(c) 2005, Mike Barkley
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    :::::::::::::: 0 :::::::::::::: Table of Contents: Part 1 of 11: My barbershop CD/Tape collection so far Part 2 of 11: My barbershop LP collection so far : [remaining lists are several years out of date:] Part 3 of 11: bbshop recordings on my shopping list Part 4 of 11: barbershop recordings available from MAINLY [or MAINELY] A CAPPELLA Part 5 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Primarily A Cappella Catalog Part 6 of 11: bbshop recordings in the SPEBSQSA Harmony Marketplace Catalog Part 7 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer since 10/94 Part 8 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer, 12/79 - 08/94, but not after that date. Part 9 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer, 05/63 - 10/79 Part 10 of 11: bbshop recording ads in the "Pitch Pipe" 1982 - 1995 Part 11 of 11: barbershop videos. :::::::::::::: 1 :::::::::::::: Part 1 of 11: My barbershop CD/Tape collection so far (excludes many other a cappella CDs): Where ordering and album info is incomplete, that's because I don't have it yet. Back when I started this list, web pages were new and rare, I didn't think to add them until much later, so it will take time to catch up with them. And people come, people move, people go, along with their addresses.... 12th Street Rag, "12th St. Rag", CD * Non-AIC booth Anaheim, perf info: Keith Schweer, 9623 Lowell, Overland Park, Kansas 66212 913/648-0121 "Songs From The Street", CD* Mark A. Fortino, 14231 W. 121st Street, Olathe, KS 66062, 913/780-3872 "Our Souls Rejoice!", CD * 139th Street Quartet: First album, "Standing Room Only" , LP ?, cas $10 , CD * Third Album, 91, cas $10 * Double Header Greatest Hits, 12/21 harmonet mention, cas $15 , CD * All 3 for $30, $2 S&H, as of 03/22/97, Jim Kline, 2421 Via Anita, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274.; 10/94 Harmonizer: Pete Neushul, 125 South Irena Ave., Redondo Beach, CA 90277, 310/543-1902; CDs Table at Anaheim 3 Men And A Melody, "3 Men And A Melody", CD * table at Anaheim, with American Barberboyjjjs "Strictly Barber Doo Wop", CD * HM Portland, , 816/360-3501 The 4 Chorders, "The 4 Chorders", CD * Sales Contact Ron Starling, 258 Highview Crescent, London, ON, Canada N6J 4E3 P/F 519-685-1166 The 4 City 4, "Just Because", cas * MAC 4 for the Show, "For Once In Our Lives" LP $8.95 Tape $8.95 * S&H $1.00 Sally Briner, 8095 Kendra Court, Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 1/86 "Pitch Pipe" (or E-mail [jb: 4 for the Show has exactly two tapes left from the 1993 reissue. If interested, send $10.00 to Joni Bescos, PO Box 814065, Dallas TX 75381-4065.] [now they have only 1] 4 His Glory, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled", CD * c/o Roger Blackburn, 310 Hawthorne Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 DODB@AOL.COM , 609/428-3854 table at NCE/W Visalia "Will You Love Jesus More?", CD * Portland 4 Star Collection, "Never Stop Dreaming", cas $10, CD $15 * "By Request...", cas * S&H $2.50 per ???, 4-Star Collection c/o Patricia Rygg, 805 Meyer St., Maplewood, MN 55119 612/731-1673 PAC 5517 4/97 Pitch Pipe "Cool 'n' Crazy", CD * MAC The 4 Statesmen, CD * AIC Masterworks Series, table at Anaheim 4 The Fun Of It: QT cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per item, CA residents 7.25% sales tax; A San Jose/Bay Area QT, from: Bridgecreek Studios , 4726 Bridgecreek Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 544-3116, fax (805) 594-1021 4 Voices, "4 Voices", CD * Harmony Marketplace, 423/559-8629 - 423/478-7114 "Four Voices II", CD * 1102 Park Avenue, Cleveland, TN 37312 423/478-7114 4th Edition, "The Best of the 4th Edition", LP? $8.00, cas $12 * [Ft.L.] [tenor, Connie Noble, now with High Society.] cnoble@QUALCOMM.COM 5/97: Connie Noble; 1028 Coronado Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977 $10 each + $2 S&H [Marti 2/99, cas $10 or Lee Davision, 7175 Twin Canyon Drive, Lambertville, Michigan 48144-9542 ] a cappella Gold, "As good as Gold", CD * Kim Hulbert, 3056 Mt. Miguel Dr., San Diego, CA 92139 619/475-1700 "Pure Gold", CD * MAC "Harmony Gone Wild!", CD * A Cappella Harmony Quartet, "Hymns and Favorites", CD * MAC, TomTroyer, 898 W. Bishop Way, Brownsville, OR 97327 [great bass!] Accidental Consonance, "We Just Wanna Sing", CD * Acoustix, "The New Science of Sound", CD * "Stars & Stripes", [with Panache; What can I say? incomparable!], CD * (the brand new ACOUSTIX CD, "Steppin' Out" (renamed "Jazz Jazz Jazz", cas $10, CD $15 * (after the split) HM, PAC, Acoustix Production, Harmonizer ads.... www.Acoustix.Com normal NA shipping charges of $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.25, $6 per order to $15, $25, $50, $75 & over $75, overseas at cost, + 8.25% sales tax for Texans, ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS, 10455 North Central Expressway, PMB 109-128, Dallas, Texas 75231-2211 USA , 888/448-STIX (7849) , Fax: 214/265-9555 , order to;, (other recordings available, see web site), Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, include phone number and expiration date "Cool Yule", CD * "O Worship the King", CD * Portland booth After Hours, "For Once In My Life", CD * 1667 Leclair Ave., Verdun, QC H4H 2M9 514/769-6110 AFWDC (Quartet Champions of the Far Western District): "Vol 1", cas $10 * "Vol 2" ($10 at FWD convention, but included AFWDC show admission) * "Vol 3", cas $10 * "Vol 4", cas $10 * "Vol 5", cas $10 * Address on tape, same as for Rhythm & Rhyme in 08/85 Westunes: Craig Ewing, 7297 Cherokee Cir., Buena Park, CA 90620 714/521-8221 Westunes Ad, 1/96: either volume, $10 S&H $1 per order "Vol 6", cas * "Vol 7", cas * Bakersfield, $5 each. This is one of the finest compilation sets out there, each tape with 36 songs. Of course, not only AFWDC champs, but a number of International champs are included. They've given me many hours of enjoyment. Thanks Craig, and thanks AFWDC! AIC (Association of International Champions), "All the Best, Volume 1", CD * (Nightlife/Boston Common/Gentlemen's Agreement/Buffalo Bills) 1-800/877-6936 The AIC, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, TX 75019 The Airwaves, "Let's Be Friends", cas $10 * "New Directions", (c) 1993, cas [Wow! You've GOT to have this tape!] *, [CDs all sold out] "Christmas With The Airwaves", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2, arrangements by Ruby Rhea, released Fall, 1996 order: The Airwaves, P.O.Box 55427, Portland, Or 97238, 1-800/692-2192, (or 2526 N.E. 131st, Portland, OR 97230 ) Major credit cards accepted. , web page 1-800/692-2192, fax 1-360/573-6894, Bob Swanson, or Bob and Carol, , Bob is the Portland/Seattle Regional Director of Harmony Sweepstakes as well, 503/253-1143 plus having been to International with at least one QT, as well as MCing the Aliens Video; all four have quartet golds from various locations; [No one who listens to this quartet will put down mixed quartetting. Jeanne: "Very fine. My father would have loved this tape." - Barbershop and a lot more.] Alamo Metro Chorus, "Let There Be Music", cas $8, CD $12 * Plus $2 [?] S&H [per ???], Hilda Mancillas , 4419 Shakertown, San Antonio, TX 78238 HEMTENOR [Marti, CD $15, cas $10, $2.50 S&H Texas residents add 7.75% sales tax Alamo Metro Chorus, c/o Alice Ives, Rt. 2, Box 2118, Cedar Creek, TX 78612 , 1/97 PITCH PIPE] Alexandria Harmonizers, "Having Fun", 2966 cas $10, 2967 CD $15 * "Photographs And Memories", 2968 cas $10, 2969 CD $15 * "Show Favorites", 2970 cas $10, 2971 CD $15 * "Alexandria Harmonizers Live On Stage", CD $15 * "A Gift of Music", cas $8 * [MAC] [all 4 FWD barbershoppers shop] all 4 tapes $35, any 3 CDs $40, all 4 CDs $50, Sales: Terry Jordan, P.O. Box #11274, Alexandria, VA 22312-0274 , 703/836-0969 old? Alexandria Harmonizers, Terry L. Jordan, Box #348, Serling, VA 20167-0348 or call 703/40MUSIC, 703/406-8742 (S&H ??) (home page) "Wee Small Hours", CD * P.O. Box 11274, Alexandria, VA 22312-0274 703/836-0969 Ambassadors of Harmony, "All Our Best", cas $10 [cas sold out], CD $15, * ["O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is quite marvelous] S&H $2 per order, check to St. Charles Chapter, SPEBSQSA, c/o Don Roemer, 4 San Camille, St. Charles, MO 63303 314/723-9839 email: mroemers@MAIL.WIN.ORG Don Roemer "Applause", CD * P.O. Box 131, St. Charles, MO 63302, 636/947-4778, "Sing, Sing, Sing", CD * Harmony Marketplace Ambiance, "Jazz Ladies", CD $17 * "I Hear a Rhapsody", cas $12 *, CD $17 * "Ain't Misbehavin'", cas $12 *, CD $17 * Ambiance Productions, Inc; 5881 Wellington Farm Dr., St. Charles, MO 63304 - 1986 Queens [jb: Ambiance - the address is valid, but I don't think they have anything left.] [old addresses on tape? 4320 B Laclede, St. Louis, Mo 63108 314/533-5848 and 4548 Westminster, St. Louis, MO 63108 314/361-3189] [Marti 2/99, Contact: Diane Huber , available in CD only, per Sandi Wright ] CDs 1999: Ambiance Productions, Inc., 5881 Wellington Drive, St. Charles, Mo 63304 314/441-8958 prices include S&H CDs on table in Anaheim, cassettes a gift American Barberboys, " adventure in a cappella", cas $10, CD $15 * [web page sez cas $15] HarmoMan@AOL.COM , $2.50 S&H , info/order/return addr, Scott Johnson , 1812 Buckingham , St. Joseph, MO 64506 , (816) 279-5484 or now 816/279-9963 or , web page:, American BarberBoys , 2100 Cougar , St. Joseph, MO 64506 , (816) 279-5484 , Visa M/C The Arbors, "Very Best of the Arbors" , CD * [1998, CDnow, or catalog item TARCD-1049, Taragon Records Company, P.O.Box 765, Deer Park, NY 11729-0765 / Sony Music Special Products A 33634 ] [get their albums by writing Scott Herrick at 1214 Maple, Evanston IL 60201. Or call him at 1-847/475-4778.] Chris Arnold, "Beside Myself" Contagious table at Anaheim - Quick Start Vocal Productions, 24-131 Traynor Ave., Kitchener, ON N2C 2MB, 519/894-0781 Fax 519/893-2441 "AHSOW 'Ear-rangement' MelodyCD #1" Sung by Chris Arnold July 2001, - As Time Goes By, "Mary Had A Baby", cas $8 US *, $10 CAN Christmas, $2 S&H (U.S. funds), or order: As Time Goes By, 3 Chaudiere St.., Aylmer, Que., Canada, J9H 5E1 Rod McGillivray, (819) 778-0973 e-mail: members of the Ottawa Ont. chapter In Canada "You Must Remember This" CD $10 US *, $15 CDN $2 S&H , 31 Jul 1998 Rod McGillivray [ From US, mark check "US Funds" , Rod says they can handle US Funds. ] THE AUTO-TOWNERS ('66), CD * AIC Masterworks Series, table in Anaheim Autograph, "After the Lovin', CD * 921 SouthWest 18th Court, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33315 Backbeat, "Some Songs", cas $10, CD $15 * [& PAC] $2 S&H per item 6/97, Backbeat, 5223 Lake Village Drive , Sarasota, FL 34235 , email: - old: BACKBEAT, Harold Nantz, 1421 Hendren Drive, Melbourne, FL 32935 (H) 407/253-5635, (O) 407/722-6026, Sean J. Milligan email: former contact Randy Loos RandyL999@AOL.COM , 2986 Cielo Circle North, Clearwater, FL 34619 813/700-1515 (10/94 Harmonizer) The Banana Blenders, "The Banana Blenders", CD * table at Anaheim; contact David Childs tel (07) 5539 6350 or P.O. Box 6028 GCMC QLD 4217 Australia Bank Street, "Bank Street", cas $8.95, CD $14.95 * "Love Me And The World Is Mine", CD * order: Bank Street, P.O. Box 13973, Albuquerque, NM 87192-1973 505/294-4697 S&H $2.00 per order, email Toby Balsley Ybot@AOL.COM or Bnkstrt@AOL.COM , Toby (505/294-8282) addr in CD Bank Street , 12334 Haines, N.E. , Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 table at Anaheim 1999: Bank Street, c/o/Tony Sparks, 6608 Renee Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109-3638 505/822-9091 Bay Rum Runners, "On The Beach In 'Acapella'", PAC 5289, CD $14.98 * The Bay Rum Runners, 8864 Eagle Rock Lane, Springfield, VA 22153, 703/569-2381, fax 703/569-7406 cas $10, CD $15, $2 S&H per order, a check to The Bay Rum Runners, to: The Bay Rum Runners, 8864 Eagle Rock Lane, Springfield, VA 22153, Bayou City Music Committee, "We'll Be Seeing You", HM 2942 cas $10 * M. D. Griffith, P.O. Box 30271, Houston, TX 77249 713/869-8939 Bayside Edition, "If I Love Again.", cas $10, CD $15 * Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:04:11 "Sean J. Milligan" sjmilligan@SPRINTMAIL.COM ea. $2.50 less if ordered by 11/15, S&H $2, check/m/o payable to Bayside Edition , 3460 Countryside Boulevard, #48 , Clearwater, FL 33761 [ mailer: Bayside Edition, 5100B Riverfront Drive, Bradenton, FL 34208 , liner: 941/748-3634 , ] The Big Apple Chorus, "Manhattan Skyline Harmony", CD $15, cas $10 * order, [old?] The Manhattan Chapter, SPEBSQSA c/o Mait Cain, 379 Navesink Ave., Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 (??) S&H was $2.50 Mait Cain, 71210.2410@CompuServe.COM. [2/96: "The Manhattan Chapter, SPEBSQSA", Dan Rivard, 1220 Eddy Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 [now?] web page , The Big Apple Chorus , P.O. Box 1651 , FDR Station , New York, NY 10150 S&H $5 email, Bill Cullen 76311.1261\ ? dantowitz\ CD rec'd 12/14/98 return addr Raymond Vinciguerra Apt. 1-D, 104 E. 37th St., New York, NY 10016 The Big 4 Quartette, "The Big 4 Quartette", CD * Mary Waters, 403 Burkwood Ct. W., Urbana, IL 61801 MAC Big Chicken Chorus, "Poultry In Motion", cas $10, CD $15 * [HM] hotline 770/641-7274, Big Chicken Chorus, Jim Moore, 3385 Breton Ct., Atlanta, Georgia 30319, S&H $2, Visa M/C "Have Yourself a Merry-etta Christmas", cas $10 * hotline 770/641-7274, Big Chicken Chorus, Jim Moore, 3385 Breton Ct., Atlanta, Georgia 30319, S&H $2, Visa M/C www.bigchickenchorus.ore [order form 1/99 Bill Schreiner 2806 Staunton Dr., Marietta, GA 30067 770/953-3970 FAX 770/953-7931 S&H 10% of total], liner: P.O.Box 6326, Marietta, GA 30065 "We Need A Little Christmas", CD * Roger Blackburn, "Barbershopping In Brass", CD * Roger Blackburn, 310 Hawthorne Avenue, Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 3 May 1999 Roger Blackburn "I just re-released my recording after some hi-tech digital remastering onto CD & cassette formats." 26 Aug 1999 $17 per CD, s/h included. I added 3 previously un released tracks.... Make check payable to me if interested. (Timster) 19 Jun 1999 "With his permission and guidance, I have dedicated a section of my web-site to this excellent recording... " Bluegrass Student Union, "Legacy", including "After Class", "The Older, The Better", "The Music Man", "Jukebox Saturday Night", "Here To Stay" plus more.... CD Boxed set $59.95 * , S&H $6 per order or $10 for international, Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX, Bluegrass Productions , P.O.Box 7068 , Louisville KY, 40257-0068 fax 502/638-9616 or, see also Bob's Yer Uncle "(Kindly suggests you) please buy this CD...." Portland booth "Bolton Landing "LIVE"" 1998, double cas $20, double CD $30 * Bruce Checca U.S. S&H included 4 Under Par, Acoustix, The Aliens, Buck Thirty Nine, Chordiac Arrest, Daybreak, For Heaven's Sake, Le Dixieband, Luck Of The Draw, Marquis, Mixed Nuts, Non-Pariels, Racing City Chorus, Saturday Evening Post, Special Feature, Standing Room Only, Swing Thing, Turning Point, Variety Pak, Weekend Edition Orders to: Checks made out "Bolton Barbershop Festival" , 31 Grissom Drive , Clifton Park, NY 12065, - Visa M/C to , S&H ?? [sending credit card numbers by email is NOT advised] Boston Common, LPs ? "The Boston Common", cas with 4 songs b4 becoming the Boston Consort ? [see list #8 & #1] LP copies of "The Boston Commons" "In The Heart of the City" "Many Happy Returns" "Smilin' Through" Terry Clarke New CD, $60 * [12/98 George Joslyn grj2@EARTHLINK.NET, Terry: "we found a recording in the studio of six great arrangements we had recorded.... we'll be featuring all four albums (l0 songs each) as well as these six new songs (for a total of 46 songs) on the new CD set. Probably two CD's in one package. ]] 01 Mar 1999 (Toban Dvoretzky) [The new CD (two, actually) will contain 45 songs, including our first four albums and six new songs we found we had recorded but never published.... check/money order for $60 to: The Boston Common (return addr, "House of Commons"), 111 Summer Street, Hingham, Massachusetts 02043-1931." S&H $2.50] Bowling Green State University, "America's Finest Singing Machine", 20th Anniversary, CD * $15 [Indy} "Song for Today", CD * [Indy] Each include at least one barbershop number. Bookings: Richard D. Mathey, Director of Choral Activities, Moore Musical Arts Center, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 419/372-8288 (419/353-6222 may be the layout company) also have "Brothers In Song", CD * [Indy] Brava, "Brava!", CD * ,!.htm 604-258-SING , MAC BreakPoint, "Thanks Again", CD * Brent Gerber, P.O. Box 303, Moorhead, MN 56561-0303 1-800-494-6709 or 218/233-0169 or MAC The Brigadeers, "The Big Sound Of Barbershop!", CD * (post 6 Dec 1997 18:25:45 EST, John P (Jeb) Stewart tagmaster@JUNO.COM ) $11.00 CD, Jeb Stewart, 6248 East Bay Blvd, Gulf Breeze, Fl 32561 Broadway, "Overture", cas $10 * "Opening Act", cas $10 * or both tapes for $15.00, when ordered at the same time. orders sent to: Broadway Productions, c/o Cal Sexton, 10729 Cordage Walk, Columbia, MD 21044, [ was 301/964-2160] , 410/964-2160, Cal Sexton, Baritone - Broadway, Bron's Tones, "Best of The Bron's Tones", cas $?? [Ft.L.] 20th Anniversary Album, 1971 International Queens of Harmony Bron's Tones Quartet, c/o Prestige Productions, P.O. Box 59563, Birmingham, AL 35259 BSQ, "The Melody Lingers On", cas $10, CD $15 * BSQ , 1557 Star Pine Drive , Annapolis, MD 21401 [return address on pkg, P.O. Box 4282, Annapolis, MD 21403], S&H $2.50 per order Rick Taylor or ? "Lost In The Stars", CD * HM Portland, Rick Taylor, 3205 Uppercoe Ct. Abington, MD 21009 410-515-2857 or Buffalo Bills, "The Buffalo Bills", CD $25 AIC Masterworks Series [ wow! ] Buffalo Bills & the Chordettes, "Barbershop Harmony Time, [disappointing mix from a major label. Booo!] CD * PAC, Tower Records, your Avon lady.... By Appointment, "With Love....", cas * [MAC] "Contact: Terry Bryant, England. 