights and Section 8 of the Reclamation Act of 1902, and that this language taking without compensation those riparian rights was presented successfully to an unsuspecting judge by a conspiracy of various persons within and without the U.S. Government, and

2) Since adoption of the Angle Decree the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and various clients have diverted water from Stony Creek in excess of the awarded average 4.05 acre-feet per cultivated acre per year, that the excess diversions were unlawful, and that cumulative excess diversions have exceeded 2,700,000 acre-feet during the existence of the Angle Decree, and

3) Numerous other uses of Stony Creek water not provided for in the Decree by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation or with the consent or tacit approval of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the various water masters have occurred and these changes in use are unlawful, and

4) The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation systematically extirpated Stony Creek salmon and steelhead runs

Therefore, be it enacted that:

1) This Act shall be known as the "Angle Act".

2) All restrictions of water use by riparian owners in the Stony Creek watershed upstream from Black Butte Dam are stricken from the Angle Decree; Stony Creek riparian owners upstream from Black Butte Dam are not limited to those identified in the Angle Decree but may be proven at any time by any owner; riparian users diverting from above Black Butte Dam shall not be charged by any agent of the United States government for their diversions.

3) It shall be a misdemeanor under Title 18 Section . . . of the U.S. Code for the Orland Project to divert water in excess of an average of 4.05 acre-feet per year per acre of land upon which crops are grown within that year, which crops shall include irrigated pasture.

4) The first 2,700,000 acre-feet of water as is beneficial and useful for their municipal or industrial needs shall be furnished by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to the towns of Elk Creek and Stonyford and the community of Century Ranch and shall be furnished without charge.

5) All other diversions of water from Stony Creek, including via any canal or lateral or drain of the Orland Project, to the Tehama-Colusa Canal or any other recipient not part of the Orland Project are prohibited.

6) Recreational uses of water retained behind Black Butte Dam, Stony Gorge Dam, and East Park Dam shall be subordinate to the needs of riparian users upstream from Black Butte Dam

7) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation shall develop a plan to restore salmon and steelhead runs to the Stony Creek Watershed and all major tributaries except for Little Stony Creek upstream of East Park Dam; such plan is to include, as an alternative, use of bypass fish Canals up the valleys of Hambright Creek and Briscoe Creek with refrigerated chillers to maintain salmon-friendly water temperatures; this requirement shall cease if and when the Glenn Reservoir Complex and the Westside Conveyance System is approved and implemented.

--Mike Barkley, 167 N. Sheridan Ave., Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817
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