0202 731720." Cadillac, "Barbershop Quartet", CD * [MAC] a BinG! quartet, "Hotline-Kontakt 0231-527449 Management: Manfred Adams , Schwanenwall 37 , 4600 Dortmund 1" California Gentry, "Volume 1", cas CD * table at Anaheim, order Larry Wright, 18150 S. Prairie Ave. #101, Torrance, CA 90504 Nifty CD! California Promise Chorus, "American Tapestry", CD * Bakersfield; California Promise Chorus, P.O.Box 53901, Irvine, CA 92619 , Cambridge Chord Company, "If you go down to the woods...", CD * MAC "All the right moves", CD * Cameo Performance, "By Request", cas * [MAC] Another HI Harmony Queens quartet. Nancy Foris was the Bari, Russ Foris produced it. Capital Chordettes, Inc., 'CELEBRATE IN SONG", cas $12 (Canadian), cas $10 US * S&H $2 US or Canadian , special shipping arrangements may be available for bulk orders. Cheque or money order Margaret Lavictoire, Suite 600 - 331 Cooper St. , Ottawa, ON, Canada, K2P OG5. info Margaret at 613/231-7650, fax 613/235-7250, liner 613/822-0841 613/821-1700 1996-97 Harmony, Inc. (HI) International Championship Chorus 03 Jan 1999 Margaret Lavictoire The Sacramento Capitolairres, "Barbershop And All That Jazz", cas $10 * with Catsnjammer Jazz Band, and quartets Rad Dads, Generation Gap, Mother's Delight and Champagne Edition, possibly 916/422-9562 as contact number. "Keith Slater: Requests for tapes can be sent to me via my AOL E-Mail address: or by snail mail at: Sacramento Capitolaires, c/o Keith Slater, 1648 Old Hart Ranch Road, Roseville, CA 95661, Cost is $10.00 per tape, plus $1.00 shipping and handling." [Cuts with the jazz band add a nifty sense of urgency and excitement] The Cascade Connection, "Is There Sometime We can Get together?", cas $10 *, CD $15 order Jerry Harrison, 427 Fox Hollow Rd., #12, Eugene, Oregon 97405 $2 S&H, email (bass) Reid, Cayuga Chimes, "Cayuga Chimes" (released 12/95) , CD/Tapes $10 * (same price? apparently) [of the Finger Lakes region, Central NYS. We are independent of either female affiliation. We are a women's barbershop chorus, currently circa 30 active membership, formed 1977.] [uh, coaching? email me before you order this recording] Order online: DMD10 @ (Doris Drake, Cayuga Chimes VP) "Snail mail": Daisy Sweet, CC Pres., 120 Snyder Hill Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 607/273-0569 S&H $2, email: (Doris M. Drake) The Champlain Echoes, "Timeless Echoes", cas $10 * Paula Rudolph 239 Hildred St. Burlington, VT. 05401 (HI) S&H included. [12/14/98:] Ms Heather Anderson, 16 George ST, Winooski, Vt, 05404. [return addr Nancy L. E????r, 111 Seneca Ave, Essex Jct, NH 05452 , liner phone Joan Flynn 802/878-9342 ] Checkmate, "One by One", CD * Table at Anaheim Chenille Sisters, "True to Life", CD * Red House Records, P. O. Box 4044, St. Paul, MN 55104, 1-800/695-4687 Some barbershop harmonies, among some very decent sounds, somewhat like The Roches. Chicago Chord of Trade, "Fan Fare for the Uncommon Man", LP $8 (includes S&H), cas & CD sold out order: Checks or international money orders (US funds only) payable to: Gold-Silver-Bronze Medal Music, Inc. 3602 Lawson Rd., Glenview, IL 60025-1106 e-mail: (Jay & Helen Giallombardo) Chicago Fire, "A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening", cas $12, CD $17 * S&H included [Ft.L.] "Hot Stuff", cas $12, CD $17 * S&H included [Ft.L] [per CD liner,] Chicago Fire; 818 Childs St.; Wheaton, IL 60187 708/462-0177 [jb: Chicago Fire - address ok] - 1995 Queens Chicago News, "Latest Edition", CD * "Special Edition", LP $8, cas $8 * (dupe'd in "Latest Edition") "Have You Heard The News?", cas * Joe Sullivan, 43862 60th Ave., Paw Paw, MI 49079, 616/657-7525,, [old?] Ray Henders, 739 East Devon, Roselle, IL 60172 ; Joe, Bari, Chicago News, TOTAL cost of the CD is $15.00, tapes $10.00 each. not accept credit cards, however, if you are ordering "many" at once, a personal check for the lot would be OK. [?] Sun, 12 Jul 1998 18:47:08, Chicago News, Ray Henders, 433 Edgewater Lane, Wauconda, IL 60084 Chiefs of Staff, "Memories", cas $10, CD $15 * "Solid Gold", LP $5, cas $10, CD $15 * "Tribute", LP $5, cas $10, CD $15 * set of 3 cassettes $25 order: Chiefs of Staff, 972 Howard St., Des Plaines, IL 60018 Chuck Sisson, 972 Howard, Des Plaines, IL 60018, (708) 296-6775 S&H $2 per order. (10/90, Solid & Tribute, cas $17, CD $22 for both) [or order from Giallombardo or Kenosha] The Chordettes, "The Best of The Chordettes", CD * Remember "Mr. Sandman"? "Born To Be With You", "Humming Bird"? It's all here] [Marjorie Latzko, ("Walter O. Latzko" LATZMUZIK@AOL.COM ) is the voice on the first 8 cuts as tenor, despite what the liner notes say. Hey, if you're cutting a CD, ask Marjorie if you can include her favorite, "Cherry Blossom Lane" on it so future generations can appreciate the great sound] shows 3 titles, but I can't tell if they are all the same Chordettes since 2 of them seem to be contemporary releases from England.] PAC, Tower Records [This is the Rhino release, different from "Chordettes Greatest Hits", which I think is a Curb Records release with about a third fewer cuts.] "Mainly Rock 'n' Roll", Ace, CDCHD934, $18.86 CD * ["I ordered two Chordettes albums from CD Connection...."] (, mentioned here recently). 4 Apr 1998 Bob Pyron "Golden Classics", CD *, Collectables Records, Box 35, Narberth, PA 18072 Chordiac Arrest!, "Live and Well!", cas $10, CD $15 * "Second Opinion", 5072, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * [PAC] $1 S&H per item to Chordiac Arrest, Dick Johnson, 527-A East Third Street, Lockport, IL 60441 815/838-1874, FAX 815/838-2776 Harmonizer, PAC Chordial Exchange, "I Won't Send Roses", CD * 1998 BABS QT champs, Non-AIC booth Anaheim, miniscule liner notes "Every Day of My Life", CD * Derek Cosburn (07) 5574 8947 - 0415 625882 (?) Christchurch City Chorus, "Red Hot!", CD * MAC The Cincinnati Kids Barbershop Quartet, "Kids" Sing The Darndest Things, LP $8, cas $8 * [MAC] order: Cincinnati Kids, P.O. Box 14905, Cincinnati, OH 45214 S&H $1 per item. Citations, "A Tribute To The Citations", reissued on CD $15 * vinyl, all sold out...., CD includes "They're Off and Singing" "An Evening To Remember" plus 5 live cuts. $2.00 for S&H. checks payable to Ken Buckner , 804 [return address on shipment shows 104, wrong] Stivers Road , Louisville, KY 40207 City Lights, "Sophisticated Swing", [(SAI) "superb album"] , cas $10, CD $15 * "City Lights", cas $10, CD $15 * order City Lights, 8 Woodland Rd., Maplewood, NJ 07040, S&H $2 per order [Marti 2/99: "With a Wink and A Smile" tapes $10 CD $15 * Address above (Jeannie Froelich) is correct or use: or can also be forwarded through either: Vitkovsky@ (Sharon), (Jo) or (Nancy) City of Lakes Chorus, "The Best of Times" Tape $12, CD $17 * includes S&H (outside U.S.- add $3) order: City of Lakes Chorus , 17036 Davenport St. NE , Anoka, MN 55304 Visa. Hotline 612/945-0337, see also Great Northern Union joint album.. City Slickers, "Old Sweet Songs", CD * $15 3822 Timber Ridge Rd., Midlothian, VA 23112 Bob or, "send your check for $15 (which includes shipping and handling in the continental U.S. and Canada) made payable to: Bob Caldwell, 5008 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 Class of '94, "Now That's Class", cas $10, CD $15* Ryan C. Fuller, 2859 Landing Drive, Marietta, GA 30066 707/928-2981 or now (?) Ryan Fuller, 1402 Crossings Dr., Lithia Springs, Georgia, 30122 USA , S&H $2 per order, Checks Payable to Ryan Fuller,, , Tenor, Eric King at ? The Classic Collection, "A Barbershop Album", vol. 1, HM #2910 cas $10 * "A Barbershop Album", vol. 2, 2911 cas $10 * "Special Request", 2912 cas $10 * [wow: "I Don't Believe In It Anymore"] "The Classic Collection", 2913 cas $10, 2914 CD $15 * "Signature", 2915 cas $10, 2916 CD $15 * order George Davidson, 7524 E. Costilla Pl., Englewood, CO 80112, S&H $2, Visa M/C 800/873-5467, fax 303/770-5679 Table at AIC show [where everything was one dollar (each) more than in the HM catalog or than in their Harmonizer ads, so it's $3 cheaper to order them rather than buying them at the shows. Yes 3 of the 5 recordings mention specific arrangers, but not linked to specific songs. Aaargh!], also HM & Harmonizer E-mail Classic Edition, "Something Hot", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per item (1998 Queens of Harmony) posting 22 Mar 1998 MRS KAREN S BRADSHAW TQUL83A@PRODIGY.COM; contact Jana Brown , 1616 Boswell , Topeka, KS 66604 , 785/234-2468, per Marti 2/99, Alice Johnston, 4712 SW 17th Terr., Topeka, KS 66604 (785)273-1954 Classic Ring, "Wonderful World", CD * 53568 Hyde Park Dr., Bristol, IN 46507 219/262-9268 MAC The Confederates, "Confederate Encores", HM 2974 cas $10, 2975 CD $15 * HM, Harmonizer, and from Holly Beck (see Orioles, Cracker Jills, et al.) Contagious, "Catch The Christmas Spirit", cas $12, CD $15 * CANADIAN FUNDS ONLY order, Make cheques payable to Contagious Productions. Contagious Productions, 383 Elgin St. N. Unit 15, Cambridge, ON, Canada N1R 8C1, S&H $2 CANADIAN FUNDS ONLY email: Joel Rutherford [So how do you do that? Write "Canadian Funds" on the cheque? Anybody know? - most Canadian QTs specify US funds because they gain a bunch on the exchange rate.] Contagious' recording "Catch the Christmas Spirit" ($15 for CD's, $10 for tapes), Chris Arnold, Baritone, Contagious quartet, but the web page: Contagious Productions 517 Burnett Ave., Cambridge, Ontario N1T 1L7, cas $10 Cdn, \ CD $15 Cdn, S&H $2.75 per order Contagious table at Anaheim. Countdown, "Time After Time", CD * 8860 Corbin Avenue #111, Northridge, CA 91324, 877-844-4321, - Counterpoint, "Counterpoint", cas $10 US/$15 CDN, CD $14 US/$20 CDN * S&H $2 per ???, 12/98 see also "The Edge", order by mail, check to: Counterpoint , #101 - 29 Templeton Drive , Vancouver, BC, CANADA V5L 4M9, liner 604/581-1423 & ask for Charlie, [ mailer Counterpoint 10324 - 145A St., Surrey, BC V3R 351 ] The Cracker Jills, "The Cracker Jills" [Greatest Hits], CD $15 * Holly Beck (hbeckbari@AOL.COM) writes: 'I have just recently completed a CD of 26 of the greatest "hits" of the Cracker Jills, mostly taken from live performance at their 10 year anniversary show. $15.00 to Holly Beck, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019. Make checks payable to "RC Music".' and 'No shipping and handling charge within the US. If outside the US, please add $1.50.' [& see list #7] Crystal Clear, "Lucky Day", CD * MAC Da Capo, "What's On Broadway!" HM table at Anaheim, Swedish Quartet Dallas Knights, "Knights to Remember", CD $15 * [SLC VM table] order, Graham Smith, 3769 Waterford Drive, Dallas, TX 75244 ? email: Graham Smith: The Dapper Dans, "Shave & A Haircut", CD * info Shelby Grimm 818/563-1113, Da Vinci's Notebook, "Somebody Else's Greatest Hits", [OK, so not a bbshop tape, but "Metal Shop" is an interesting bbshop parody of modern rock hits], cas $5 * order, check payable to "Paul Sabourin", Da Vinci's Notebook, c/o Paul Sabourin, 3712 Lamberton Square Rd. #1641, Silver Spring, MD 20904, S&H $1.30 Internet "Bendy's Law", CD $15 * [MAC] (Paul Sabourin) check or money order, payable to "Da Vinci's Notebook," to: Get Bend!, c/o Da Vinci's Notebook , PO Box 5222 , Arlington, VA 22205-0322 $1 S&H , include phone number. , local music section of DC Borders & Tower , 202/828-3005 [this 2nd recording is much more disciplined than the first - all cuts are interesting, innovative, most very amusing] Raymond Davis, "Just Raymond", cas $10 * "Just Raymond #2", cas $10 * [some great stuff] Word of mouth, and the 'net Daybreak, "Daybreak...,singin' to the world", cas $10, CD $10 * S&H included U.S., actual extra cost elsewhere Daybreak , c/o Pam Calveric , 5305 Armor Duells Rd. , Orchard Park, NY 14127 716/649-0316, ...a new one, 1998-99 Dealer's Choice, "Anthology", set cas $33, CD $49 * Vol. 1 - "Songs Like Daddy Used To Play" - (the first one), cas $10 CD $15 * Sun, 9 Nov 1997 01:14:35 , WmThornton@AOL.COM , your checque for $149.95 for one DC 8-track and GET ONE FREE!!! Vol. 2 - "Choice II" (with the Riverboat and Civil War themes), cas $10 CD $15 * Vol. 3 - "The Last Session" - with Greg Lyne as baritone, cas $10 CD $15 * Vol. 4 - "Like The First Time", cas $10 CD $15 * - with Greg Clancy as tenor and Brian Beck back as baritone, CD $15 [SLC HM table] All remastered CDs contain bonus songs not on the originals. [remastered onto CD (also available on cassette) their four recording releases and they are now available. You can order them individually for $15 per CD and $10 per cassette (+ $2.50 S & H) or you can order the "ANTHOLOGY" for $49 for CD set and $33 for cassette set (+$2.50 S & H each set). Make checks payable to "Dealer's Choice Productions" and mail to: Holly Beck, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019 We don't have credit card capabilities YET so please use checks as payment. ] (O) 214/462-9248, fax 214/393-7148 9/97: Visa/MC area code now 972 [& see lists #2 & #8] "Anthology" also avail from Acoustix Prod. $50 CD/$35 cas. (Acoustix accepts credit cards), see The Demon Barbers, "A Close Shave", PAC 4689, CD $14.98 * The Demon Barbers, PO Box 412, Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey GU17 8YP England [liner notes assert this is barbershop. Well, maybe occasionally but for the rest, I'm not so sure: 5 parts, male alto, high tenor, low tenor, bari and bass. Bass is decent, floor of low-low C, but harmonies, when they occur, seem an infrequent surprise, and even though they obviously worked hard on it, I found it Really Irritating! Then again, I find the Hi-Lo's irritating.... Consider yourself forewarned.] The Dignitaries, "Through the Years", CD * Gil Oxendine, 135 Woodlawn Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920 865/573-1979 Dixie District , "50 Years, Dixie District Barbershop Champions", CD $20 * 2 CD set. [ Noah Funderburg, District Pres., ] Noah says they hadn't planned on mail order, only cut a limited number of them, but Handsome Dave says if you will write a check for $15 payable to "Dixie District", and add 3 one dollar bills and mail it to him at Dave Philo, 2024 Eagle Glen Rd., Alpharetta, GA 30022 , he will see that you get one. The Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers, "10 Jaar Singing Harmony" , new double CD $15 * 17 Apr 1997 From Roel ten Klei roel@ICHTHUS.LIFENET.NL DABS homepage , "10-year DABS CD" DABS new double CD, on wich you can hear what we are doing here in Holland to promote Barbershop singing. If you like to buy one sent a message to -~ ~==[Jan Voskes] and we will see that you get a copy. Roel ten klei, Beerbrewing bass of quartet "Spice of Life", . See also Midland Harmonizers page, "CD , Dubbel CD van het DABS Jubileum 1997 , NU f 24,95 " - there may be a "Barbershoppers' Shop" phone number there, Dutch of course... [12/97 Roel ten Klei roel@ICHTHUS.LIFENET.NL] [01 Feb 1999, "The Midland Harmonizers' Sound" "Jan Voskes...a friend of Roel...web-master... Midland harmonizers' Sound. Buying things across international borders is not simple. The cost of a money order will swiftly exceed the amount of money to sent. If you want the CD 10 years Barbershop there's only one way to get it at this moment. Just sent me $15,- by post and I will sent you the CD. ...we can handle the currency exchange at our side without spending money on exchange-rates. sent it to: A.J.Voskes , v L Stirumstr. 2 , NL-3904 HC Veenendaal , The Netherlands ] The Easternaires, "Slightly Different", CD * "When the World Was Young", CD * Easy Lis'nin', "Easy Lis'nin'", CD * HM Portland; 1850 S. Yuma St., Denver CO 80223-3716, Easy Street, cas *, eBay (Evergreen), Fortune list; addr on cassette, Forrest LaMotte, 6111 85th Pl S.E., Mercer Is, WA 98040 The Edge, "Living on the Edge" [buy this! Tom's wonderful bass sounds, great and great arrangements!], cas $10 U.S. * / $12 CDN old order, Tom Metzger, 11075 - 146A Street, Surrey, BC V3R 3V3, S&H $2 new order 2/96, Dave Warkenton, 61-7875 122nd St., Surrey, B.C. V3W 0Y8 Internet, email:!tmetzger , ["Ahem, Mail orders welcome! ;-)"] 10/94 Harmonizer: Mark Metzger, 10324 145 A St., Surrey, BC V3R 3S1 604/581-1423 The EntertainMen, "Here's To Wild, Wild Women", CD $14 * or [Visa charge was $18.82] $12 for 5 or more, plus $5 S&H plus $1 per itemS&H 12 Jul 1998 Ola Johansson , Mail, Fax or E-mail your order of The EntertainMen's CD to The EntertainMen, Rune Alexandersson, Toredalsvagen 35, S-144 63 RONINGE, Sweden Fax: +46-8 19 50 78 by Money Order, payable to Account No 43 99 70-5, Postgirot Bank AB, S-105 06 Stockholm Sweden. By Eurogiro/Postgiro or SWIFT (SWIFT address: PGSI SESS), Euro Card VISA (state your Account No, Exp. date) and write signature on your fax. Harmonizer ad 10/96 Plus (unknown amount) postage & handling, order M/C or VISA only? [was?] [was?] fax +46 8 681 26 26 [Was?] email: Ola Johansson , [was?] [liner] +46 8-711 22 67 or +48 8-661 71 11 fax +46 8-532 553 23 [The postcard they include with the shipment is a prize itself!] Eu4ia, "Harmonal!", CD * No contact info except for the recording studio Evans Quartet, "The Evans Quartet", CD * Table at FWD convention "Merry Christmas, Barbershop Style", CD * Harmony Marketplace Excalibur, "Gonna Build a Mountain", cas $10, CD $15 * [buy this one!] "One Moment In Time", cas $10, CD $15 * [And This one TOO!] Harmonizer, Internet Address on CD & web page, John Korby, 4533 River Crossing Court, Savage, MN, 55122 612/440-5165 Address in email ad: order Excalibur, 6601 Arlington Court, Chanhassen MN 55317 S&H $2 per order email: "GREGORY M. DOLPHIN" Early '98: John R. Moksnes, 8612 Ridgewood Lane, Savage MN 55378 AIC 1999 Show Program: Excalibur, 1609 Stonepine Court, Hudson, WI 54016 "Unforgettable", CD * John Korby, 4533 River Crossing Court, Savage, MN 55378 612/440-5165 MAC Expanded Sound, "A Biker's Life", cas $10, CD $15 * "Par For The Coarse", CD $8 * order was Tom Hegle (or Expanded Sound Inc. ?), was 330 Sorrento Dr., St. Louis, MO 63021-6454, now William Benner, 1661 Clocktower Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63138-2702 S&H $2 per item Visa/MC "Equally Ugly" T-shirts $15, L/XL/XXL/ $17 XXXL voice/fax 314/993-6211 , also PAC ("Par" 12/98 Harmonizer) [28 Dec 1998 (William E Benner, Jr.) ...a recording of our popular "Golfers" afterglow performance with two brand new songs never heard before. ...approximately mid-January [1999] ] Falu Miner Chords/Copper Town Harmony, "Julshowen" [?], CD * [liner notes in Swedish] Louisville Fanatix, "Slam Dunk Barbershop", CD * Bakersfield; Gerry Papageorge, 1661 Brookdale, La Habra, CA 90631 Fatherly Advice, "A little FATHERLY ADVICE", cas $10 [$11 by mail order] * 1996 International Seniors Champions [from Burt at SLC] Burt & Patti Staffen Besps@AOL.COM - order and check to Burt Staffen, (206) 883-3311, 16712 NE 124th St., Redmond, WA 98052 [contents included on:] "Fatherly Advice...And Then Some", CD * Harmony Marketplace; Bill Thurman 425/643-5339 Flipside, "Faze One", CD * Portland table; 13527 SE Mt. Gate Road, Portland, OR 97236, Kevin Stinson $20 per CD incl S&H For Heaven's Sake, "What a Wonderful World", cas $10, CD $15 * 1996-97 International Quartette Champions of Harmony, Inc. (HI), new recording S&H $2 per item, check or money order payable to 'For Heaven's Sake' , 223 South Meadow Street, Watertown, NY 13601 , (315) 788-5967 The Fortunairs Barbershop Quartet, "Sweet Adeline", CD 9.49 pounds sterling * [ Black Star ] info Mr. C. Barnaby , 36 Blackwater Lane , Crawley , West Sussex , England, RH10 7RN The Four Rascals, CD * HM Portland; order $17 incl S&H, Tommy Spirito, 534 Augusta Blvd., St. Moritz E204, Naples, FL 34113, The Four Renegades, AIC Masterworks CD * Fred, "Simply Fred" [funny in parts plus great harmony], CD * "Get Happy", cas $10, CD $15 *, 8 track $4995.95 10/94 Harmonizer, Rick LaRosa, 1415 Barrier, Marietta, BA 30066 404/928-4284, or now, 770/928-1862 ? 103114.1016.CompuServe.COM Harmonizer, PAC, Internet "Putting The HA in Harmony, the Ultimate FREDthology", 2 CD set * "All songs recorded Live by SPEBSQSA at International Competitions" Manager/Contact Thom Hine, 4212 Bretdale Run, Kennesaw, GA 30152 770/419-7405 Freefall, "Freefall", cas $10, CD $15 * E-mail me at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for info on purchasing this fine CD Freefall is the 1995 CSD Champion and was mic-tester at Salt Lake City. S&H included, to [old] Freefall, 2100 Cougar, St. Joseph, Mo 64506, 816/279-5484 , Scott [new, temporary] Scott Spilker , Route 3 Box 163 , Beatrice, NE 68310 , Jim , Darin "After School", CD * HM Portland; c/o Harris, 1015 Fosse Court, Nekoosa, WI 54457 Freestyle, "Odd Man Out", CD * Harmony Marketplace; Andy Wallace, 3050 Industrial Blvd., West Sacramento, CA 95691 916/372-1434 The Fresno Gold Note Chorus, "Harmony Adventure", CD $15 * S&H $2 , check to Fresno Gold Note Chorus , 38265 Pepperweed Rd. , Squaw Valley, Calif. 93675-9707 [4 Mar 1999 "H.L. McIntosh"] Friendly Advice, "For the Heart", CD * Bill Thurman 425/643-5339 Forrest LaMotte 206/947-6586 Friends, "Christmas with Friends", cas * "Ladies and Gentlemen...Friends", CD * Send a check for $17.00 (includes CD @ $15 and $2.00 S&H) to: Mark Conlon, 17036 Davenport, Anoka (?), MN 55303 , 612/434-7074, ( or is it 55304-4934 ); MHBQA/cas: Friends, c/o 17036 Davenport St. NE, Ham Lake (Minneapolis), MN 55304-4934 612/434-7074 CD $15 + $2 S&H ea., cas $10 + $2 S&H ea. "Because... We're Friends", CD * Harmony Marketplace; Friends, Marsha Shaw, 7400 Lyric Lane NE #2, Fridley, MN 55432, 763/786-8220 The Fun Addicts, "The Fun Addicts they were", CD * "All Seriousness Aside", CD * Gainesville Chorus, "Barbershop At Its Best", cas $10 * S&H $2.50 Gainesville Sweet Adelines, P.O. Box 14113, Gainesville, FL 32604 [return, J.G. Cornelius, 6024 NW 52nd Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32653-3355] [was] Gainesville Chorus, c/o S. Simpson, 2100 NW 46 St., Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 371-1013 4/97 PITCH PIPE; liner P.O. Box 2053, Gainesville, Florida 32602 The Gas House Gang, "A Little Night Music", cas $10, CD $15 * "Our Rough and Tumble Best", cas $10, CD $15 * "Face The Music", cas $10, CD $15 * order: The Gas House Gang, 138 College Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301 S&H $2 per order 314/946-6394 International, prefer using Visa/M-C in that it does the foreign exchange automatically. Rich Knight, Robghg@AOL.COM Robert Henry , rvlgng@CDMNET.COM M. Kipp Buckner, jehenry@ARTSCI.WUSTL.EDU Jim Henry gmanion@mail/win.orga HM, PAC, Harmonizer ads, home page, SWD Barbershoppers Shop.... "Some Children See Him...", cas $10, CD $15 * Ho Hum, another Christmas album. Sigh. WRONG! This one is truly, truly marvelous. You Gotta Buy It, Just Gotta! S&H now $3 per order, specify U.S. Funds, "The Gas House Gang's 5th", CD *, booking 636/625-2625 GayNotes, "Strictly Gaynotes, The Lost Tapes!", CD * HM Portland, 1562 E. 59th Pl., Tulsa, OK 74105 918/742-5621 or Gem City Chorus, "Live!", cas * [MAC] "From The Heart", cas $10, CD $15 * Fri, 10 Oct 1997 09:26:29 EDT Judy Norris judyn@LEXIS-NEXIS.COM S&H $2.50 (foreign $3.50) 1-4 CDs and/or Cas, $3.50 (foreign $5.00) 5-7 CDs and/or Cas, Checks to: GEM CITY CHAPTER Donna Gewertz, 3914 Gardenview Place, Kettering, Ohio 45429 , see also list #?? "30th Anniversary Celebration!", CD * P.O. Box 41445, Dayton, OH 45441-0445 937/433-1014 MAC Gema 4, "Grandes Boleros A Capella", 2890, CD $15.98 * [Don Gooding: "I keep on imagining Gema 4 as a passionate Latin women's barbershop quartet!" Yeah, they sing well but there's an awful lot of studio echo in the mix.] "Te voy a dar", CD 15.97 * [MAC, PAC] ...most cuts on 2nd CD are not at all barbershop-like, more like conventional a cappella/jazz.... The General Assembly, "In Session with... The General Assembly, The Impossible Dream", CD $15 * 919/544-1948 or - and list #8 ? write The Impossible Dream, c/o Pat Ferracane, 4520 Hargrove Road #208, Raleigh, NC, USA 27604, $10 cas, $15 CD, $2/per item for S&H. Checks made out to "RTP Chapter, SPEBSQSA" MC/Visa Order form [old?] , now Gentlemen of Fortune, "Gospel Tracks", CD * "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, CD * EVG bbshoppers shop,, web page $13, or $20 for two, CD, $8 or $15 for two, Cassette. To order, write to Chorus Contact, or phone 604/526-2212. "Our Way", CD * with Brava, Realtime, Fanfare, Antique Gold "Straight from the Heart", CD * with Studio One, Counterpoint The Gentlemen's Agreement Masterworks Series, cas $10, CD $15 * [SLC HM table] Association of International Champions Masterworks Series, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, Texas 75019-4082 S&H $2.50 per order Holly Beck, Ginger 'N Jazz, "Back with Pizzazz", cas * ~==[SOLDOUT, some available from MAC] [old] address on tape: Ginger 'N Jazz , 7100 Summit Drive , Oklahoma City, OK 73162 405/722-2664 GnJBari87@AOL.COM [jb: Ginger 'n Jazz - Sally Beck, 8401 McKee Blvd., Oklahoma City OK 73132, addr. as of 11/24/98 Sally's email ] Gold Coast Chorus, cas $10 *, CD $15 S&H $2.50, CA residents 7.25% sales tax; San Luis Obispo chorus? order from: Bridgecreek Studios , 4726 Bridgecreek Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 544-3116, fax (805) 594-1021 [table at FWD Fall 1996 Convention] Golden Gate Quartet, "Meet Me At The Golden Gate", 3453, CD $15.98 * [PAC] The Golden Staters Quartet, CD * [HM] AIC Masterworks Series, Holly Beck Hbeckbari@AOL.COM, check payable to "AIC" $17.50 CD , $12.50 cas (includes S&H) AIC Masterworks, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019. Or credit card - VISA, MC, AMEX Good News: Album I & Album II, cas $12 *, CD $15 * Album III & Album IV, cas $12 , CD $15 * Album V, cas $10 * "The Heart of Christmas", cas $7, CD $10 * [Fine review from Jeff Taylor on the 'net] Album VI, "Jesus Loves Me", cas $10 * Folios, learning tapes for each part available. order Good News, Jerry Fairchild, 671 W. Cypress, Redlands, CA 92373 S&H $2.50 per order, 909/792-9669, booking (612) 571-0829 old? 909/792-8618 fax 909/793-5435 CDs table at Anaheim Gotcha!, "Right Now!, CD * Gotcha!, P.O. Box 3384, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 "Gotcha! Again!, CD * Gotcha!, P.O.Box 4275, Parker Colorado 80134 Grandma's Beaus, "That's Life", HM 2941 cas $10 * Grandma's Beaus, 9124 Utica Av S, Bloomington, MN 55437 [Some of this recording will make you wince, but the "Dueling Banjos" cut alone makes it quite worth it.] Grandma's Boys, "When the Toy Soldiers Marched on Parade...", CD * GB Productions, 23W423 Green Trails Drive, Naperville, IL, 60540 Granite Statesmen, "Ain't That a Kick in the Head!", CD * P.O.Box 3880, Nashua, NH 03061 603/886-SING , MAC "Just Add Snow", CD * "A Grand Old Tradition", CD * The Great Northern Union: "Lights Up!" cas $9.95, CD $14.95 * order Lights Up! The Great Northern Union, P.O. Box 21547, Eagan, MN 55121-0547, 612/643-4GNU S&H $4 per order per 10/94 ad, or $2.00 S&H per ?? D. Bowen list [now] Michael DeMay , 12574 91st Place North , Maple Grove, MN 55369 612/424-4106 "Evolution (The International Performances 1987 - 2001)", CD * MAC The Great Northern Union/The City Of Lakes-SAI "Celebrate The Season",cas $10 CD $15 * (with SAI Champion quartet, 4-Star Collection). order The Great Northern Union, P.O. Box 21547, Eagan, MN 55121-0547, 612/643-4GNU S&H $4 per order per 10/94 ad, or $2.00 S&H per ?? D. Bowen list [now] Michael DeMay , 12574 91st Place North , Maple Grove, MN 55369 612/424-4106 31 Dec 1998 (John Kleiber) (or 612/559-3887 for City of Lakes) Great River Barbershop Chorus, "Light Up Your Life With Harmony", cas $10 * info Terry Ludwig or Tim Knipe (?) S&H $3 per ????, payable to the "Great River Barbershop Chorus." mailed to Tim Knipe , #2 Hawthorne Hill , Quincy, IL 62301-6571 Great Stage Robbery, "Great Stage Robbery", cas * ["a phenomenal quartet--they did not compete this weekend at SWD- I think they won prelims or finished somewhere at SLC--dunno- but they are incredible."] Contact Keith Houts, Route 1, Box 599, Ben Wheeler, TX 75754 [SWD 'shop] Growing Girls, "The Best of Two Worlds", cas * Growing Girls & Second Edition [see Second Edition ref's also] contact: Larry F. Knott, Business Manager, P.O. Box 4010, Jeffersonville, IN 47131, USA "All Grown Up", cas $?? CD $?? * [Ft.L.] '89 Queens, (info from CD - no prices available) Lennie Brown; RD #2, Tinkerhill Rd.; Phoenixville, PA 19460 PHONE 215/935-2745 but area code is now 610 -or- Lou Frolen, c/o Lindgard, Kammakargatan 46, S-111 60 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 20 60 46 ["Yes, I know a little about the Growing Girls recordings. I have them all and they're just wonderful. I think I've never heard a better quartet... I think you can contact the Ronninge Show Chorus' president; Ronninge Show Chorus, c/o Anna-Greta Stromberg, Hokbursvagen 8 S-147 42 Tumba, Sweden, Phone: +46 8 530 314 47 or maybe our Headquarter in Tulsa has any recordings..."] "Still Growing", cas * MAC "Thank you for the Music", CD * MAC Ham 'N' Wry, "Live Concert", CD * HM Portland; Ham 'N Wry Quartet, 3125 North Doris Lane, Appleton, WI 54911 Hannover Harmonists, "By The Way", German QT + 2, "Verlag: THOROFON, Schallplatten KG, Postfach 10 02 32, D-3002 Wedemark/Han., Telefon: (0 51 30) 7 99 31" - purchased used on eBay. Happiness Emporium, "That's Life!", cas $10 *, CD * "That's Entertainment", LP $10 *, cas $10 * (still avail) [triplicate w/ reissued CD ] [SLC HM table] "That's Entertainment/Control Yourself" (Double Album), CD * [HM] "Humble", LP * / "Now & Then", LP *, double CD * "Right From The Start", LP * / "Rise 'n Shine", LP *, double CD * order: Emporium Recordings, 9151 Glen Edin Lane, Minneapolis, MN 55443 email: S&H $2 per order. "That's Entertainment" liner shows Emporium Records, 1425 N. Innsbruck Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55432 single LP/tape $8, any 2 $15, 3 or more $7, VHS Hi-Fi VIDEO $30, S&H $2 Double Album, 7/97, shows Happiness Emporium, 1876 Noble Road, Arden Hills, MN 55112 ph 612/631-3273 "Beneath the Cross", CD * 1308 Blue Phlox Ct., Northfield, MN 55057 507/645-5750 "Beneath the Cross II", CD * The Harrington Brothers, "SInG", CD * Harrington Consulting, Toredalsvagen 37, S-144 63 Ronninge, Sweden The Hartsmen, "Love at First Sound", #5130, cas $9.98 * from PAC The Hartsmen, P.O. Box 234, Michigan City, Indiana 46360 "Hymns for Himself", cas*, HM Remastered from 33-1/3 rpm. - [Wow! bass on "This Is My Father's World"] "Love Songs Glad and Sad", CD * Heart of America Chorus, "From the Heart", CD * The Heart of Holland Chorus, "Winter Wonderland", CD $15 * [SLC WHJ table] (Christmas music) order HOHC, P.O. Box 291, 3430 AG Nieuwegein, Holland. S/H $5. "Please transfer the total amount to acc. no: (U.S. Funds)" [Did anybody do this, and did it work OK?] Heart of Texas Chorus, "The Beginning", cas $10, CD $15 * ("new, tough-audition chorus, came in second to Clancy's Vocal Majority over the weekend"), featuring "Soundtrax" SAI Finalist QT order The Heart of Texas Chorus, P.O. Box 27261, Austin, TX 78755 S&H $2 per order, email web site: "Joy To The World", CD * 512/990-9325 210/651-4450 NCE/W table Visalia Heart's Delight, "Sing to Your Heart's Delight", cas $10 * 1989 HI Champs , 1991, price incl S&H ["professionally done in a studio...."], Wendy Mercier, 388 Nashua Street, Milford, NH 03055 603/673-1794 Heat, "Heat", CD * Helsingborg Barberboys, "Boysarna", CD * call contact man, Anders, at +009 46 42 93 107 or email, subject HBBCD to get info, to Tony Martinsson at e94tm\ 1) If you know about an "international giro bill", get one at your bank or post office. Designate it to Swedish PostGirot (Post Giro), Tony Martinsson, account no 617 32 13-7 ; write your name and adress so he can send the record directly to your door. The price: The Record 130 SEK [Swedish Krona] Package 6 SEK Post Outside Europe 40 SEK For delivery in the U.S. (By post) the price is 176 SEK - or about $26 in early 1996 exchange rates. 2) Else, another way is to buy a foreign bank draft from your local bank, $10 charge for it at Bank of America for instance, 2 days to get it at this branch from the International Department. Postal rates,, "Your Post Office", "Postage Rates", "International Rates", sixty cents for a half ounce, a dollar for an ounce. 3) By wire transfer to Tony's account, from your bank, may be the easiest. email Tony for info on his account. {THIS IS MY 2nd FAVORITE CHORUS CD: Beach Boys' "Barbra Ann",....] Heralds of Harmony, "This Joint Is Jumpin'", cas $10, CD $15 * Featuring the HOH Show Chorus, Keepsake & Bayside Edition S&H $2.50 per destination, Visa-M/C , payable to Heralds of Harmony, Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony, 800 W. Platt Street., Ste 5 , Tampa, FL 33606. 813/228-7730, E-mail confidential credit card order to or obtain order form from website [does this "confidential" thing work?] Fax 813/254-8155 The Heritage Hall Museum of Barbershop Harmony, "Close-Harmony Pioneers" cas *. recorded between 1909 and 1927, including Edison Male Quartet, the Imperial Quartet, the Peerless Quartet, the Victor Male Quartet, the American Quartet, the Shannon Quartet. Contribution of $25 over and above 1993 contribution. M/C Visa. No address or phone number on the Jan/Feb 1995 p. 26 Harmonizer article; next page shows Charlie Green, Director of Development, 4405 Curve Avenue, Edina, MN 55424-1048; 612/929-0041 [Indy HM] Heritage of Harmony Quartet, cas *, Fortune list High Cotton, "Where the Southern Roses Grow", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $1 per order to High Cotton , c/o Chip Davis , 12243 Warwick Avenue , Baton Rouge, LA 70815 , Chip Davis davisc@IAMERICA.NET (225) 291-7323 (day), (225) 275-6803 (night), fax 225/291-9502, e-mail Hi Fidelity, "Hi Fidelity Live!", CD * info 714/904-7184 High Society, "The Best of ... ", cas $10, CD $15 * [Ft.L.] "By Design", cas $10 *, CD $15 [Ft.L.] "Fascinatin'", cas $10, CD $15 * [Ft.L.] S&H $2.50 Foreign - 1976 Queens order: Connie Noble; 1028 or 10289 Coronado Ave.; Spring Valley, CA 91977 [9/30/96 cnoble@QUALCOMM.COM changed S&H to $2] sez contact Sandy Shelver at 619/464-8134 for recording info Hijinx, "Just For The Fun Of It", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2 per item, payable to Hijinx, to me at 5604 Light Infantry Drive, Burke, VA 22015, 703/503-5279 hijinx 31 Dec 1998 Gary Plaag [mailer: Hijinx c/o Guffey, 43531 Bayberry Ct., Leonardtown, MD 20650 ] Hourglass, "Hourglass is Home for the Holidays, cas $10, CD $15 * order: Hourglass Barbershop Quartetr, c/o Joe LoBue, 204 La Grande Drive, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 S&H $1.50, Penna, add sales Tx. $.60/tape, $.90/CD 412/772-7462 home page email: 6/97, going out of business: $5 per tape, $10 per CD, S&H $1.50 per order, payable to Reid Joyce, 114 Keithwood Dr. Valencia, PA 16059_ or now or give him a call at (412) 898-1176 or now (724) 898-1176. 10/98, Ron Brooks - , cd $10, $2.50 S&H Visa M/C Amex phone 1-877/999-SING, check to Brooks Entertainment, P.O. Box 341, Saxonburg, PA 16056-0341. Houston Horizon Chorus, "Fever", cas $10, CD $15 * $2 S&H per item, VISA/M-C, Kathy Railey krailey@FBTC.NET, 281/392-9864 or 713/522-2798, payable to Houston Horizon Chorus , 9521 E. Westheimer #254, Houston, TX 77063, The Houston Tidelanders, "On With The Show", CD * ...summer '96, CD "If My Friends Could See Me Now!", cas * "Tidelanders On Parade", cas $10 * "If You're Irish", cas $10 * "It's Simply Great!" , cas $10 * Tapes are $10.00 each with a $2.00 S&H fee per order. Some LPs are still available dirt cheap. Of course, no tax. order: Wayne Hardin, 13122 Pebblewalk Cir N, Houston, TX 77041 M/C Visa email: [nope, moved to Dallas] [we accept phone orders. The Houston Tidelanders' phone is (713) 466-7795 changed to 713/236-0022.] [nope, 12/17 return address on shipment apparently 713/224-2114 Bill Scott 46N/Robert Thomas SEC , Bob Travis ST RM #1530 , Houston, TX 77002 ? email "Lowell McCulley" ] "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year", CD * 281/326-6327 , MAC "Steppin' Out", CD * Hurricane Honeys, "Love And Good Wishes", cas $?? [Ft.L.] [no ordering info, 1967 Queens] Illinois District Quartet Champions Association (QCA), "50-Plus The Collected Works", CD * $27 incl S&H, QCA 50 plus, 2297 Knollwood Drive, Elgin Il 60123 Images, "Almost Like Being In Love", CD * Carol Zeffiro, 1165 Milestrip Rd., Irving, NY 14081 , MAC Impulse/Park Avenue, "Down On The Corner", CD * Harmony Marketplace; Impulse, 943 East Lincoln Avenue, Columbus, OH 43229 , ; Park Avenue, 5703 Duddington Road, Dublin, OH 43017 InDEciSIon?, "Well--Maybe!", CD * Shelby Robert 770/789-0036 , MAC Indigo Blue, "Blue Rendezvous...", CD * No contact info except for the recording studio Innovations, "Introducing Innovations", cas * [MAC] Graham Smith's mixed ensemble [of the Dallas Knights, Graham Smith, 3769 Waterford Drive, Dallas, TX 75244 ? email: Graham Smith: ] [not up to his usual high standards - attacks, releases, vowel matching, etc.] The Innsiders, AIC Masterworks, CD * Harmony Marketplace Interstate Rivals, "It's A Brand New Day", LP 1987 ?, cas *, CD * 1989 all gone but since re-released [labels on cassette are reversed, side 1 vs. side 2] Interstate Rivals, "It's A Brand New Day", 5207 CD $14.98 * [PAC] "The Bronze Edition", LP 1986 ?, cas '86 * [SLC HM table] Interstate Rivals, 5815 Bluespruce Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45224 [coincidentally Paul Gilman's address, see Marquis] [= addr on "New Day" re-release] Paul Gilman Marquisgil@AOL.COM, Interstate Rivals 'Brand New Day' CD available. To get your copy, send a check for $15 per CD ordered plus $2 shipping to either: Jay Hawkins, 3524 Norbourne Blvd., Louisville, KY 40207 or Paul Gilman, 5738 Saddleridge Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247, 4/9/97 11/97 MARQUIS652@AOL.COM re-release "It's a Brand New Day." $12 cas, $17 CD which includes S&H on each. Interstate Rivals, c/o Jay Hawkins, 3524 Norbourne Blvd., Louisville, KY. 40207 Jackpot, "Jackpot", CD * MAC JAD, "Johnny Appleseed District, 50 Years, Barbershop Harmony", CD * Harmony Marketplace Jambalaya, "Let's Go Jambananas!", CD * table Portland; Dick Johnson Tapes: four *educational* tapes, $30 each, or all four $105 * incl S&H.~==[ordered] "made years ago for my coaching and teaching sessions for Arrangement", with a total of 10 albums that include numbers by the Buffalo Bills, Confederates, AutoTowners, NightHawks, Renegades, and SAI foursomes back to 1953 - The BigFour, Mississippi Misses, Notabelles, JuniorMisses, CrackerJills, DottedQuarters, and Barbertones. "I was in the radio/TV business (broadcaster) for many years and the tapes are professional copies with some very good equipment. There are, naturally, some less than ideal braodcast moments, but they are very minimal considering they were all made from 33-1/3 albums!" Dick Johnson , 2104 5th Ave No , Great Falls, MT 59401 30 Dec 1998 The Johnson Sisters, "Remembering The Way It Was, 1928 - 1995, 50th Anniversary" cas $10 S&H $2/$3 outside U.S., U.S. Funds 1948 Champs, Topeka, Kansas, 1948 [neat liner notes] contact: Johnson Sisters, P.O.Box 629, Cortez, CO 81321 1/96 PITCH PIPE Joker's Wild, "Right From The Start", [a clinic], cas $10, CD $15 * "Chasing a Dream", cas $10, CD $15 * SLC HM table , order Joker's Wild, 550 East Weisheimer Road, Columbos, OH 43214 phone/fax 614/263-2121 S&H $2 per item MC/Visa HM, PAC, Harmonizer ads.... (see Pittsburghers for possible new address) 1999 AIC Show Program: 1-877/4JOKERS fax 1-412/635-9105 3317 Cramlington Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044 S&H $2.50 per item Visa/MC 7% Sales Tax if PA "More of the Different", CD * Jubilation, "Queens in Harmony" with Melo-Edge, cas $11 * [Ft.L.] Jubilation; 11050 Wakefield; Westchester, IL 60153 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" - 1985 Queens [jb: Jubilation - try Carol Ann Bagley at 951 Banbury, Mundelein IL 60060] [ or order from Giallombardo] Return on envelope: Pat Rotunno, 7915 Deerview Ct., Burr Ridge, IL 60525 , make check payable to Pat Rotunno S&H $1.00 each [see LPs] "Jubilation Celebration", cas * liner Pat Rotunno, old: 11050 Wakefield Street, Westchester, Illinois 60153 "Join the Jubilation", cas * Kaleidoscope, "Kaleidoscope #1", cas * "Kaleidoscope #2", cas * We won the HI International Quartette Championship in 1987, made our first tape in '89, and guess we didn't figure we'd make a second. So, now we're talking about making our third recording. Should we name it or be consistent????? Both are $10.00 U.S. ($12.00 Can.) and $2.00 shipping/handling. Preferred method of payment is to send a check payable to [Beth Ramsson] and I'll, like, send you a tape or two (or 653). Send to: Kaleidoscope, c/o Beth Ramsson, 537 S. Edson, Lombard, IL 60148 , ramtec@allways Kansas City Chorus SAI, "Rhythm of Life," cas $12.50, CD $17.50 * S&H included [ "Barb Patton" 24 Jan 1999, ...order our recording through the mail to: payable to "Kansas City Chorus". , Rachel Morrison , 12200 E. 58th Place , Kansas City, MO 64133 ] Keepsake, "Once Upon A Time", HM 2921 cas $10, 2922 CD $15 * "Without A Song", HM 2937 cas $10, 2938 CD $15 * [Wow! Goosebump City! On "I'll Fly Away", fer instance, if your stereo is good enough, cover your glassware and listen for the ending - I don't think there's anything that rings that well on any other barbershop recording.] "The Entertainer", CD $15 * $15 [Indie booth] Booking & Recording Info, Keepsake, P.O. Box 1827, Orlando, Florida 32802-1827 S&H $2.50 per order contact for Keepsake recordings is Roger Ross - he can be reached by email at:, Holly Beck not Joe Connelly at: AJConnelly@AOL.Com ["Sean J. Milligan" sjmilligan@SPRINTMAIL.COM "A TERRIFIC OFFER FROM KEEPSAKE" ...offering all 3 of their recordings, ...for purchase at 25% discount off retail prices. This makes CD's only $11.25 each and cassettes only $7.50 each. ...on all orders received prior to January 1, 1999, Keepsake will even pay the shipping cost!! ...a minimum of 50 pieces per order is required...any combination of CD's and cassettes"] For immediate shipping contact Keepsake now at (407)438-5538, at Keepsake, P.O. Box 1827, Orlando, FL 32802 or by email at, We'll get your order out right away!! Kindred Spirits, "Swing & Pray", CD * HM Portland The Knudsen Brothers, "Praises We Sing", CD * <==missing [a barbershop sound for your religious favorites, I play it over and over and over, really superb! but I didn't care for their first tape, [ "The Knudsens", cas ? ] PAC MAC [ "Best of Knudsen Brothers, cas * ] [ "Yuletide", CD * ] [ "Believe", CD * ] Land O' Lakes District, "Quartet Champions 1945 - 1997", dual cas $15 * HM Anaheim Lone Star Sound, [our first album was....] "Pennies From Heaven", cas $10, CD $15 * Order By FAX: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to 210/614-3362, S&H $2 per order. check or money order payable to Remmert Productions , Lone Star Sound Quartet , 2850 Burning Hill , San Antonio, Texas 78247-3804 Wed, 15 Jul 1998 08:24:20 , Pevans, web site: or now (?) The Louisville Times Chorus, "Steppin Out", cas $10, CD * $15 [Indy booth] with selections by Michigan Jake. P.O. Box 43220, Louisville, KY 40253, 1-800/39-TIMES , , credit cards S&H $1 per item. or now? [If you want to hear how a chorus should sound, buy this CD. In fact buy bunches of them and give them to your chorus and say: "Here! This is what we want!" :-)] Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus, "Songs of Inspiration", HM 4994 cas $5.50 * [now $8] "From This Moment On [may be mistitled in some lists as "Till We Meet Again"], HM 2972 cas $10, 2973 CD $15 * Thoroughbred Chorus, Dept. TSG, P.O. Box 99993, Louisville, KY 40269-9993 502/267-7464 S&H $2 per order, KY residents add 6% sales tax Sun, 8 Nov 1998 19:22:35 -0500 Chris Haeberlin: "You can order a Thoroughbreds CD at " [when I ordered "Till We Meet Again" I received another copy of "From This Moment On"] still available 11/98, order Thoroughbred Chorus, P.O. Box 99993, Louisville, KY 40269-0993 S&H $3 per order, KY residents add 6% sales tax, 502/367-8900 [posted 10-13-95] [12/98 return address, E.D.Wirth , 6218 Tiara Court , Louisville, KY 40219 ] "The Thoroughbreds Present Solid Gold", CD $20 * Thoroughbreds/Bluegrass Student Union/Interstate Rivals/Second Edition HM table at Anaheim "Salute to America", CD * Digitally remastered from 2-LP set. Main Event, "This Could be the Start of Something BIG!" [great tape!], cas * "If I Had a Voice", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per ??? Phone number on business card, 209/439-0792, Colleen M. Eskender, mainevnt@QNIS.NET , or $3 S&H?, check, money order (your choice) made out to Main Event 9710 E. Mesa, Clovis, CA 93611-9097. 209/298-3094 on CD [Marti 2/99: Elaine Casperson, 683 W. Browning Ave., Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 439-0792 or email Colleen Eskender at ] Mainliners Chorus (Bryn Mawr), and chapter quartets - Rittenhouse Square, Diamonds Edge, Encore, and Entertainment Tonight: "On Track", cas $10, CD $15 * order, Mainliners Chorus, check to "Bryn Mawr Chapter, SPEBSQSA" , c/o Ross Karnbach, 1017 Blyth Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 19026, S&H $2 per order. "Meyer, Daniel P ", old? DPM2@TRPO4.TR.UNISYS.COM "Harmony for the Holidays", cas $10, CD $15 * Meyer, Daniel P. Daniel.Meyer@UNISYS.COM Mainliners chorus, various chapter quartets (K'Motion, Encore, After Hours, and Cahoots), a mixed quartet (Philharmonix), a local SAI quartet (Never Say Never), along with a mixed octet (Never Say Never / K'Motion). "Dan Meyer" Tue, 24 Nov 1998 09:35:59 "orders to Art Donato, 402 Locust Rd, Wayne, PA 19087" visa-M/C "we do accept phone orders at (610) 688-2519" Mainely A Cappella, "Afterglow, Barbershop After Dark", CD * "Afterglow 2, Ladies Night, Barbershop After Dark", CD * Mainly A Cappella Records, P.O.Box 159, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 800/827-2936 The Management, "The Management", PAC 5229, CD $14.98 * For booking information contact Lawrence Bean, 207/283-0642 order PAC or "Menu For Harmony", CD * Manhattan Skyline Quartet, "Deck The Halls, Carols for Barbershop Quartet", CD *, eBay Frank Ream tenor/Lee Winston Lead/Russell Ashley baritone/John Mack Ousley bass - Intersound Distr. Platinum Entertainment, P.O. Box 1724, Roswell, GA 30077 - don't buy this without first emailing me. The Mark IV, AIC Masterworks, CD * Anaheim table CDs: Mo Rector, 670 S. Mesquite, New Braunfels, TX 78130 ? Marquis, "in the wee small hours", cas $10, CD $15 * [no arrangers' credits, Great CD] "Diamond Cuts", cas $10, CD $15 * [HM] [also great, Jeanne loves it] order: Marquis, 5738 Saddleridge Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247 (10/95 Harmonizer) Marquis, 5738 Saddleridge Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247 S&H $2 per order, 513/923-9457 HM, Harmonizer, PAC alternate internet ordering address? 1320 Vista Ridge Drive, Miamisburg, OH 45342 2/98: Paul Gilman at or Jay Hawkins - Bass / MARQUIS MARQUIS652@AOL.COM 8/97: order 'Diamond Cuts', send a check (payable to Marquis) to: Paul Gilman, 5738 Saddleridge Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247 CD $15, Cas $10, $2 S&H per order, same for 1st recording, The Masters of Harmony, "Caroling! Caroling!", cas $10, CD $15 * [. Low note fans should check out the LOW A on the last chord of "Silent Night" on the MOH Christmas recording. It's real; we had 4 or 5 men who could actually do it and another 6 or 7 with a convincing "fry" version.] "Masterpiece", $10, CD $15 * "Showtime", cas $10, CD $15 * order Foothill Cities Chapter, SPEBSQSA, Russ Johnson, 9201 Gaymont Ave., Downey, CA 90240, S&H $2.50 per order, Visa M/C, 310/928-2426 [service is quite a bit faster than from Kenosha and I suspect they get a greater percentage of the cut, too] (12/94 Harmonizer) "California Gold Rush", PAC 5123, CD $14.98 *, cas $9.98 P.O. Box 3342, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 [Gold Rush is Awesome!] [old: order Foothill Cities Chapter, SPEBSQSA , %Lance Trossevin, 14024 Oxford Street, Fontana, CA 92336 $14.94 + $2.00 S&H D. Bowen list referral: Contact Russ Johnson, 9201 Gaymont Ave., Downey, CA 90240, [hm] (310)928-2426, [wk](310)615-5717. (see lists 1,2,3,4,5,8) ] now, payable to Masters of Harmony , Mark Freedkin , 3 Muir , Irvine, CA 92620-3374 , or call 888/MOH-TUNE , foreign? mark check or money order U.S. funds and add another $1 for S&H. "Christmas Eve In Our Hometown", CD * Harmony Marketplace ; - MOH hotline 888/MOH-TUNE Matrix, "Virtual Reality", CD * HM Portland; "Time after Time", CD * Tel: Blackpool 01253 349155 or Max-Q, "Discovery", CD * , Greg Clancy at McKinley St. Function, "Other People's Music", CD * Michael Russo, 337/962-4612, 412 W. University Ste. 204, Lafayette, LA 70506 Melo-Edge, "Purely Regal", CD $?? * [Ft.L.] order per CD: Donna Bates, 1852 Somerfield Lane, Crystal Lakes, IL 60014, 815/356-9047 [& see 5 & 6] - 1983 Queens [see also Jubilation for joint album] "Potpourri", cas * [MAC] liner notes: Janell Lynch , 605 N. Chestnut, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 [jb: Melo-Edge - Donna Bates, 1852 Somerfield Ln, Crystal Lake IL 60014] [order from Giallombardo?] Melodeers Chorus, "Full Tilt" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 $3 outside US "High Energy" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 [includes incomparable "Hungarian Rhapsody of Love"] "Just Jump" video $20 [posting 11/16/94: The Melodeers, c/o Corinne Catencamp, 1126 East Algonquin Road #3G, Schaumburg, IL 60173 ] [S&H now $2.50 per item, order: P.O. Box 2112, Northbrook, Ill 60065, not 62] Visa-M/C 1-800/ACA-PLLA 800/222-7552 [was?} [see list #7] [Marti 2/99: ADD: "It's a Wrap", Christmas CD * "Mission Accomplished" Tape $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 US, $3.50 outside US ] "Melodeer Magic", CD * 800/ACA-PLLA , MAC [to order] Metropolis, "Aural Hygiene", CD $15 * , Metropolis c/o Brian Philbin , 104 N. Helberta Avenue #4 , Redondo Beach, CA 90277-3122 , (310) 376-7524 cas later, S&H $2.50 Visa M/C. METROPOLIS, c/o Brian Philbin, 104 N. Helberta Ave., #4, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-3122 Michigan Jake, "for the Record", CD * P.O. Box 564, Louisville, KY 40201 "How rhythm was born", CD * Mid States Four , "Reminiscing with the MID STATES FOUR", cas ?, CD $15 * [SLC HM table] Mid States Productions, 317 Poorman Creek Road, Twisp, WA 98856-9732 mail order, cas $11, CD $17 [also list #2] "You can order the CD from me & the AIC Marketplace! $15 plus $2.50 S&H. Send order to Holly Beck 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019. VISA AMEX MC. Midwest Vocal Express, "New Orleans Decoupage", CD * P.O. Box 543, Greendale, WI 53129 262/392-9508 888/240-4426 Mile High Chorus, "Sound of the Rockies", CD * P.O. Box 22424, Denver, CO 80222 - Millenium, "Millenium", CD * Amazing "ring" from this young quartet. Wow! Mirage, "I Can Dream", cas, $10.00 CDN/$8 U.S. * $2 CDN/$1 U.S. S&H , cheque or money order payable to: Mirage , c/o Brian Etmanski , 14 Tecumseh Drive , North Bay, Ontario P1A 2S1 705/474-2086 The Mission Valley Chorus, "In the Mission Valley Mood", cas, CD * [I find myself playing "In The Mood" and "That Cat Is High" over and over and over...; Jeanne: "Glenn Miller would have been proud!"] "Prices are discounted since the recording is several years old" [discounted!?! It's a Steal!!] order check to Mission Valley Chorus, P.O.Box 2153, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 [Table at Mission Valley Show]; 6/97 CD $12, cas $7, prices include S&H email to , Kim at ; as of 9/9/98, cas $10, CD $15, plus 8.25 percent sales tax, Calif only, S&H $2.50 per order (outside USA, $7.50) "Home for the Holidays", cas $10, CD $15 * Kim Orloff & MHBQA korloff@IX.NETCOM.COM plus 8.25 percent sales tax if Calif, S&H $2.50 (outside USA, $7.50), check payable to Mission Valley Chorus, P.O. Box 2153, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 or Mixed Metafour, #1: "So Here Is Our Love Song", cas $10 * #2: "Sentimental Journey", cas $10 * #3: "Mixed Memories", cas $10 * #4: "Mixed Metafour Sings Barbershop to Broadway", cas $10 * ad in 08/95 Westunes, Mixed Metafour, P.O. Box 1209, Aptos, CA 95001 408/688-0909 S&H $1 per ??? email: Kim & Jerry at orloffs\ Word of mouth, Internet Most Happy Fellows, "Most Happy Fellows", AIC Masterworks CD * HM Portland - Pr Brian Beck Ms. Behavin', "Who's That Ms. Behavin'?", CD * Music Central, "Goin' Home", CD * table at Anaheim - Exceptional choral CD! "Central City" Chapter, Oklahoma City, which would be or , [link fails] or Musician's Choice, "With a Smile and a Song", cas $10 * at the FWD barbershopper's shop probably available by mail from Craig Ewing (see Rhythm & Rhyme) National Recording Corp., "Fifteen Barbershop Favorites", CD * JCD-1037 National Recording Corp., Rome, GA 30162 706/234-4864 Cut #14, "you heard it right, our name is really Fred...." The Naturals, "The Naturals Quartet", CD * [SWD barbershopppers shop, no ordering info on CD] This is a very fine CD! The New Mexi-Chords, "It's Christmas All Over Town", $15 CD *, $10 cas Lloyd Irwin , The Albuquerque Chapter Chorus "Barbershop Tonight", Taped live at KNME-TV5 - CD $15 * Special: Order both CDs for $25. To order (505) 242-4451, or email Lloyd Irwin at [ web page addr/CD addr: The New Mexi-chords, P.O.Box 22076, Albuquerque, NM 87154-2076 , Ken Kvam, ][ 8/99, bought from Oz Wehlander, 3709 Monaco Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 both for $25, $2 S&H per order] New Tradition, "Magical History Tour (Sgt Pepler's Homely Tarts Pub Band)", 5212 CDs 24.98 * [PAC] Stereo Double Compact Disc Re-Release Featuring both of TNT's Classic Albums ("Dynamite" & "Clowning Around") plus one hour of never before released material, containing 2 Hours of TNT Music and Routines, Classic Cover Art, and Pictorial History Book, limited edition $25.00 $3 S&H per unit The New Tradition, c/o Dan Jordan, 1805 N. Verdugo Road #1 , Glendale, CA 91208-2670 818/240-4TNT check payable to: A.S.V.S - Visa, Mastercard, [No!] AMEX accepted. Bobbyg1031@AOL.COM, New Tradition Chorus, "Silver Linings", cas $10, CD $15 * "Holiday Treasures", cas $10 * "It's A Good Day", cas $10 "Decade of Harmony", cas $10, CD $15 * "Let There Be Peace On Earth", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.00 per order, U.S.Funds only, Visa/M-C, New Tradition Recordings, P.O. Box 2235, Northbrook, Il 60065 1-800/746-9246 (2/98 Harmonizer) Web page , payable to "Northbrook Chapter" "Broadway", CD * "A Holiday Tradition", CD * "America", CD * "Sentimental Journey", CD * Harmony Marketplace ; 1-800-SHOWCHORUS Night Magic, "A Little Night Magic", CD * Barb Carfolite, P.O.Box 161, Paulsboro, NJ 08066-0161 , MAC Nightlife, "Songs at Twilight", CD * "Basin Street Blues", CD * Ad in 08/85 Westunes: order 2802 West 145th St., Gardena, CA 90249 310/327-3788 Visa M/C S&H $2.50 per ??, + $1 for foreign orders, U.S. Funds, 10/95 Harmonizer, Rob Menaker, that address; see MOH 12/96 ad Table at BAM show/table at Sacto Mid-winter, email: ? BossStreet@AOL.COM (Jeff Baker) ? NIGHTLIFEQ@AOL.COM (Jeff Baker) ? 7/99: Rob Menaker ? (Baker, Jeff), (Menaker, Rob), (Sasine, John), order from HTTP://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/HOLLYWOOD/4620/ per now ? "Blues in the Night", CD * Nightwatch, "Songs We Almost Learned", CD * North Metro Chorus, "North Metro Presents", cas * [MAC] 32 Arthur Drive; Ajax, Ontario CANADA L15 2Z2 cas $10 S&H $3 [HI] "Susan C. Wright" swright@OHT.HYDRO.ON.CA ? " please make cheque payable to "North Metro Chorus" and mail to: NORTH METRO SWEET ADELINES, P.O.Box 87658, 300 John Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada , L3T 7R4, S&H $3 per order ] [SAI or HI ?] [Toronto] Northern Lights, "Do You Hear the People Sing?", CD * Harmony Marketplace; 107 Goodman Dr., Oshawa ON., L1J 8H3 "Brother Can You Spare A Dime?", CD * HM Portland The (Bellevue) Northwest Sound Chorus, "Act I, The Start of Something" (1987), cas $10 * "Live at The 5th Avenue (1989)", cas $10 * (also features Northwest Spirit, Easy Street and Vocal Attraction) order from "Kendall Williams", 12054 NE 137th Ct, Kirkland, WA 98034-212254, 206/820-1035. S&H $2 (each? per order?) [old addr on Act cas: Northwest Sound Records, 15127 NE 24 Ste. 308, Redmond, WA 98052 - Live: Burt Staffen/Northwest Sound Records 206/883-3311 or Dick Swanson, 206/746-3999] The Northwest Spirit, "Catch The Spirit!", cas * "Especially For You, cas * [MAC] Chuck Landback, 206/226-4663, 20809 S.E. 123rd, Issaquah, WA 98027 OK Chorale, "OK Chorale - I ", cas $10 * 1983? "The address on the box is OK Chorale; PO BOX 95874; Oklahoma City, OK 73143." "...and has the Okie Medley (which I love) and eight other songs on it. (including another favorite "If They String Me Up I'll Never Live It Down") " "Dan Griffin" 30 Dec 1998 have three tapes. "Heavenly Harmony", cas $10 * (southern gospel) address on tape, The OK Chorale, P.O. Box 1702, Bethany, OK 73008 1-405/848-SING "OK Chorale Christmas", cas $10 * address on tape, The OK Chorale, 5421 N.W. 66th, Oklahoma City, OK 73132 "OK Chorale - II ", cas $10 * We've been getting $10.00. No idea on shipping, but it couldn't be bad. [2/6/99 call from Bruce Love, all 4 tapes $40 w/S&H waived, else S&H varies and may be $1 per item or per shipment, he's checking, check to OK Chorale, c/o Bruce Love, 2501 Randolph Rd., Edmond, OK 73013 ] OK City, "Timeless", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $1 (per item?), order, check or credit card number to: Jim Massey - Director, 3201 Glenvalley Drive, Midwest City, OK 73110, (405) 737-5139 e-mail to order email or call (405) 720-SING. Visa-M/C Old Spice, "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!", CD * [HM] One More Time, "All Together Now, One More Time", $10 cas, $15 CD * 1992 International Seniors Quartet Campions order: P.O. Box 540275 N.SLC, UT. 84054, S&H Included in prices email Teresa Christensen, Milty's wife!! (lead) return addr on pkg Jim Wheeler - One More Time, 6547 Canyon Ranch Rd., Salt Lake City, UT 84121 , bus card 801/262-4306 liner 801/649-9252 Orange Empire Chorus (Fullerton, Calif., Chapter), "Orange Empire Chorus Strikes Back!", CD * "Christmas Surprise", CD * "Keep The Whole World Singing", cas * Bakersfield; Art Clayton, 714/871-7675 Oriole Four, Masterwork Series, SPEBSQSA #2982 cas $10, 2983 CD $15 * [Wow! Power and precision!] The AIC 25th anniversary collection of the Oriole Four. [hbeck: The Oriole Four Masterworks Series - remastered and produced by the AIC - 22 songs on CD ($15) or cassette ($10). All of these recordings are or will be available by contacting me at 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019, or Email - Holly Beck ] Also, HM The Orphans, AIC Masterworks, CD * Over Time, "Celebrate with Over Time", CD * Mel Knight, 14897 SW Osprey Ct., Beaverton, OR 97007-8618 503/590-1646 Panache, "Sweet Adeline", cas, CD $15 * [Table at BAM show] "XXOO", cas, CD $15 * [top-notch production team] [Table at BAM show] "Because It's Christmas" cas $10 CD $15 * [Ft.L.] "The Curtain Falls", 5525, $14.98 * [PAC] Address on CDs, (Sally Briner), 8095 Kendra Court, Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714/282-1610 1994 SAI Champs "4 best friends, 10 magical years", CD * [very fine CD!] CDs Gerry Papageorge, 1661 Brookdale, La Habra, CA 90631 562/691-4072 MAC Park Avenue, "Down On The Corner", CD * see Impulse/Park Avenue, above PBS, "Can't Stop Singing", 1998 Atlanta International Convention, CD * PBS Records, 3300 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505-4694, liner marked "For promotional use only. Sale or other transfer is prohibited. Must be returned on demand of recording company.", purchased through eBay. Einar N. Pedersen [anthology], "Down Memory Lane", CD * "Original Barbershop Songs written by Einar N. Pedersen" Enar Pedersen, 6320 Clara Street, New Orleans, LA 70118-6360 504/861-3382 The Perfect Gentlemen, "Beside Ourselves", CD, $15 * [eBay] c/o Dan Jordan, 1805 N. Verdugo Rd. #1, Glendale, CA 91208-2670 liner: 818/244-4361 fax 818/507-4329 "!", cas $10, CD $15 * $2 S&H ($3.50 foreign), payable to GEMS, c/o Dan Jordan, P.O. Box 1031, Montrose, CA 91201-1031 "4 Beers & 10 Tags", CD * , $15 & 2.50 S&H to ASVS Productions, [artist rep: Global Entertainment Management Services (div of ASVS)], P.O. Box 1031, Montrose, CA 91021-1031 818/244-4361 818/240-4868 cell 818/970-8691 PhilHarmonix, "Lazy Day", CD * Recordings: c/o 102 Partridge Way, Landenberg, PA 19350 Bookings: c/o 204 Hillsboro Mills Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086 610/874-9159 MAC Phish, Their latest album "Slip Stitch and Pass" , CD * was recorded at a concert in Munich, Germany. ...and the barbershop quartet favorite (turned Michigan J. Frog theme song), "Hello, My Baby." per Allan Webb awebb@QUALCOMM.COM - very minimal bbshop The Phoenicians, "A Championship Affair: Happy Birthday Phoenicians" cas 2965 CD $15 * with "Remember When" and "The Knudsen Brothers" w/The Arizona State University Orchestra, "Barbershop Harmony With Strings Attached", cas, CD * w/BABS' Hallmark of Harmony, "You Ain't Heard Nuthin' Yet!", CD * The Phoenician Phan Club, P.O. Box 62091, Phoenix, Arizona 85008 602/947-SING, but lately, order: Don Richardson, 346 W. El Camino Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021-5525 602/943-5955 $2 S&H per item (per order 5/97 list #2). email: web page now Phoenicians Records , c/o Bill Williams , P.O. Box 186 , Avondale, AZ 85323 USA , foreign? mark U.S. Funds & add $1 per item "Our Love Is Here To Stay", CD * zip for Box 62091 now 85082 ?, 480/947-SING Pine Barons Chorus, "Golden Sounds", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2 per ???, order to: Pine Barons Chorus, PO Box 417, Moorestown, NJ, 08057 , George Rau gcrau@JUNO.COM liner contact: Chuck Edgerton, 107 Chelton Parkway, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 609/667-3610 The Pittsburghers (and Joker's Wild), "The Pittsburghers", cas $10, CD $15 * $2 S&H per item, checks, money orders or charge card info (name, account and expiration) to: Pittsburghers Album, 9248 Woodcrest Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Platinum, "Be Our Guest", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50, or free if postmarked by 7/31/99, Platinum, P.O. Box 2111, Windermere, FL 34786 "Auld Lang Syne", CD * , Pot O' Gold Chorus [Bay Area Metro], "It's A Good Day!", cas $10, CD $15 * [great rendition of "This Is All I Ask], order old: "Bay Area Metro", old: Allen Jaeger, CD and Tapes Sales, 6811 Sodalite Street, El Dorado, CA 95623 S&H $2.50 "Season's Greetings from the Pot O' Gold Chorus", CD $15 * new: Ed Spring, 6074 Donna Court No. ?, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 - web page now check payable to Bay Area Metro, Pot O'Gold Chorus CD & Tape Sales, c/o Brian Dexter, 1700 Halford Ave. #213, Santa Clara, CA 95051 510/443-SING Power Play, "The Best Times", cas [sold out], CD * [MAC] liner: Power Play Productions, 17300 Kings Brook Circle, Apt. 101, Clinton Township, MI 48038 ["Their contact man is Roger Anderson (R 810/790-1722; B 313/343-7096.) Jack Slamka (their bass) is now serving as the Director of the Macomb Chapter"] Roger Anderson, 36746 Harper #208, Clinton Township, MI 48035; "A Musical Scrapbook", cas $10, CD $15 * ~==[ordered] "Michael Slamka, Macomb, Power Play" LIVE4SHOP@AOL.COM e-mail at LIVE4SHOP@AOL.COM, check/M/O to Power Play, 2259 Reeves Rd., Riley Township, MI, 48041. S&H $2.00 credit card orders call (810)326-0620 or better yet 800/781-7277 which is their manufacturer with web page at , , lots of classic & dixieland jazz titles too [I recognize a lot of the bands from the Sacramento Jazz Festival] - their online catalog requires you to use "Shockwave", there's a button for a free download of it, which is a really nifty AV player, and with it they highlight each album in their catalog and allow you to play a clip from it. Check it out. Manufacturer's address, Ivory Music Productions, 2080 E. Karen #858, Las Vegas, NV 89109, 702/737-1725 old? addr in Scrapbook, Power Play, 1582 Hillcrest Ct. , St. Clair, MI 48079 same phone # "Love at Home", CD * 1582 Hillcrest Ct., St. Clair, MI 48079 810/326-0620 Pride of Baltimore Chorus, "Bursting with Pride", CD * , MAC The Pride of Toledo Chorus, First Recording, cas $10, CD $15 * [Featuring The Ritz ] Order, Pride of Toledo Chorus, 5640 St. Anthony Rd., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 S&H $2 Primarily A Cappella, "Barbershop's Best!", CD * 1-800/SING-181 P.O.Box D, San Anselmo, CA 94979 "The Primarily A Cappella Records Sampler", CD * "Sweet Adelines' Best", CD * Prime Cut , "Beef Country" , CD $12 * S&h $2 per item, order to Prime Cut, 1406C Church St., Decatur, GA 30030 Mark Lamback Mark_Lamback@EMORY.ORG 2/99 1998 MBNA Collegiate Quartet Champions, ordering info & more on web site: 404/377-2262 Table at Anaheim Prime Time, "Once In A Life Time", CD * $15 which includes shipping, check to PrimeTime, 6960 Coral Rock Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89108 , Larry Halvorson, , Lead PrimeTime 1994 LOL Champs The Proud Image Chorus, "Champions On The Move", cas $7 * $7.00 US, S&H Included in the continental U.S.,Order call (319) 235-4481, Write to The Proud Image , 314 Julie Court , Waterloo, IA 50702 or e-mail to Bleadorn@Forbin.Com (Black Hawk Metro Chapter) [1/99 return addr on mailer, The Proud Image, Tim Bleadorn, 112 2nd Ave. N.E., Waverly, IA 50677-2606] [liner notes 1841 Plymouth Ave., Waterloo, IA 50702 obsolete?] Q, "Q: The First Year", CD * QCED (Quartet Champions of the Evergreen District), "Showtime at Seaside" (1995), cas ? $10 * QCED Chorus, plus Ten Evergreen District quartet champs: The Edge, Milky Way, Four Cheers, Easy Street, Seattle Sound, Vocal Attraction, Northwest Spirit, Harmonic Tremors, Cascade Connection, Most Happy Fellows, plus The Aliens, proceeds to QCED. order: Bob Swanson, 2526 N.E. 131st, Portland, OR 97230 S&H $2 Bob Swanson, or Bob and Carol, or, Paul Tomacich, 10914 165th Place. N.E., Redmond, WA 98052-2758 (Evergreen District Barbershoppers' Shop). Quartz Precision, "Premiere", cas $8 * "The Great Race", cas $10, CD $15 * ["(BABS) Quartet winning gold after High Time. Seem to remember seeing their recordings still in stock in the BABS shop, so may be in luck there. The quartet are no more, with various members singing elsewhere now. Including the bass, Graham Smith, now singing with the 'Dallas Knights' in good 'ol Texas. He left the UK to work there, simply as he wanted to sing with the VM. First member of a BABS to win a Gold chorus medal, whilst still being in the UK! (He used to fly out onece a month to rehersals!)"] order, Graham Smith, 3769 Waterford Drive, Dallas, TX 75244 "I'll pick up the postage. Thanks again." email: Graham Smith: Radio Times, "Weet Je Nog Wel...?", CD * booth Portland; Ramapo Valley Chorus, "It's Showtime!", cas $10 * "A Travelin' Music Show", cas $10 * "A Gift of Love" (Christmas), re-recorded with full chorus in 1993, cas $10 * "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round", cas $10, CD $15 * "That's... Showbiz!, video $20 order: Ramapo Valley Chorus, PO Box 96, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446 S&H $1 per cassette or CD, $3.50 for the video, now S&H $2 per tape or CD, $3 per video , email: Sue Gordon [see list #7] "45 Minutes From Broadway", CD * booth Portland; Renee Craig, 201/327-8528 Razzcals, "RRRRRaZZcals", CD * , MAC The Regents, CD * AIC Masterworks Series, table in Anaheim Rendezvous, "Rendezvous", CD * 800/631-8550 MAC Reprise, "Reprise", CD * [??] "Then Sings My Soul", CD * booth Portland "tis the Season", CD * Reveille, "Blowing Our Own Horn", CD * Revival, "REVIVAL", CD's $15 cas $10 * S&H $2.50 per order (US Funds, CA residents add 7.75% sales tax), Check-M/O payable to "REVIVAL", Credit Card VISA M/C AmEx Discover , including on-line marketplace MAC PAC HM [addr on CD: 15353 Sandhill Road, Poway, CA 92064 619/624-9500 x318 ] 8/99: Revival, 9779 San Diego Street, Spring Valley, CA 91977 619/472-5049 fax 619/624-9525 Rhythm & Rhyme, "What a Sound" cas $10 * (from Craig at FWD Mini-HEP) [definitive "Scotch & Soda" rendition] Ad in 08/85 Westunes: Craig Ewing, 7297 Chaerokee Cir., Buena Park, CA 90620 714/521-8221 (keep trying) Rhythmix, "What a Ride!", CD * 612 Thompson Drive, Coppell, Texas 75019 972/393-0266 RichTones, "Footloose", 5109, cas $10 CD, $15 * The Rich-Tone Chorus, Inc., P.O.Box 832978, Richardson, TX 75083-2978 214 [now 972]/234-6065, [ & PAC] "One Of A Kind", cas $10 * [to Deb], CD $15 * "Turnin' Up The Heat", cas $10 * [to Deb], CD $15 * "Unwrapped", cas $10, CD $15 * "Sweet Adelines International 50th Anniversary Commemorative" 1995, cas $2 CDs $2 * [prices per 3/99 order blank] S&H $2 per order to $15, $4 thereafter, The Rich-Tones, P.O. Box 832978, Richardson, TX 75083-2978, 1800/711-3627 (972) 234-6065 "Take 3", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2 ($3 outside U.S.) , MAC "A 'Live' and Swingin", CD * Rich-Tones & Opus IV, with the Brian Beck Trio - Opus IV a saxaphone QT MAC "Wrapped Up in the Holidays", CD * MAC Riptide, "Riptide...Live!", Cas $10, CD $15 * U.S. Funds, S&H $2 (outside U.S. $3.00), Mary Selano Singmls@AOL.COM, 1/27/99 ...Dixie District Quartet Champions and 1998 22nd place orders to Riptide, P.O. Box 419, Dallas, GA 30132 770/443-7298 "Wonderful World" The Ritz, "The Ritz Anthology" [includes the following 4], cas $33, CD $49 * "The Ritz Swingin' On A Star", cas $10, CD $15 [*] "Old Songs are Just Like Old Friends", cas $10, CD $15 [*] "I'm Beginning To See The Light", cas $10, CD $15 [*] "The Ritz on Moonlight Bay", cas $10, CD $15 [*] "The Ritz", cas $10 * "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", cas $10, CD $15 * [Ft.L.] "Rare Times", cas $10, CD $15 * [FWD barbershopper's shop] order, The Ritz, Ritz Recordings, 215 North Auglaize, Box 126, Oakwood, OH, 45873, S&H $2 per order, Visa or M/C, by phone 1-800/555-2324 (Ritz Recordings at 419/594-2216 ?) email: Doug 'Nic' Nichol, was, is, Doug 'Nic' Nichol, 6640 Salisbury Road, #309, Maumee, OH 43537-9606, Phone & FAX 419/865-1131 [Some overlap on selection? Same mixes?] The Ritz Recordings Internet Shop, , securely while on line by check or credit card (Master Card or Visa), with a secure connection by way of Netscape version 3 or higher or MS Internet Explorer 3. Ken Stevens, AIC 1999 Show program: The Ritz, 3142 Kenwood Blvd., Toledo, OH 43606 1-800/555-2324 "Puttin On the Ritz", Interactive CD * HM Portland; Ben Ayling, 524 Overlook Drive, Kent, OH 44240-5827 Road Show, "Road Show", CD * Mike Maino, 88 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02906 401/331-6156 MAC Rumors, "Rumors Confirmed - Something To Talk About", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per ?? contact: Peggy Barnes, Rumors, #9 Riverwood Place, Maumelle, Arkansas 72113 , Peggy Barnes Peggy: Rumors tapes and CD's are available now through me! Top of the Rock CD's & Tapes are also available. Same pricing. If you order both, no extra shipping required. "Rumors Are Flying", CD * MAC "Caught In the Act", CD * 15 Club Manor Drive, Maumelle, AR 72113 , MAC Rural Route 4, "My Life, My Love, My Song", cas $10 *, CD $15 [SLC HM table] "Friends and Relatives", LP $5, cas $8 * [SLC HM table] "Saturday Night, Sunday Morning" cas * [Indy HM] order: rural Route 4, 8714 E. 57th Terrace, K.C., MO 64129 S&H $2 per order (Harmonizer 06/92) "Friends and Relatives", CD * St. Louis Harmony Chorus: "Voices" CD * $15 "Hooray for Hollywood" - CD $15 St. Louis Harmony Chorus , 7301 Watson Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63119 , S&H $2 per order; recording info: (order form available at that address; or online ordering via PayPal). Contact: Carole Prietto ( or "Harmonize the Holidays", $10 cas, $15 CD * [out of stock?] Salem Square, "The Gift of Song", CD * [NM] Salem Square, P.O. Box 711, Kernersville, NC 27285-0711 The San Diego Chorus, "The Sound of San Diego" Tape $12.50 * CD $17.50 [CD sold out] (S&H included) San Diego Chorus; Attn: Recordings; P.O. Box 86606; San Diego, CA 92138-6606 [web page, sez cas $10, CD $12 S&H $2.50 per ???] "In The San Diego Style...", CD * MAC Saturday Evening Post, "1st Edition", CD * Non-AIC booth Anaheim, , Saturday Evening Post Quartet, 14701 E. Colfax Ave. #F-110, Aurora, Colorado 80011 "2nd Edition", CD * 2910 N. Powers Blvd. PMB 157, Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Schmitt Brothers, "Greatest Hits", CD $15 * [SLC HM table] Jim Schmitt at SBQ Records, 2833 34th Street, Two Rivers WI 54241-1517 ""Live" at Home"/"Best of 35 Years", cas * Best of 35 Years, LP $8 [, cas *] [2 LP CD, ordered] Live/At Home, LP $8 [, cas *] 10/86 ad J.R.S. Brothers Inc., P.O. Box 255, Two Rivers Wi 54241 414/794-7960, Visa M/C S&H $2 , address = double casset liner "The Schmitt Brothers", CD * Jim Schmitt, 8635 Beech Road, Two Rivers, WI 54241 The Scottsdale Chorus, "AnySwing Goes!", CD * The Scottsdale Chorus, P.O. Box 9370, Scottscale AZ 85252-9370 , MAC Seattle Sound, "Trouble", CD $15 * (cassettes sold out) "Makin' Whoopee", CD $15 * [wow! You MUST buy this CD, especially if you are a bass. Great bass line throughout, but on #5, "It Was Almost Like A Song", Tom hits a low b-flat, which Jeanne's (Mrs. B.) touted Chrysler Infinity sound system won't even pick up it's so low! Jeanne was listening to her old favorites on this CD spiced up with jazz and barbershop licks, and dreamily said, "It's almost mystical".] Seattle Sound, Attn: Neal Booth, 1500 Westlake Ave. N., Suite #102, Seattle WA 98109 206/850-8048 800/828-2446 S&H $2 email: Bobby Gray of TNT, and now Seattle Sound: (email may now be The Shalimars, "Sounds of the Shalimars", cas $10 * (Digitally Improved - and remastered) "Shalimars Sing Sacred", cas $10 * Produced in '94 (A collection of familiar and well loved hymns) S&H $2.00 per order, check/money order, The Shalimars, c/o Ruby Rhea 72-670 Lotus Court, Palm Desert, CA 92260, old: (619) 346-7323 email: , Ruby Rhea, Tenor "The Best of the Shalimars", CD $15* 760/346-7323 - S&H $2.50 each Sharper Image, "First Impressions", CD * 1998 (?) ILL Dist quartet champs,, 847/501-4535, $15 CD + $2 S&H, 1707 W 183rd St, Homewood, IL 60430, cash/check payment made out to Sharper Image. Visa/Mc/Disc will be forthcoming. The Sheffield Barbershop Harmony Club, "The Best of Barbershop", cas, CD * [MAC] EMI CD-MFP 5944 BIEM/MCPS Made in the UK, Hallmark of Harmony 0742-484664 [also, Black Star 3.99 [pounds, I think]] Shine, "A Melody in Your Heart", CD * 253/841-1115 Showtime: [wow!!], "Gonna Build a Mountain", cas, CD * "Our Greatest Hits ... So Far!", CD * [Ft.L.] "Taking Charge", CD * [Ft.L.] (1994 SAI International champs) "The address I have for Showtime is 2709 Lakeville Dr., Tampa, FL 33618-1101", per David Knox, [& see lists #7 & 8] and per CD liner, 813/968-4737 List 7 sez S&H $2 Side Street Ramblers, "Seems Like Yesterday", LP $8, cas $8 * "Side Street Ramblers", LP $8, cas $8 * order: Side Street Ramblers, 3512 Piedmont Drive, Plano, Texas 75075 S&H $1 per item. This address is a decade old. These 2 cassettes were purchased new for me at the SWD Convention 10/97, possibly in the SWD shop. "Encore!", CD * MAC The Sidewinders, "Here's Barbershop - and Then Some", cas * "The Sidewinders", cas * "Sunrise - Sunset", cas * Re-releases with extra cuts not on the originals. [SLC HM table] order Jerry Fairchild, 671 W. Cypress, Redlands, CA 92373 714/792-8618 [area code probably 909 now] See list #9 for last ad, S&H $2 per order [same contact as "Good News"] Old address? 751 S. Magnolia Ave, Rialto, CA 92376. "The Sidewinders", AIC Masterworks CD * Signature Sound, "Caught In The Act", CD * (was Leslie Taylor 410/956-3018 ), MAC Lloyd Thomas, 2004 Dalewood Court, Crofton, MD 21114 410/451-4155 Singing Buckeyes, "Radio Daze", cas $10 * S&H $2 per order, Singing Buckeyes, 400 Dublin Avenue, Suite 250, Columbus, OH 43215 to order email "50th Anniversary", CD * Harmony Marketplace Graham Smith, "Just One Voice", cas * [MAC] "One Voice II", cas * [MAC] [ of the Dallas Knights, Graham Smith, 3769 Waterford Drive, Dallas, TX 75244 ? email: Graham Smith: and the BABS champs "Regency Pride" & "Quartz Precision"] Sterling notes, "Graham Smith Audio Productions", Richardson Texas, So Rare!, "Well Done! ...Now We're Cookin'", CD * booth Portland Song of Atlanta Show Chorus, "Cause For Applause", CD * 3954 Leeward Court, Duluth, GA 30096-5288 , MAC "Our Day Will Come", CD * MAC Soul Purpose, "Christmas Time Is Here", cas $10, [PAC] 5526 C14.98 * [Soul Purpose & Friends - see track list for Friends list] plus $1 for mailing, checks/money orders, released on Dec. 22, 1996. Make check/ m.o. payable to Jeff Liebknecht (our tenor and treasurer) and mail to me: Jim Botelle, 203 New Avenue, Reisterstown, Maryland 21136-1321. 31 Oct 1998 20:36:38 James Botelle released last December, CDs from PAC, cas from James, $1.50 per ??? for S&H, email him Sound Design, "Peel Me a Grape", CD * , MAC Sound Factory, "Sound Factory Favorites", CD * booking/info: Judy Rowell, 4510 Gregg Rd., Madison, Wis 53705 608/231-1821, Sound FX, "Wonderful World", CD * Pat Flynn 314/409-5156 , MAC Sound Legacy, "From The Edge", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H @ $2.00 per order, Sound Legacy , 1105 Steve's Court , Marshalltown, IA 50158 [return on shipping envelope: Sound Legacy, 1421 Sierra Dr. NE, #8 , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 ] [liner: Chris Johnson , 100 1st Ave. NE #2401 , Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 319/365-3492 , ] [ Randy Weir ] Sound of the Rockies, See Mile High Chorus The Sound Revival, "Moments to Remember", CD * HM Portland; 17 Jarvis Street, Pemberton, NJ 08068 609/894-8678 Soundproof, "What A Wonderful World", CD * Doug Minor 812/853-6585 , MAC Sounds Familiar, "Sounds Familiar", CD * , MAC Sounds of Aloha, "Barbershop Wears A Lei", PAC 5127, CD $14.98 * Sounds of Aloha Chours [sic], P.O. Box 1723, Aiea, Hawaii 96701 (12/95 Harmonizer:) Barbershop Wears a Lei, cas $10, CD $15 *, order Sounds of Aloha, P.O.Box 1723, Alea, Hawaii 96701, S&H $2 per order, (808) 488-3661 Soundwave, "When You Wish", cas $10 US/$13 Can, CD $13 US */$17 Canadian $2 S&H per order To order email to Anne Leinen [?] [HI] [26 Jan 99 aleinen ...$15.00 to me at: Anne Leinen, 8 Knollbrook West, Painted Post, New York 14870 , 607/962-4238 ] Southern Cross, "Southern Cross Down Under", cas * [MAC] Southern Cross Quartet , P.O.Box 29123 , Epsom , Auckland , New Zealand Southern Gateway Chorus, "Here Come The Tall Stacks!", 2945 cas $10 * [with "Southern Gateway Dixieland Band", bluegrass artist Katie Laur, dixieland "Blue Chip Jazz Band", bluegrass band "Ohio Valley Rounders", The Naturals, banjo picker John Hartford] "All the World and It's Gold!", featuring the Naturals, cas $10, CD $15 * (CD includes bonus track) [ and "Showboat", "East Side, West Side", and "Revolution" ] [FWD Barbershopper's Shop] [D. Bowen list] order: Southern Gateway Chorus, P.O. Box 1133, Cincinnati, OH 45201 S&H $1.50 per order. Visa M/C "Sounds of the Season", CD * Special Feature, "among my souvenirs" , cas $10, CD $15 * "70 years too late", cas $10 * "Street Sounds", cas $10, CD $15 * [these are among my very favorite.] order/make checks out to "Special Feature", and send to: SPECIAL FEATURE , P.O. Box 5751 , Reno, NV, 89513-5751, $2.00 S&H per item. Tables at Modesto Invitational 6/3/95, internet SF email: Raymond Davis , Jamie Arrington , Paul C. Olguin "Double Feature", CD * [souvenirs & 70 years, re-released] [nope, now that address points to "The Ultimate Search Engine"], MAC Stampede QT cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per item, CA residents 7.25% sales tax; from: Bridgecreek Studios , 4726 Bridgecreek Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 544-3116, fax (805) 594-1021 Standing Room Only, "SRO", cas $10, CD $15 * [buy this one too! Lou Perry, Ed Waesche, Fraser Brown.... but done Right!] ...a new one coming? Order, and Address on CD for recording/booking, Gary Steinkamp, 2953 E. Calavar, Phoenix, AZ 85032 or Joe (above). S&H $2 Gary Steinkamp email: SROTNR@AOL.COM , apparently was MannyTC@AOL.COM Russ Young, apparently was Fraser Brown gfraserb@AOL.COM Joe D'Amore, (table at Peninsulaire's show 05/20/95) Sterling, "Saturday Night", CD * Stockholm ChordMasters, "Many Faces", CD * , mathias Lundin, table in Anaheim Storm Front, "...Storm Watch...", CD * no contact info Studio One Quartet, "IN SESSION", CD $15 *, cas $10 S&H $2.50 per order (or per item with a $5 minimum if outside US), add 8% sales tax Washington residents, MC/VISA, Studio One Productions, P.O. Box 5955, Bellingham, WA. 98227-5955. fax 360/398-7181, Order From Our Web Page At , or now (?) http://www/ , M& or now (?) cr. card only, ? "The Barbershop Quartet Vol I", CD-ROM $29 * "The Barbershop Quartet Vol II", CD-ROM $29 * [or now apparently no longer separate, $49 for both together] Interactive multimedia CDs, most of the "Heritage of Harmony" songbook (Canadian copyright differences fouled up the rest of them), use to learn a part, work with the midi features & more. Same address, and , , , pgmusic is the [umbrella organization] for which Studio One did this project [?] ["Greg Smith" 21 Dec 1998 ...on our website. We will be selling it for $39. You can check it out at PG Music's site. ] The Sundowners, "Special 17 Song Collector's Edition", cas CD * [CD was defective, hole off center? won't play... ; Sundowners made it right. Great guys! ] Doug Smith, [old addr 1750 Patricia Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174 ] 108 So. 14th Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 630/377-7304 The Suntones, "Suntones", Masterworks Series, cas $10, CD $15 * [Ft.L} [hbeck: - remastered and produced by the AIC - 23 songs ...are or will be available by contacting me at 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell TX 75019, or Email - Holly Beck ] [$5 cheaper than HM catalog] "The Suntones, The Complete Works", vol. 1, cas $10, CD $15 * "A Touch Of Gold" & "Afterglow" 1 (1962-1966) "The Suntones, The Complete Works, Volume 2 (1967 - 1971)", CD * "Watch What Happens", "Somewhere" "The Suntones Complete Works, Volume 3 (1972), cas $10, CD $15 * [Ft.L.] "Keep America Singing", "A Touch of Old" "The Suntones, The Complete Works, Volume 4 (1973 - 1976)", CD * "Fiddler", "As Time Goes By" "The Suntones, The Complete Works, Volume 5 (1978 - 1982)", CD * "Where Is Love", "My Fair Lady" HM, Harmonizer ads; Acoustix Productions (Vol. series): N. American shipping add $2.50, Outside N. America add $5.00, Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax , Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Checks, Money Orders accepted, PHONE NUMBER REQUIRED FOR ALL ORDERS. Mail to: ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS, 10455 N. Central Expressway, Ste 109-128, Dallas, TX 75231-2211 USA, 214/265-STIX, FAX credit card orders to 214/265-9555, EMAIL: "a touch of Live", CD * c/o Bob Franklin, 520 Cypress Road, Vero Beach, FL 32963 772/234-7339 The SWD, "[ Five Decades of ] CHAMPIONS!". double CD $20 * 1999 is 50th anniversary, $4 S&H, Sales Tax of $1.65 if Texas. Credit cards.... 26 Feb 1999 Grady Kerr - Producer/SWD Historian , Order form, SWD Roundup Web Site at: offered through the SWD Barbershopper's Shop. SWD Barbershopper's Shop , 10438 Vinemont , Dallas, Texas 75218 , 214/320-1350 , Sally Cunningham , Swing Street, "Moving Violations", cas $10, CD $15 * "Street of Dreams", $10, CD $15 * order Swing Street, 4349 Yarmouth Crossing, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 S&H $2, 313/434-4563, or PAC [lists 2,3,7] "Swing Street", cas $10, CD $15 * [per Marti, 2/99, a new CD, was available in Nashville] maybe, order Swing Street, 4349 Yarmouth Crossing, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 [mail returned no fwd addr] S&H $2, 313/434-4563 & Mainly A Cappella? table at Anaheim. Swinglish Mix, "Live & Well, CD * Swingtime, "I'm Gonna Live 'Till I Die", cas * [MAC] liner: Swingtime , 7379-A Freeman Place , Goleta, CA 93117 Talk of the South, "Talk Is Cheap", cas $10 * including S&H Rick Word [], the baritone [a few left, If interested, send check (US dollars) to my buddy, "Handsome" Dave Philo, 2024 Eagle Glen Rd., Alpharetta, GA 30202 ] [30022 I think] 404/993-0550 Tapes, gift set from Dick Johnson of 10 albums: 1. Buffalo Bills, "Barbershop Best" "Barbershop Favorites" "Barbershop Gems" "Barbershop Battle", Buffalo Bills and The Confederates 2. Renegades, "Command Performance" "Curtain Call" 3. Nighthawks Autotowners 4. "Sweet Adelines" 1953 Champs 1954 Champs 1955 Medalists Cracker Jills, "East & West" Toast of Tampa Chorus, "New Kids on the Block", 94, cas $10, CD $15 * order: checks payable to Champagne Productions, 343 79th Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707 $2 S&H/$3 outside U.S. [Visa/MC ?] Randy Loos RandyL999@AOL.COM Top Of The Rock Chorus, "Our Name In Lights", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per ??? [Marti 2/99, from Peggy, to Top of the Rock, 1700 A&B General Samuels, Jacksonville, AR 72076 email: "CarolM" ] was ? Top Of the Rock Chorus, P.O. Box 4714, North Little Rock, Arkansas 72190 501/224-TOTR - Peggy Barnes (see Rumors) Tribute, "Makin' Whoopee and Other Stuff", CD * MAC Tulsa Tradition, "First Hello", cas * "Shenandoah--The Tradition Continues", CD * contact Tim Ambrose, 4554 South Louisville, Tulsa, OK 74135, On CD: 918/747-1643, fax 918/747-0224; On cas 918/747-4828 [SWD 'shop] Tuxedo Junction, "Tuxedo Junction", CD * , MAC Uptown Sound, "So, What's New?", CD * Non-AIC booth Anaheim, (888) UPTOWN1 , (888) 8786961 Uptown Sound Productions, 4770 Indianola, Suite 110, Columbus, OH 43214 the Vagabonds, "If Once More I Could Listen", CD * Louisville HM, 2004 Valley Forge Chorus, "Steppin' Out With the Stars" LP $8.00 S&H $1.00 Foreign $2.00 now, cas $10 S&H $2 * was, Dianne Reder; RD #1, Ebelhare Rd.; Pottstown, PA 19464 [Marti 2/99: Jean Sayler; 675 Hickory Lane; Berwyn, PA 19312 ] 4/85 "Pitch Pipe" ] Vaudeville, "A Collection of Favorites", CD * from recordings "Spotlight On Vaudeville" and "Ladies and Gentlemen, Vaudeville"; booth Portland The Village Vocal Chords, "The Village Vocal Chords", cas $10 * "Then and Now", cas $10 * S&H $2 per order, Village Vocal Chords [old , c/o Rose Scola, 3140 Maple Ave., Brookfield, IL 60513 (HI) [You may use my name, address, phone number and email address for... recordings from The Village Vocal Chords (I can pass the orders on to the current recordings chairman)...easier than changing the the name and address each time we change chairmen. Jacquie Jensen, 21 Scarlet Hawthorne Ct., Woodridge, IL 60517 (630) 969-3530 ] The Villagers, "New Again", cas $10 * [SLC WHJ table] Jacquie Jensen, 21 Scarlet Hawthorne Ct., Woodridge, IL 60517 (630) 969-3530 S&H? [mebbe $2 per order] HI Vienna-Falls Chorus, "Our Moment in Time" Tape $8 CD $10 * S&H $2 Vienna-Falls Chorus; P.O. Box 3292 [or 292 ?]; Merrifield, VA 22116, Atten: Patti Freeman. email: "Mary A. Haller" ] ["...Vienna-Falls released their second album back in 1989...." Claire Gardiner, Director, Vienna-Falls Chorus, Vintage Blend, "Time Was...", cas $10 * [advance copy], Brad Cole, Vintage Blend, 531 Main Street Suite 1164, El Segundo, CA 90245, Max DeZemplen 800/437-4718 $1 S&H Vintage Music Company, "May I never love again", CD * 1206 W. Maple Street, North Canton, OH 44720 330/966-3755 Vocal Majority, "Alleluia", [Awesome rendition of "The Little Drummer Boy"], CD * "Best of the Early Years", CD * "I'll Be Seeing You", CD * [Jeanne *really* likes Gene Puerling's "Stardust"] "The MUSIC never ends", cas $10 * , CD $15 [SLC VM table] [was to be "How Do You Keep The Music Playing", to be released 4/15/96] "The Secret of Christmas", CD * "For God, Country and You", CD * "Voices In Harmony", cas $10, CD $15 * w/Mormon Tabernacle Choir "How Sweet The Sound", CD * HM, PAC, Acoustix Production, Harmonizer ads, table at Bakersfield show, SWD 'shop.... The Vocal Majority, P.O. Box 29904, Dallas, TX 29904, 2,14/526-VMVM (8686), 1-800/VMSONGS "The Vocal Majority With Strings". CD * New VM with Strings Recording!!! Scott \"STRETCH\" Smith" stretch_smith@EMAIL.MSN.COM our website at with information about our latest recording, purchase our latest recording, along with other VM recordings, by calling 1-800/VMSONGS. all CDs $15 cas $10 secure on-line ordering. "White Christmas", CD * The Vocal Majority, P.O. Box 29904, Dallas, TX 75229 "Twelve Days of Christmas", CD * ; Harmony Marketplace "The Vocal Majority 20th Century Collection", CD set * ["Standing Room Only", Champs Back to Back", With a Song in Our Hearts", "Here's to the Winners", "From Texas With Love", "A Decade of Gold", "All the Best:, "For God, Country & You", "I'll Be Seeing You", "The Music Never Ends", "How Sweet the Sound", "The Vocal Majority with Strings", "The Secret of Christmas", "Alleluia", plus bonus tracks, plus all gold medal winning contest sets from 1975 - 1997 ] Harmony Marketplace "Freedom's Song", CD * Bakersfield; "Love Songs by Request", CD * HM The Vocal Majority Chorus, 5630 [err?] Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 301, Dallas, TX 75219-5201 [err?] 214/523-VMVM (8686), 1-800-VMSONGS "VM X", CD * "10 Gold Medal Contest Performances from SPEBSQSA International Chorus Competition" The Vocal Majority Chorus, Sammons Center for the Arts, 3630 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 301, Dallas, TX 75219-5201 "A Vocal Majority Christmas", DVD * "Voices In China", CD * booth Portland; $20 incl S&H ?, The Harmony Exchange, c/o Holly Beck, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, TX 75019 ; credit card from MAC "More Voices In China", CD * "Voices!, The Award-Winning Movie Soundtrack", CD * HM table at Anaheim; Seven Rays Pictures, Box 1920, Santa Monica, CA 90406 , 310/450-FILM Chaz "Daddy Warbucks" Weigel and His Tight Harmony Terpsichordians, "Barbershop Beauties-The Best Barbershop Quartets", CD * Dave Knox sez this is only remotely barbershop, and very disappointing. Found at UBL (Ultimate Band List Store), Compose: cat# 9606 CD $4.99 Barnes & Noble, , Chaz Weigel Performer, Donald Kasen Arranger , $4.32 ? [same track list as LPs Hill Top Four, Parker Brothers, and Coronet Barber Shop Favourites CXS 70] But See Peter Pan Records, , "Contact Us" button, "Product and Artist Submissions, Have a great idea for an item or project you think would be of interest to us? Are you an artist or producer looking for distribution or publishing for your music or video? If so, let us know by contacting the following category managers: Chuck Weigel , Lifestyle/New Age , toll free: 1-800/PETER47 (738-3747) PPI Entertainment, 88 Saint Francis St., Newark, NJ 07105" Weekend Edition, "Uncensored" ("Only In My Dreams"), cas $10, CD $15 * "Lonely At The Top", cas 10, CD 15 * also PAC #5531; S&H $2.50 Weekend Edition, Donna Kleinschmidt, 10 Inwood Ct., St. Peters, MO 63376-2613 , (314) 441-2864 ; booking Susan Martin, 314/391-9009, fax 314/391-9780, 617 Waterford Ridge Ct., St. Louis, MO 63021 West Towns Chorus, "This Is Christmas", HM 2946 cas $10 * with Reunited Quartet, The Agape Singers, The Glen Ellyn Childrens Chorus "Our Road To The Gold", 2948 cas $10, 2949 CD $15 * "The West Towns Chorus", HM 2947 cas $10 * The West Towns Chorus, Box 1387, Lombard, Illinois 60148 "Live at the Tivoli", CD * With QTs Alchemy & Skinkers; solo Ken Gillie; narr Bill Ward; flautist Cathy Lane, organist Karen Deegan, UMC of Downers Grove Westminster Handbell Ensemble and Chancel Handbell Choirs, Prairie Echoes, Oakbrook Brass Quintet; HM Portland The Westchester Chordsmen Chorus, "SING! SING! SING!", cas $#10, CD $15 * under the direction of Renee Craig , Orders to: Jerry Blum , 11 Brentwood Ave. , White Plains, NY 10605 , $2.50 per order S&H M-C/Visa [ Philip Richards pcr@SNET.NET ] Western Continentals, AIC Masterworks, cas CD * Table at Anaheim Western Union, "Captain of the Toy Brigade", cas $10 * featuring 1976 SAI Queens, "High Society" on one cut. Table at FWD convention Address shown in 08/95 Harmonizer & on the tape: Mike Lawton, Western Union 14353 Sandhill Rd., Poway, CA 92064 619/679-7032 email: Dave Garstang , Tenor, Western Union; Director, Rancho Bernardo Troubadours (see also "Grand Tradition" QT) The Freddy Williams Four, "Barbershop Favourites" £5.49 £3.99 * [prices are in Pounds Sterling] Black Star Black Star, 11 Ravenhill Road, Belfast BT68DN, Northern Ireland; 4: Freddy Williams, Lindsay Benson, Carey Wilson and Mike Pearne Wise Guys, "Wise Guys", CD * Witness, "Walk With God", CD * Yesteryear, "Let The Rest Of The World Go Buy!", CD $15 * order, Yesteryear, P.O. Box 142, Elyria, OH 44036 S&H $2 [SLC HM table] [also list #2] [ 10/94 Harmonizer: Rodney Nixon, 6020 Oberlin Rd., Amherst, OH 44001 216/233-5036 ] [ 10/95 Harmonizer: Mark Blake, 741 Yale Ave. #7, Mansfield, OH 44905-1569 419/589-2774 ] "Champions!", CD * FWD bbshoppers shop, & Elyra address.... SPEBSQSA, Intersound 3 CD / 3 cas Set, "The Best of Barbershop Quartets", CD * Time-Life Music, in their catalog. Order from 1-800/382-2348 24 hours a day. 3 cassettes Item #4836-4 $19.98 [now $24.98]; 3 CDs Item 4836-2 $29.98 plus S&H&tax. Since 1990, SPEBSQSA has licensed its contest recordings to a company called INTERSOUND, which re-packages them (under titles such as "OLD MILL STREAM" and "BEAUTIFUL DREAMER" and "LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG") and distributes them via retail, book-club and catalog channels. This year, INTERSOUND took the cream of the last six years' releases and combined them into "THE BEST OF THE BARBERSHOP," a three-disc set. Also, from Borders, D. Warwick, "The Best of Barbershop", the top quartets from 1990 to 1996 (3 CD set - $16.99). Columbia House web site and found the set listed for $40.98. Compact Disc Connection web site at A CD entitiled "Best of Barbershop" is listed with the same Intersound catalog number (1422) for $14.85 plus $3.50 shipping. Heartland Music, E. Parham Road, P. O. Box 85535, Richmond, VA 23285-5535, credit cards, 800/788-2400, same as above plus $3.98 S&H. Intersound, Released 07/29/97, Music Boulevard Catalog Number: 1422. "Media Play" store, $15. Music Boulevard $14.99 PAC Rogers & Webster, Box 4171, Dept. F290-PE, Huntington Station, NY 11746 F29-C 3 Cas $19.95 $3.00 S&H, F29-D 3 CDs $29.95 $3.00 P&H. CA & NY res add sales tax. VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER/AMEX Sams Club(Walmart) -(discount house) at $9.95. Ultimate Band List, $16.99 ? . "Wireless" catalog, 800/669-9999, 3 CDs 62185 $24.95, 3 cas 62186 $19.95. See also list #2. SPEBSQSA, 6315 Harmony Lane, Kenosha, WI 53143 800/876-SING annual top quartet/shows/Jamborees CDs or tapes: 2004 Top 22 Choruses, CD * 2004 Top 20 Quartets, CD * 2003 Top 21 Choruses, CD * 2003 Top 20 Quartets, CD * 2002 Top 21 Choruses, CD * 2002 Top 20 Quartets, CD * 2001 Top 21 Choruses, ---- cassette $-----, ---- CD $----- * 2001 Top 20 Quartets, ---- cas $-----, ---- CD $----- * 2000 Top 23 Choruses, ---- cassette $-----, ---- CD $----- * 2000 Top 20 Quartets, ---- cas $-----, ---- CD $----- * 1999 Top 23 Choruses, ---- cassette $-----, ---- CD $----- * 1999 Top 20 Quartets, ---- cas $-----, ---- CD $----- * 1998 Top 21 Choruses, 4643 cassette $11.95, 4646 CD $14.95 * 1998 Top 20 Quartets, 4642 cas $11.95, 4645 CD $14.95 * 1998 Association of International Champions, 4644 cas $9.95, 4647 CD $14.95 * 1997 Top 21 Choruses, 4637 cassette $11.95, 4640 CD $14.95 * [FWD barbershoppers' shop] 1997 Top 20 Quartets, 4636 cas $11.95, 4639 CD $14.95 * [PAC] Intersound repackaged as "Son of the Sea" * 1997 Association of International Champions, 4638 cas $9.95, 4641 CD $14.95 * [PAC] 1996 Top 20 Choruses, CD * 1996 Top 20 Quartets, HM 4630 cas $11.95, 4633 CD $14.95 * 1995 Top 20 Choruses, 4614 cassette $11.95, 4612 CD $14.95 * 1995 Top 20 Quartets, 4613 cas $11.95, 4611 CD $14.95 * Intersound repackaged as "Beautiful Dreamer" * 1995 Association of International Champions, 4615 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] [1994 SPEBSQSA Pittsburgh Top Twenty Choruses, cas *, N'Awlins list] 1994 Top 20 Choruses, cas * 1994 Top 20 Quartets, 4694 cas $11.95, 4697 CD $14.95 * Intersound repackaged as "Seems Like Old Times" * 1994 Association of International Champions, 4696 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1993 Top 20 Choruses, 4617 cas $11.95, HM 4620 CD $14.95 * 1993 Top 20 Quartets, 4616 cas $11.95, 4619 CD $14.95 * Intersound repackaged as "Love's Old Sweet Song" * 1993 Association of International Champions, 4618 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1992 Top 20 Choruses, HM 4607 cas $11.95, 4610 CD $14.95 * 1992 Top 20 Quartets, 4606 cas $11.95, 4609 CD $14.95 * Intersound, "Sweet Georgia Brown" * 1992 Association of International Champions, 4608 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1991 Top 17 Choruses, HM 4688 cas $11.95, 4831 CD $14.95 * 1991 Top 20 Quartets, 4687 cas $11.95, 4830 CD $14.95 * Intersound, "Old Mill Stream" * 1991 Association of International Champions, 4689 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1991 World Harmony Jamboree, 4811 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1990 Top 17 Choruses, HM 4907 cas $11.95, 4941 CD $14.95 * 1990 Top 20 Quartets, 4906 cas $11.95, 4940 CD $14.95 * Intersound, "Coney Island Baby" * 1990 International Show, 4908 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1989 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4677 cas $11.95, 4806 CD $14.95 * 1989 Top 20 Quartets, 4676 cas $11.95, 4805 CD $14.95 * 1989 Association of International Champions, 4678 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1988 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4870 cas $11.95, 4808 CD $14.95 * 1988 Top 20 Quartets, 4869 cas $11.95, 4803 CD $14.95 * 1988 Association of International Champions, 4871 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1988 International Show, 4892 cas $9.95 * [SLC HM table] 1987 Top 20 Quartets, 4991 cas $10.95 * 1986 Top 16 Choruses, HM4985 cas $10.95 * 1986 Association of International Champions, 4986 cas $8.95 * [SLC HM table] 1985 Top 16 Choruses, HM4989 cas $8.95 * 1985 Top 20 Quartets, 4988 cas $8.95 * 1985 Saturday Night Show, 4990 cas $6.95 * [SLC HM table] 1984 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4967 cas $8.95 * 1984 Top 20 Quartets, 4966 cas $8.95 * 1984 Saturday Night Show, 4969 cas $5.95 * [SLC HM table] 1984 Association of International Champions, 4968 cas $5.95 * [SLC HM], LP * ? 1983 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4858 cas $4.95 * 1983 Top 20 Quartets, 4857 cas $4.95 * ~==tape flawed, pronounced "ghosts" 1983 Saturday Night Show, 4859 cas $5.95 * [SLC HM table] 1983 Association of International Champions, 4883 cas $3.95 * [SLC HM table] 1982 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4854 cas $4.95 * 1982 Saturday Nite, 4856 cas $5.95 * [SLC HM table] 1982 Association of International Champions, 4855 cas $3.95 * [SLC HM table] 1981 Top 16 Choruses, HM 4895 cas $8.95 * 1981 Top 20 Quartets, 4894 cas $8.95 [ MISSING! ] 1981 Saturday Night Show, 4897 cas $5.95 * [SLC HM table] 1981 Association of International Champions, 4896 cas $3.95 * [SLC HM table] SPEBSQSA "Barbershop Harmony Favorites", Various, Vol One, 30165 cas $7.95, 30161 CD $15 * "Barbershop Harmony Favorites", Various, Vol Two, 30166 cas $7.95 * (Second Edition and others) [discount offer for multiples of 25] Kenosha. "Showtime", 4878 cas $8.95 * [SLC HM table] (Dukes of Harmony, Chorus and the Northland Quartet, Class of the '80s, Rumors, Vocal Majority, Scarborough Chapter Quartets, Signature, Current Affairs, Catch 44, Majestic Assembly, et al.) [tape VERY MUDDY] "The Winner's Circle", 4882 LP $4, 4881 cas $5.50 * [SLC HM table] (Dukes of Harmony, Thoroughbreds, Bluegrass Student Union, Combined Choruses, Chorus and Audience; The Winners' Circle) "Yuletide Favorites", Southern Gateway Chorus/Roaring 20's Quartet/Arlingtones Chorus/Soundtracks Quartet, cas * Music Premiere No. 1, cas * Music Premiere No. 2, cas * SAI annual top quartets CDs or tapes: SAI, "2003 Quartet Finalists", CD * SAI, "2002 Quartet Finalists", CD * SAI, "2001 Chorus Finalists", CD * SAI, "2001 Quartet Finalists", CD * SAI, "2000 Chorus Finalists", CD * SAI, "2000 Quartet Finalists", CD * SAI, "1999 Chorus Finalists", CD * SAI, "1999 Quartet Finalists", CD * SAI, "1997 Chorus Finalists", CD * SAI, "1997 Quartet Finalists", 5597, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * SAI, "1996 Quartet Finalists", 5596, cas $9.98 * SAI, "1995 International Quartet Finalists", cas $9.98 *, CD $14.98 SAI, "1993 International Chorus Finalists", cas * SAI, "1988 (Chorus & Quartets) International Convention", cas * Sweet Adelines International, P.O.Box 470168, Tulsa, OK 74147-0168 Coronet Club: "Coronet Club Live" [1985], cas * [jb: Ask Lee (Balaguer) Davison at 7175 Twin Canyon Dr, Lambertville MI 48144-9542.] (Joni Bescos ) [& see list #9] Where CD is mentioned, cassette may be available. MAC = Mainly A Cappella, PAC = Primarily A Cappella , HM = SPEBS Harmony Marketplace --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis Now! :::::::::::::: 2 :::::::::::::: Part 2 of 11: My barbershop LP collection so far : 16 Hits Of The Gay Nineties, Barber Shop Quartet, LP *, eBay [The Pilot Quartet ?] may not be vocal The 4th Edition, "Album Two", LP * eBay The Auto Towners, "Let's Hear It", LP * eBay SPEBSQSA re-release from Chord Record Series flip side, The Four Rascals The Baltimore & Ohio Connection: "...On Track", LP * "Barber Shop Ballads", LP *, eBay The Commuters/The Bartlesville Barflies/The Beacon Four/New York Police Department Quartet/Kansas City Police Quartet "Barbershop Favourites" eBay, Coronet Records CXS 70, may not be vocal, no artists listed Track list = Parker Brothers, Hill Top Four, and 1-15 of Weigel The Buffalo Bills, '"Barber Shop!" Barbershop And Banjo', LP *, eBay "Barbershop's Best With The Buffalo Bills", 10" LP *, eBay, marked "Sample Copy, not for sale" "Barbershop Battle! The Buffalo Bills And The Confederates", LP *, eBay '"Happy Days!" Barbershop And Banjo', LP *, eBay "Home Is Where The Heart Is", LP *, eBay "Remembering Time With The Buffalo Bills", LP *, eBay "We Gather Together", LP *, eBay, marked "DEMONSTRATION - NOT FOR SALE" "Barbershop 'Champs', The Buffalo Bills", LP *, eBay The Chordettes, "Drifting and Dreaming", LP * eBay The Cities Service Quartet, "Play That Barbershop Chord!", LP * eBay The Classic Collection, "A Barbershop Album", vol. 2, LP * [dupes cassette] The Coney Island Harmoneers, "Barber Shop Quartet Favorites", LP *, WWWax The Confederates, "Barbershop Battle! The Buffalo Bills And The Confederates", LP *, eBay Dealer's Choice: "Songs Like Daddy Used To Play", LP * [dup reissued CD] "The Wonderful Songs of Yesterday", LP * [ with songbook ] The Easternaires: "Once Over Lightly", LP * WWWax The Extension Chords, "Barbershop", LP *, eBay The Far Westerners, "Yes Indeed", LP * eBay 674 West 34th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405 Florida choruses, various, "Florida Sings 'Barbershop Style', LP * eBay The Four Mugs, "Barbershop Ballads", LP * eBay Four Rhythmaires, "Barber Shop Ballads", LP *, eBay "Four Rhythmaires, Lew Raymond at the Organ" Fresno Gold Note Chorus, "Do You Remember When", LP [maybe some left] *, cas ~==[SOLD OUT] and included 8 quartets, in 1983 ["H.L. McIntosh" 5 Mar 1999] The Gentlemen's Agreement, "Gentlemen Prefer . . . Barbershop", LP * "Just for the Record", LP * Ginger 'n' Jazz - '87 Queens "Songs from the Heart" Tape $10 ~==[SOLD OUT], but there's a "zillion" LPs avail, $10 includes S&H] ~==[ordered] Sally Beck , GnJBari 87 ; [old] 7100 Summit Drive; Oklahoma City, OK 73162 405/722-2664 GnJBari87@AOL.COM [jb: Ginger 'n Jazz - Sally Beck, 8401 McKee Blvd., Oklahoma City OK 73132 - addr. as of 11/24/98] The Golden Staters, "Oh How We Roared In The 20's", LP *, eBay The Grand Tradition: (04/83) "From The First Hello", LP $8 (old price) * 2/9/96: $LP $5 + $1.50 S&H, order: David Garstang, 13173 Avd. del General, San Diego, CA 92129 email: Dave Garstang DGARSTANG@GI.COM Happiness Emporium: "That's Life!", cas $10 * (still avail) "That's Entertainment", LP $10 *, cas $10 * (still avail) [triplicate reissued CD ] [SLC HM table] That's Entertainment/Control Yourself (Double Album), CD * [HM] [ "Control" LP * , dupe] order: Emporium Recordings, 9151 Glen Edin Lane, Minneapolis, MN 55443 email: S&H $2 per order. "That's Entertainment" liner shows Emporium Records, 1425 N. Innsbruck Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55432 single LP/tape $8, any 2 $15, 3 or more $7, VHS Hi-Fi VIDEO $30, S&H $2 Double Album, 7/97, shows Happiness Emporium, 1876 Noble Road, Arden Hills, MN 55112 ph 612-631-3273 "Humble", LP * dupe "Now & Then", LP * dupe "Right From The Start", LP * dupe "Rise 'n Shine", LP * dupe Happiness Emporium/Innsiders: "The Best of Berlin in Barbershop", LP * The Hill-Top Four, "Harmony In High Fidelity", LP * eBay Track list = Parker Brothers, Hill Top Four, and 1-15 of Weigel as well as "Coronet Records CXS 70" Housatonic Valley Regional High School Barbershoppers, mini-LP *, eBay The Innsiders: "Inside Out", LP * "On Top Of The World", LP * "Till We Meet Again", LP * "The Way We Were", LP * Island Hills Chorus - 1978 Champs "Island Hills On Parade" LP [was $6.00] $10 * Cecelia Avolese; 14 Seneca Dr.; Commack, NY 11725 4/83 "Pitch Pipe" [Marti, 2/99, $10.00 LP's only (includes S&H) Nancy Moore, 162 Woodbury Rd., Huntington NY 11743 , ] Jubilation "Join the Jubilation" LP $8.00 cas $9.00 * "Jubilation Celebration" LP $9 cas $9 * S&H $1.00 each Jubilation; 11050 Wakefield; Westchester, IL 60153 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" - 1985 Queens [jb: Jubilation - try Carol Ann Bagley at 951 Banbury, Mundelein IL 60060] [ or order from Giallombardo] Return on envelope: Pat Rotunno, 7915 Deerview Ct., Burr Ridge, IL 60525 , make check payable to Pat Rotunno Lakeside Chapter, SAI, "Our Way", LP * eBay The Louisville Thoroughbreds, "Salute To America", LP *, eBay [dupe, reissued CD] The Mark IV, "Anything Goes", LP * The Mills Brothers, "Famous Barber Shop Ballads Vol 1", LP *, eBay "Famous Barber Shop Ballads Vol 2", LP *, eBay "Greatest Barbershop Hits", LP *, eBay "The Mills Brothers In Hi-Fi, Barbershop Ballads", LP *, eBay Modern Barbershop Quartet, "Modern Barbershop Quartet", LP *, eBay No way to tell who these guys really are, liner notes by Gary Owens The Most Happy Fellows, "At Ease", LP * eBay M.H.F. Records, Box 94004, Fort Stellacoom, Wash. 98494 The Mountain City Chorus, "Barbershop Melodies from Montreal", LP *, eBay Music Gallery - 1982 Queens "Painting Portraits in Song" LP $8 * Tape $8 [tapes sold out] [LP S&H now $2.50 per Marcia 2/99 ] [was: The Music Gallery; 2431 Dupont Ave. South; Minnneapolis, MN 55405 ] 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: Music Gallery - try Marcia Starnes at 2960 Enchanted Ln, Minnetrista MN 55364 ] [Marti: Music Gallery, c/o Marcia Starnes, 3960 Enchanted Lane, Minnetrista, MN 55364 612-472-2388 e-mail: ] National Geographic Society, "Barbershop Days", LP *, eBay [not completely barbershop], Bluegrass Student Union, Louisville Thoroughbreds, various others The Neanderthal Notables, "The Flintstones In: S.A.S.F.A.T.P.O.G.O.B.S.Q.A.L.T.*", LP (cas) "Stone Age Society For Aiding The Preservation Of Good Old Barbershop Quartet ..." S.A.S.F.A.T.P.O.G.O.B.S.Q.A.L.L.T., 3095 Hollyridge Drive, Hollywood, California 90028 (c) 1966 Hanna-Barbera Productions The Nighthawks, "The Nighthawks", LP * eBay The NovaChords: "Barbershop Reflections", LP *, "Hohl, John" The Occidentals, "A Class Session", LP * eBay The OK-4, "A Nuther Album", LP *, eBay The Oldtimers Hill Top Four The Parker Brothers, Mono Hi-Fi LP * Steve Nester NESTERS@CLIFFY.POLAROID.COM wrote: "Also I bought two records by quartets I've never heard of -- the Hill Top Four and the Parker Brothers.... They appear to date from at latest the 50's, there's no date info on there although there's enough "techie" info about recording that a real audio historian could probably tell the dates from that. Here's the weird part -- they are the SAME quartet, these are the EXACT same recordings released under two different names." [see also Chaz "Daddy Warbucks" Weigel and a Coronet Records CXS 70 recording "Barber Shop Favourites" (above) with no artists listed] Oriole Four, "Bourne Barbershop Blockbusters", LP * eBay The Pine Barons, "The Sound Of Champions", LP * eBay The Play-Tonics, "Barber Shop In Hi-Fi", LP * eBay Poughkeepsie Newyorkers, "Once Upon A Time", LP * eBay The Quartones, "Real Barbershop!", LP * eBay The Racing City Chorus of Saratoga Springs, New York, "In The Winners Circle", LP * eBay "Racing City Potpourri", LP * eBay The Four Rascals "Let's Hear It", LP * eBay SPEBSQSA re-release from Chord Record Series flip side, The Auto Towners, The Schmitt Brothers, "Schmitt Brothers Barbershop, 1951 International Champions", LP *, eBay "Barbershop Ball", LP *, eBay "'Round The Old Striped Pole", LP *, WWWax "Brighten The Corner (Where You Are)", LP * eBay The Soundtracks, "Take #1", LP * Soundtracks, 951 Banbury Road, Mundelein, Illinois 60060, eBay, autographed Southern Gateway Chorus, "Live", LP * Southern Gateway/Gem City, "Guys & Dolls", LP * The Sportsmen Quartet: "Barbershop Ballads", LP * eBay The Summit Four, "The Basso Profundo, the Silver Throated Tenor, and The Barbershop Quartet", LP *, eBay John Neher Bass, Gordon Goodman Tenor, The Summit Four The Suntones: "A Touch of Old", LP * [ with autographed songbook ] The Vagabonds "Standing Room Only", LP * cassettes all gone, some LPs, some 8-track left., prices vary, ask Denny Gore,, Dennis Gore, 43597 Columbia, Clinton Township, MI 48038 , "Hohl, John" "Just For Vagabond Lovers", LP * eBay Vaudeville: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Vaudeville", LP * "Spotlight on Vaudeville", Lp * The Vocal Majority: "From Texas With Love", Lp *, eBay "Standing Room Only", LP *, eBay "Here's to The Winners" (04/91) LP $4.95 *, eBay cas $9.50, 8-track $3.50 by 12/31/90) with The Side Street Ramblers, The Folkel Minority, The Beau Jesters, The Stage Door Four, The Buffalo Gap Close Harmony Gang. eBay. Waukesha County Barbershop Chorus, LP *, eBay The World's Greatest Barbershop Quartette, "Barbershop Gold", LP *, eBay [may be a composite album from SPEBSQSA contests] SPEBSQSA annual top quartet/shows/Jamborees CDs or tapes: 1984 Top 20 Quartets, LP * [dupe cassette] 1984 Top 16 Choruses, LP * [dupe cassette] 1980 Top 20 Quartets, LP * 1980 International Chorus competition, LP *, eBay 1979 "Top Twenty Barbershop Quartets of 1979", LP * eBay 1978 "Top Ten Barbershop Quartets", LP *, eBay 1978 "Top Five Barbershop Choruses", LP *, eBay 1978 "Association of International Champions", LP *, eBay 1977 Top 10 Quartets, LP * 1977 International Quartet Bonanza, LP * 1976 Top 10 Quartets, LP * 1976 Top 5 Barbershop Choruses, LP * 1976 Barbershop Bonanza, LP *, eBay 1975 Top 10 Quartets, LP * 1975 "Bonanza '75", LP * eBay 1974 Top 10 Quartets, LP * eBay 1974 "Bonanza '74", LP *, eBay 1973 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1973", LP * 1973 Top 5 Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1972 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1972", LP * 1972 5 Top Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1971 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1971", LP * 1970 Top 10 Quartets, LP * eBay 1970 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1969 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1969", LP * 1969 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1968 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1968!", LP * eBay 1968 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1967 Top 10 Quartets, LP *, eBay 1966 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1966", LP *, eBay 1966 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1965 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1965", LP *, eBay 1965 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1964 Top 10 Quartets, LP *, eBay 1963 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1963", LP *, eBay 1963 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1962 "The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets '62", LP *, eBay 1962 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP * eBay 1961 "The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets of 1961", LP *, WWWax 1961 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1960 "The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1960", LP *, eBay 1960 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 10 Years of Barbershop Champions (1950 - 1959) LP *, eBay 1959 Barbershop Quartet Winners, LP *, eBay 1959 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1958 Barbershop Quartet Winners, LP *, eBay 1958 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1957 International Medalists Barbershop Quartet Winners, LP *, eBay 1957 International Barbershop Chorus Winners, LP *, eBay 1956 International Medalists Barbershop Quartet Winners, LP *, eBay 1955 Barber Shop [Quartet] Winners, LP *, eBay 1954 Barber Shop Chorus Winners 1954, LP *, eBay 1950 - 1959 "10 Years of Barbershop Champions", LP, eBay 1938 - 1976 The Best of Barbershop, 38 years of Winners, Barbershop Quartets, LP * [thru cut #3 side 2 at least, same track list as "The Best of Barbershop - 25 Years Of Winners"] "Barber Shop 'Favorites'", The Buffalo Bills & Schmitt Brothers, LP *, eBay "Golden Barbershop Ballads", LP*, eBay "Happiness Is... Barbershop Singing", Volumes 1, 2, 3, All Time Barbershop Hits, LP * SAI: 1977 "Sweet Adelines, Inc. 1977 International Convention", LP *, eBay 1966 Convention Album, LP *, eBay 1959 Sweet Adelines Women's Barbershop Quartets, LP *, eBay 1955 Medalist Winners, Quartets , LP *, eBay FWD annual top quartet & chorus champions: 1982 FWD Fall Contest & Convention, Quartet & Chorus Champions, LP *, eBay 1981 FWD Convention Sacramento, LP * 1980 FWD Fall Contest & Convention Quartet & Chorus Champions, LP * '78-'80, for additional copies or other Barbershop Albums, Contact Chuck Lowrey, 12081 Reagan St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 "Shelex Records" 1979 FWD Fall Convention Quartet and Chorus Champions, LP * 1978 FWD Long Beach '78 Chorus and Quartet Champions, LP * 1977 FWD Los Angeles '77 Chorus and Quartet Champions, LP * 1976 FWD Fresno '76 Chorus and Quartet Champions, LP * 1967 FWD San Diego '67 Chorus and Quartet Champions, LP * MAD: 1986 Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Chorus Contest, LP * 1978 Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Chorus Contest, LP *, eBay 1977 Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Chorus Contest, LP *, eBay Other annuals: Super Spectacular '78, Barbershop Harmony (by NorCal/NorNV chapters), LP Additional copies of this record may be obtained from 4004 Galbraith Drive, North Highlands, Cal 95660. Andy Dill? --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 3 :::::::::::::: P.O. Box 41445, Dayton, OH 45441-0445 937/433-1014 This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 3 of 11: bbshop recordings on my shopping list Much of this is little better than raw rumor. If you find errors, please let me know, and if any ordering information has changed (such as a phone being disconnected and reassigned to somebody unsuspecting), please let me know ASAP so I can make the correction. Some of these are long since unavailable in quantity, but may be lurking out there in collections for sale. Thank you. Acoustix Mon, 01 Apr 2002 23:24:16 -0000 "joeltrutherford" New ACOUSTIX CD nears completion If you haven't heard, the music for this new CD is sacred and inspirational in nature. We have arrangements by such notable arrangers as ... Gene Puerling Kirby Shaw Jim Clancy Jay Giallombardo Joel T (that's me!) Rutherford CD to be available for the first time anywhere in Portland, OR at the International Convention. After Five Four Also, at that time, I was singing with Tulsa No 1 SA. Does anybody have any tapes by the..., Lee at The Airwaves, Bob Swanson: I'll be doing the Airwaves' 4th recording on it....[1999?] Ambiance: Christmas Card (?) Ambiance, Christmas Single, 93, D Single all sold out "America's Greatest Barbershop Quartets" Cas #DQC $12.98, CD DQD $16.98" (plus $2.95 S&H per order) 30 cuts, The Beautiful Music Company in Northport, NY. ad in the Feb 98 "AARP Bulletin" , half-page ad (p. 11), Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:52:53 Burt Stueve Approaching Harmony CD, 5 pounds sterling ?, produced by L'arnaque Approaching Harmony consists of seven lower-sixth formers at Sir William Borlase's Grammar School; to market it, Approaching Harmony will perform several live slots at concerts, where the CDs will be on sale. The Arbors: "The Arbors", finest "So Fine", also finest 4 others [from Very Best, 3 albums "A Symphony For Susan" "The Arbors Sing Valley Of The Dolls" "The Arbors Featuring: I Can't Quit Her/The Letter" & 4 hit singles and a bunch of other singles , & many jingles] alive and well in Chicago and still singing great. For albums contact Scott Herrick, 1214 Maple, Evanston, IL 60201. They are putting together a CD.... From: LHaul@AOL.COM [maybe ~==nope, not him.] [get their albums by writing Scott Herrick at 1214 Maple, Evanston IL 60201. Or call him at 1-847/475-4778.] Arcade Arlingtones chorus record that dates from the 60's. Steve Nester NESTERS@CLIFFY.POLAROID.COM found in a record store.... [see list 8] Audio Express [Jay/Helen Giallombardo goldmedl@THERAMP.NET: ...albums, I know that Joan Melling, lead of Audio Express who were International medalists in the 1980's, still has some of theirs, or at least she did, last time I checked, SAI HQ (1-800-992-7464) for Joan's phone number (she is the director of the Windy City West Chorus)..... & see list #8] "Barbershop Favorites-15 hits." The cover has red and white stripes and handlebars. Karen Lynn Maney klmaney@BULLDOG.UNCA.EDU Barbershop Harmony ["a three record set that I got at Harmony College in 1979, and have not seen since." - 'net comment] The Best of Barbershop, including Backbeat, The Four Hearsemen, The Four Renegades, Happiness Emporium, The Misfits Brian: "These albums had one song from each champion from 1938 through about 1974." "that "best of barbershop" album from '38 to '77 that Brian's been talking about." Best Of Barbershop / Various £2.99 [pounds sterling, I think] Black Star Big Chicken Chorus, New Christmas Recording in 1999 Boston Common, LPs ? "The Boston Common", cas with 4 songs b4 becoming the Boston Consort ? [see list #8 & #1] Boy Scout album, "On My Honor", a tape? quartet put together by Buck Farley (member of The Lettermen), Austin, TX - recording of a men's barbershop quartet singing patriotic and scout songs , Thu, 18 Jun 1998 13:34:56 -0500 Debbie Warwick, consisting of various patriotic songs done mostly in a capella, 4 part (closely resembling barbershop) harmony. The other three men on the tape are Buzzy Buck (?), Sam Tweedy, and Mo Rector "Breath of Life" Recordingr Sheldon Kilby arr.... Buffalo Bills The Music Man LPs ?? an LP called: "Barbershop!" featuring the Buffalo Bill's with Banjo (Columbia CL-1288), From Steve Walker swalker@LINK.CA By Popular Demand, "Take Note" Triple Disk table Anaheim, 1-800-414-7564 Cambridge Blues, CD The Cascade Chorus: Festival of Roses, LP.... ~==sold out As Time Goes By, LP $9, cas $9 (04/85 Harmonizer) ~==sold out [there's a few unopened copies around the chapter, though] order: The Cascade Chorus, 541 Antelope Way, Eugene, Oregon 97401 503/687-0800 S&H zero email: martin.grandahl\ [Mel Knight was our director for both those albums, and Jim DeBusman was asst. director. I think their quartet, Cascade Connection, has a song or two on both albums.] Chicago Chord of Trade see Giallombardo The Chordettes "The Chordettes-Sentimental Journey" In case you aren't aware of it, there's a Chordettes' CD out called ....(songs a cappella). It's on the Blue Moon label, BMCD 3049. It's a re-mastering of the Columbia Records a cappella recordings by the original group from the Godfrey show.... Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:19:16 [Marjorie] Latzko latzmuzk@FRONTIERNET.NET "Fabulous Chordettes" CD $8.49 Date 11/15/91 Label: ACE (U.K.) CDnow, Inc. ~==[ordered] "Lollipop/18 Greatest Hits" CD $12.49 ~==[ordered] REMEM M52721 , an import title. CDnow City Lights: "On The Town" ~==[SOLD OUT] ["Jeannie Froelich" 21 Feb 1999 "The other recording that you mentioned was recorded way back when and there are no copies left of it as far as I know. It was actually before the days of CDs! And we had different personnel for that one." ] order City Lights, 8 Woodland Rd., Maplewood, NJ 07040, S&H $2 per order [Marti 2/99: Classic Collection: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 19:51:27 EDT Sagez@AOL.COM George Davidson, baritone With success of BSU's LEGACY, and TNT's Double CD we are contemplating re-releasing our first three recordings on CD. currently only available on cassette.... In addition, we have enough material for another two albums, but the energy and resources haven't been there to get back in the studio..... maybe sometime soon. The Classic Connection Album cas, Fortune list Classic Ring Close Harmony from Days Gone By "Barbershop Harmony Roots" "The Best of the Peerless Quartet" The Peerless Quartet, Avon Comedy Four and many other early quartets are featured on these one-hour, beautifully remastered, high quality cassette tapes. Each tape $14 U.S. or $18 Can. Order both for $23 U.S. or $28 Can. Prices include postage. order from: Robert Johnson, 12068 227th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6J5, CANADA (604) 467-4230 Tom Metzger tmetzger@SFU.CA, on Sat, 5 Aug 1995 22:09:18 -0800: "I am posting this for a friend who doesn't have Internet access. It is basically a copy of an ad that he put in the Harmonizer." [Are these different from "Close-Harmony Pioneers" as offered in the Harmonizer ? the ads read differently] Club House Four: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 12:36:27 Jack Martin jwmartin@GATE.NET "The Curse Of An Aching Heart" with at least half a dozen key changes.... a vinyl pressed by the Club House Four that had this song on it if I remember correctly. I suggest you contact Tim Stivers who used to be very active with the Thoroughbreds (Don't know address) or George Peters of the late Chords Unlimited (cactuspete@ Coronet Club: The 1988 Houston Coronet Club Show video, which featured the Vocal Majority, long gone (Joni Bescos ) Cracker Jills, "Scarlet Ribbons" Crown City Four: "Sing a Song of Sickness (A Pocket Full of Wry)", 33 rpm album their **first** album, titled "SMASH FLOPS" the publisher: PIP Records at 1350 No. Highland Avenue Hollywood 28, California. (Hollywood 28??!!) members of the Crown City Four tenor Tom Wirick, lead Jim Powell, bari Jim Arnold, bass Joe Borton Curtain Call: Introducing..., cas ~==[Sold Out] [BABS, gold, '90 ?, 2 went on to Sound Assembly; Bernie Cureton, who sang lead with them. Bernie@BAC111.DEMON.CO.UK ] [11/97 ] [ Al at rejected by mailer ] Denver Tech: [recordings mentioned on web page but no detail], cas ~==[SOLD OUT] "The Disney Album" Telarc CD, "The Disney Album" (or something like that) by the Cincinnati Pops (Erich Kunzel, dir.), probably in Classical. In it you will find a "Jungle Book" medley, wherein "That's What Friends Are For" is sung by His Master's Voice, JAD champs of about 12 years ago.... Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:57:11 Tom Emmert Dolphin Barber Mates, "10 jaar Dolphin Barber Mates", 1991 The Dukes of Harmony (1984) + Suntones, cas, Fortune list The Edge, "Over the Edge", completely jazz, in the near future (2/95) [I think it didn't happen. They broke up?] order, Tom Metzger, 11075 - 146A Street, Surrey, BC V3R 3V3, S&H $2 Internet, email:!tmetzger , ["Ahem, Mail orders welcome! ;-)"] 10/94 Harmonizer: Mark Metzger, 10324 145 A St., Surrey, BC V3R 3S1 604/581-1423 Elastic Four: a recording available through Roy Frisby of the Elastic Four. Quite different and very interesting. (MR WILLIAM S GALLAGHER) Thu, 11 Sep 1997 00:49:37, Empire Express LP , (11th place Int'l in 1981 also from Seneca Land) Ersten Kolner Barbershop Chor "Falls einer fragt...Ersten Kolner Barbershop Chor", CD Ludger Theben - Ersten Kolner Barberchop Chor e.V., Koln , Geschftsadresse: c/o Ludger Theben , Emmastr. 23 , 50937 Koln [Germany] "Merle Evans Barbershop Christmas" I don't know who the quartet is either, but I purchased the tape for about $3.50 from SERVICE@MUSICBLVD.COM 1 800 99MUSIC , 9 Dec 1997 Sean Clark [Borders: "A Barbershop Christmas", Evans, Merle , CD 1995, Our Price $6.29 Cas 1995 $2.68 ] [cdnow removed from their catalog] MCA Special Products Excalibur our 3rd recording August 19, 1998, and hope to be done with it by the end of 1998. ordering one OR MORE!!! of our recordings; cas $10 CD $15. John Moksnes or Excalibur, 8612 Ridgewood Lane , Savage, MN 55378 Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:46:58 Greg Dolphin gregory.dolphin@INTERNETMCI.COM [Gregory Dolphin gregory.dolphin@INTERNETMCI.COM Excalibur Available March 6 1999 our third recording ...should be ready to go sometime in March] "Unforgettable", cas $10, CD $15 AIC 1999 Show Program: Excalibur, 1609 Stonepine Court, Hudson, WI 54016 S&H $2 per order FWD "1978 Chorus and Quartet Champions", LP Face Value: new jazz/barbershop CD by the New Zealand group Nick Tipping Fairfax Circle, "Sentimental Journey Triple Disk table Anaheim, 703/437-7269 ? Fanfare We're currently planning our first album. Firepower! ~==[inquire 12/27, email rejected ] CD, too Jeff Marks, 333 N. Waverly Road, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827, home (517) 663-8158. [ Jeff Marks jmarks@VOYAGER.NET ? ] See also Full Chord Press, James Carey is lead of both.. Folkal Minority, 45 vinyl, mid-70's? "Freeze a Yankee" Bob Arnold , a former VM quartet The Formalities My friend Daniel Garcia was doing my father a favor by turning his vinyl record (that my dad's international quartet, The Formalities, made when they won districts).... [into CD ?] Thu, 6 Aug 1998 05:06:00 Chad Knipfer baritone@SOLI.INAV.NET Four Doormen "Barbershop Ballads" LP [Art Lang(tenor), Lou Angel(lead), Ken Bridges(bari), Eric Carlson(bass) the extra 4 guys in the Ray Charles Singers who didn't do dance numbers (12 guys - 8 gals). During rehearsals for those tunes, they'd find a corner and sing barbershop] RCA Victor, recorded in 1962 The Four Renegades: Curtain Call ? (LP ?) Command Performance ? The Four Statesmen: LP Fred bootleg cassette at MacFrugals? Full Chord Press: lead is James Carey, and he's got a stash of CDs and cassettes leftover from a quartet called.... his address is 422 Green Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837-1316; phone (517) 627-3933. See also Firepower!, James Carey is lead of both.. Gainesville Chorus New CD, 1998 (or 1999 ? ) Gainesville Sweet Adelines, P.O. Box 14113, Gainesville, FL 32604 [return, Janet.G. Cornelius, President, 6024 NW 52nd Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32653-3355] Gainesville Chorus, c/o S. Simpson, 2100 NW 46 St., Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 371-1013 Gas House Gang, 1/99 Kipp kipp@NETZERO.NET New Gas House Gang CD.... Well...we have 5 songs down on our new one....I wouldn't look for it for awhile...maybe by International? Gaynotes Gem City Chorus, "Double Exposure" 1975 "Reflections" 1981 [Burnaby] Gentlemen of Fortune "25 Years of Harmony" LP "It's Almost Christmas" cas Giallombardo: (from a posting by Helen 12/07/94) Chicago Chord of Trade Fan Fare for the Uncommon Man LP $8, limited # of CD's $10 [CD now $15] [see list #8] Grandma's Boys: "I Had a Dream, Dear", LP $8.00 ~==sold out? "Grandma's Boys" [Helen: (G Boys album #2) ] ["Tonight" 1975] "Grandma's Boys III", LP $8 ~== still avail 8/9/9 [see list #8] [CD remastering in progress mayb e] order: Checks or international money orders (U.S. funds only) payable to: Gold-Silver-Bronze Medal Music, Inc., 445 Laburnum Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062-2224, S&H $2.50 up to 3 recordings, $5 for 4+ recordings email last year: email now: Jay Giallombardo Getting bids for remastering their 3 recordings on cassette & CD 2/99.... Golden Barbershop Ballads, LP ?, cas [on Borders Online web page ] [on] MCA cat # 235 Grandma's Boys see Giallombardo Great Western Timbre Company [sold out] Green and White Quartet. 78 RPMs by Victor , Jack Wilcox wilcoxj@MACH3WW.COM HHC: Marti, Hallmark of Harmony: Sing For You, cas ["The (many times) [BABS] gold medal chorus from Sheffield. The tape is a few (~+5) years old, but may still be available...."] Happiness is Barbershop Singing Volumes 1 2 & 3, LP, 1974 Harmony Heights (SAI chorus, Uppsala, Sweden): "Live! Love! Laugh!", HHCD 9212 "Stardust", HHCD 9406 email: Efa Hjelm, [web page by ?] *and* Uppsala, Sweden, Anette Lovgren, [membership] 018-46 36 78 , Katrina Hjelm, [booking] 018-55 32 82 Harmony, Inc. International Champion tapes, anually HarmonyWorks: "FirstWorks", cas $10, CD $15 ~==[ordered/re-ordered?] S&H $2 per order, HarmonyWorks, 3381 Sumter Ave So., St. Louis Park, MN 55426 612/936-9656 [ Dave Nyberg , [2/99 use other address, not...] 214 E. Fourth St. , St. Paul, MN 55101 , dir: 651-228-3057 , pgr: 612-907-2554 , cell: 612-382-4386 , home number, 612/936-9656 , e-mail: ] Harrington Brothers: "School Daze" CD "Sing", CD ~==[inquire 12/29] StudioDH@AOL.COM David Harrington Heritage of Harmony Quartet cas, Fortune list High Time: It's High Time, cas Gold Fever, cas [(BABS) Quartet from the mid '80's, with whom Roy Dawson sung. Most of their songs were his own arrangements, including the (here at least) classic 'Barbershop Song'. Their tapes have ben unavailabe for a number of years...."] Hourglass: "Spending Time With Hourglass", cas $10 ~==[sold out] order: Hourglass Barbershop Quartetr, c/o Joe LoBue, 204 La Grande Drive, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 S&H $1.50, Penna, add sales Tx. $.60/tape, $.90/CD 412/772-7462 home page email: 6/97, going out of business: $5 per tape, $10 per CD, S&H $1.50 per order, payable to Reid Joyce, 114 Keithwood Dr. Valencia, PA 16059_ or now or give him a call at (412) 898-1176 or now (724) 898-1176. 10/98, Ron Brooks - , cd $10, $2.50 S&H Visa M/C Amex phone 1-877-999-SING, check to Brooks Entertainment, P.O. Box 341, Saxonburg, PA 16056-0341. The Houston Tidelanders: "The Magic of Christmas", cas $10 ~==[Sold Out] Tapes are $10.00 each with a $2.00 S&H fee per order. Some LPs are still available dirt cheap. Of course, no tax. order: Wayne Hardin, 13122 Pebblewalk Cir N, Houston, TX 77041 M/C Visa email: [we accept phone orders. The Houston Tidelanders' phone is (713) 466-7795 changed to 713/236-0022.] [nope, 12/17 apparently 713-224-2114 Bill Scott 46N/Robert Thomas SEC , Bob Travis ST RM #1530 , Houston, TX 77002 ? ] The Humbugz The humbug have released two tapes. ...4 young,doped up Gr.10 boyz....Who decided one day that it would be fun to be in a barbershop quartet. Following their dream they started to sing and liked it. Then one boring weekend they deceided to record a tape... Ijsselstein Chorus: "That's Entertainment" Images their first recording, cas $10, CD $15 1997 HI Harmony Queens will be releasing , in the Spring of '99, S&H $2 per ??, check, m/o to Lynda Mason , 1154 Milestrip Rd. , Irving, NY 14081 , CZEFF@AOL.COM Carol Zeffiro The Imperials "Believe It" LP Interstate Rivals: Unknown #3 ~==never got it done Ivy League: "...We are in the midst of remastering some of our recorded work and possibly recording some new tunes and might even make a couple CD's to pass on to interested parties as a single recording...." Dave Drouillard JR3: In Progress.... early 1999? Keepsake: "Souvenirs", cas ~==[inquired] 1980-81 HI Harmony Queens, - try getting in touch with Nancy Foris (wife of Russ) through Harmony Hall. Nancy is the PR chair for Harmony, Inc. ~==? "Foris, Nancy" 30 Dec 1998 KEEPSAKE contact: KEEPSAKE , c/o Judy Landry , 132 Ellis Road , Westminster, MA 01473 , 978/674-1275 The Keystone Capital Concert, "50 Years Of Barbershop Harmony!" Triple Disk table Anaheim Kidder & Sons: (Cut on AFWDC #3 sounds like a studio cut. Is there a recording?) Kindred Spirits " hard at work recording their first CD." The Kingpins, cas $10 + $3 shipping (Cdn. funds) for Canadian orders $8 + $2 shipping (U.S. funds) for American orders. ~==[ordered] cheque or money order to: The Kingpins, C/O Wayne Porteous, 745 Elderberry Drive, Oshawa, Ont., Canada L1K 2J2 Phone: 905-576-2634 a Komedy Kuartet Koncert LP issued about 28 years ago - the recording is of 4 comedy quartets and was recorded at Haddon Hall Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ on June 26, 1970. The Last Session Quartet cas, per Fortune list Late Night Barbershop: "CD to come out around April 1. No foolin'." Limited Edition "Wonderful Day", new CD, spring 1999 [HI] Joan Noreau , 24 Jasper Street , Providence, RI 02904 401/751-5477 MAD: "1986 MAD Chorus Contest", LP Main Event, Main Event tape called "If Only I Could Sing" Mall City Chorus: "BARBERSHOP POTPOURI", ~==[inquired 1/22] Recording, $10.00 , Call 616-381-4770, Kalamazoo, MI , Pres Raleigh Bloch Melo-Edge Take One Encore! [and the new one: SAI Queens of Harmony - per Helen, Jay's just got done (August) mixing their soon-to-be-released recording] [order from Giallombardo?] [see list #7] Melodeers Chorus - 1995 Int. Champs "Just Jump" video $20 [posting 11/16/94: The Melodeers, c/o Corinne Catencamp, 1126 East Algonquin Road #3G, Schaumburg, IL 60173 ] [S&H now $2.50 per item, order: P.O. Box 2112, Northbrook, Ill 60065, not 62] Visa-M/C 1-800-ACA-PLLA 800-222-7552 Mama's Boys: My dad who got me into barbershop in the first place is looking for a tape. The quartet was called "Mama's Boys. They were popular about ten years ago. The base for MaMa's Boys is the same gentleman who sings bass for BSQ (his first name is Al)..... "Matthew Scott", Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:29:49 -0500 Mark IV CDs: Mo Rector, 670 S. Mesquite, New Braunfels, TX 78130 Master's Men, a new 16-man a cappella group, old mountain gospel, southern gospel and old hymns. We're 2/3 through our first CD. It'll be released some time in September. Rudy Partin rpartin@JMPSTART.COM Mid Atlantic District: 1989 Mid-Atlantic district convention, tape Saturday Finals tape, the winning quartet Broadway they produced recordings of the convention for people to buy. from Steve Nester, Mixed Company (Illinois): "by Request...OURS! vol. ONE...", cassette $10 305 So. Westlawn, Decatur, Illinois 62522 217/428-2403 The Model "T" Four "For The Good Times" LP The Moonlight Serenade. "The Best of the Barbershop Quartet" bootleg British recording, Skin Deep Studios, England, and Zenith Studios, Holland, Tring label (these places may not exist), Produced by John Vanderlindon for Rockridge Music, Copyright Tring International PLC. The back cover has at the bottom edge: Tring International PLC Or later, this CD is under the QED label with a a refreshed graphic on the disk itself. The original one was under the EMI Record Ltd label (think there were at least 3 iterations). QT is supposedly: Lead - Ron Warren Bass - Paul Mathias Baritone - Danny Robson Tenor - Alec Curran a ripoff of various SPEBSQSA recordings, including Second Edition, Bank Street, 139th Street Quartet, The Naturals The Most Happy Fellows, tapes ~==[inquired 1/99] seen on the table at the Sacramento Show and like a dummy I bought the video instead.... [see list #8] "Most Happy Fellows & Chicago News", cas, Fortune list AIC Show Program 1999: making videos & CDs; MHF Productions, c/o Tom Wilkie, 7310 35th St. Ct. W., #1, Tacoma, WA 98466, 253/565-2641 Music Central '96, MS Music Central 96, List: $32.50, Our Price: $32.50 Software, Published by Microsoft Press , Pubdate: November 1, 1995 ISBN: 1572311835 ; Marjory Latzko: CD Rom , sound bites and pictures of women's groups including Andrews Sisters, McGuire Sisters and the Chordettes. According to the description of the picture of the Chordettes, it was taken of us on our tour of Europe which I spoke about earlier. Narrangansett Bay Chorus "Just for the fun of it", cas Steve Isherwood 27 Jan 1999 , 10 years ago , will try to track down a copy.... The New Seattle Sound Non-AIC booth, Anaheim Nickelodeon: *Nickelodeon*, CD, 10 English Pounds including postage and packing, about $15 U.S. ~==[ordered] email Mark Grindall 101351.1172@COMPUSERVE.COM [no longer valid....] Visa M/C, easiest way to place foreign orders because the credit card company makes the currency conversion. UK? (International Code +44) 1702 79733 during business hours. [19 Jan 99 "Mark Grindall" Unfortunately we are not able to accept plastic. However if you would just stick a $10 bill in the post we'd be happy to send a disc. Mark Grindall , 18 Victoria Drive , Leigh on Sea , Essex , SS9 1SF , England ] NightHawks, album. [contact the tenor of the NIGHTHAWKS - Greg Backwell. His address is: 903 Riverside Drive, London, Ontario N6H 4N3, Telephone (519) 657-3226] or Night Hawks Quartet Bass, Bert Ellis ? Night Magic their first CD.... Renee Walsh BariNM@AOL.COM, SAI 1999 4th place Int'l Quartet Medalists have recorded .... which should be available in this spring. We have not begun to take orders yet.... North Metro Chorus, "Seize The Day", CD $15, Cas $10, ~==[inquired 1/25] 1997 International Champions "Susan C. Wright" swright@OHT.HYDRO.ON.CA please make cheque playable to "North Metro Chorus" and mail to: North Metro Sweet Adelines, P.O.Box 87658, 300 John Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada , L3T 7R4, S&H $5 [web page] per order [see also list #8] "North Metro Harmony Int." [HI] ? Northwest Spirit "The Northwest Spirit" [is this actually "Catch The Spirit!" ?] Nova Chords "Barbershop Reflections", LP (see John Hohl, list #6 ?) Oakcrest Boys: I'm (seriously) working on a record of my quartet (me, me, me, and of course, I) for funsies, singing all the parts. Brian Beck BBeckBass@AOL.COM OK 4: a album jbaxter OK City: S&H $1 (per item?), order, check or credit card number to: Jim Massey - Director, 3201 Glenvalley Drive, Midwest City, OK 73110, (405) 737-5139 e-mail to order email or call (405) 720-SING. Visa-M/C The following recordings are $10 and are available on cassette tapes only: "OK City Sings Christmas", cas $10 ~==[ordered] "OK City Sings Barbershop and All That Jazz!", cas $10 "Barbershop is OK City", cas $10 "OK City On Track", cas $10 ~==[ordered] "OK City is RED HOT", cas $10 "Ok City Express", cas $10 [others sold out?] The Osmonds, [ web page on "Osmonds", MGM, 1971: This isn't the Osmonds' first album, they had done a couple of barbershop recordings in the 60's, but this is the album that made the Osmond Brothers teenage idols to millions of girls!] email: Ostanvind: In autumn 1997 we did our first CD. [maybe not barbershop, some accompaniment, Swedish women's QT] (It will cost you about 21 US-dollars if we send it to you) If you are interested to by our CD mail me! Pacificaires: album (cut in the early 1970s) The Phoenicians "Phoenicians Through the Years" released in 1980. LP $5.00 plus S&H. Limited quantities, while they last Video cassette, 50th anniversary show, 1993, "Fifty Phabulous Years of Harmony" $30 Yearbook--essentially a history of the Phoenix Chapter (1943-1993) $25 order: Don Richardson, 346 W. El Camino Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021-5525 602.943-5955 email: $2 S&H per item (per order 5/97 list #2). (D. Bowen list & email from Don) [see list #8] web page now Phoenicians Records , c/o Bill Williams , P.O. Box 186 , Avondale, AZ 85323 USA , foreign? mark U.S. Funds & add $1 per item Pot O' Gold Chorus "Over the Rainbow", cas $10 Ed Spring, 6074 Donna Court, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 , Gary.Bolles@EBAY.SUN.COM Prime Alliance (89 NED qtet champs, tape only) Quattro: "Wonderful World", cas [Quartet winning gold around '91. Youngest gold quartet, with average age around 23 at the time. No longer together, with members singing with various other quartets. Dave (bass) with Sound Assembly), David (lead) (was) with Smilin' Thru ('95 gold medal)...."] David J Arran As former Tenor with Quattro (we won the BABS gold medal in 1992) I can tell you that the cassette is no longer freely available. However, one or two copies may still be around in the UK - although I moved to Miami in August last year, I'm still in contact with the other members of Quattro and might be able to get hold of one for you. Ramapo Valley Chorus: "That's Showbiz" (video) $25 plus $3.50 postage. "A Winner's World" ~==Sold out order: Ramapo Valley Chorus; PO Box 96; Ramsey, New Jersey 07446 S&H $1 per cassette or CD, $3.50 for the video email: Sue Gordon [see list #7] Rapscallions, LP ? Loring: "I believe 'Raps' stuff is long out of production and I don't believe their recording was released on CD (someone correct me?)." [see list #8] Reader's Digest: LovejoyMar@AOL.COM: offering from the Reader's Digest Association title of set is "100 Years of Music America Loves Best" - a four- hour collection of remastered recordings - and, listed as part of "favorites from the turn of the century" are "Medley: In the Good Old Summertime" - by the Buffalo Bills "Medley: Sweet Adeline/Dear Old Girl/Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie" - by the Buffalo Bills The Real Deal [1994 College Quartet Winner], CD The Revelers Victor 22772 [a 78], The Revelers: "When Yuba Plays the Rhuba on the Tuba" 13 Jul 1998 From: Inigo Cubillo [ 13 Jul 1998 From: "John A B. Wright" The Revellers, also recorded as the Shannon Quartette on Victor, and you can get them on HMV, they were Lewis James, Franklyn Baur, Elliot Shaw, Wilfred Glenn (each of those guys also recorded vocals with dance bands) and sometimes Charles Harrison. These guys were also the Merry Makers on Brunswick, and the Singing Sophomores on Columbia. ] Rhode Island Ramblers guys did a national tour of the Music Man, and made a tape in their spare time, members are: Ted Fijak, T (Providence chapter), Larry Wright, L (139th St, Cal Gentry, Sundowners, etc etc), Tom Gentry, Bari (famous arranger), Mike Maino, Bass (providence, 3 time NED district champ) The Rivertown Sound: CD in progress, Rico Roberto And His Fabul.... "Barbershop and Close Harmony", 9,95 NLG ~==[ordered] CDteleshop Frontstage Ronninge Show Chorus, "Collage" Rumors tape, $10 ? [per Mike Banish, 1995 JAD District Champs, purchased at JAD Cots; one member, Bob Moorehead, 9682 Rosewood Court, Loveland, OH, 45140-5639 (513) 583-1940 ] Rumors "Debbie Warwick" 16 Jun 1999 "brand new recording....aiming for a July 1st release date,... "Advance orders are being accepted,...$15 ...CDs, $10...cassettes. Shipping is $2.50 per order....Later accept credit card orders, but for now, send your orders with CHECK or MONEY ORDER, payable to: Rumors, #9 Riverwood Place, Maumelle, AR 72113" SAI contest tapes: [Adam Porter's list: 79 Convention, St. Louis 80 Convention, Atlanta 82 Convention, Minneapolis 92 Quartet Video] Audio and Video tapes of either the top 10 choruses or top 10 quartets can be ordered from: SAI Headquarters', Harmony Bazaar, PO BOX 470168, Tulsa, OK 74147-0168 or order by phone w/ MC or VISA by calling 918-662-1444 or fax 918-665-0894 or maybe: 1-800-992-SING or The audio tapes are $7 each and the video tapes are $30 each, plus shipping and handling. (Information from Oct 1995 issue of THE PITCH PIPE, page 33) "SAI Nashville, 1998", QT Finalists Triple Disk table Anaheim The St. Louis Harmony Chorus: "Happy Birthday" cas $4 Say Happy Birthday to a friend or loved one in four-part harmony with one of our audio birthday cards. One cassette, a birthday card, and a padded envelope for mailing (takes one stamp to mail!). [12/98] payable to "St. Louis Harmony Chorus". U.S. funds to St. Louis Harmony Chorus , 11469 Olive Street Road, #137 , St. Louis, Missouri 63141 314/768-0056 "Hooray for Hollywood" - CD only - $15 San Diego Chorus "our new CD in the Spring of 1998" [web page, S&H $2.50 per ???] San Diego Chorus Recordings , P.O. Box 86606 , San Diego, CA 92138-6606 San Jose Garden City Chorus: CD in development. Second Edition "Second Edition" "1" , CD "The Best of Both Worlds", LP ?, Second Edition and The Growing Girls? [cas *] Seneca Land District (1975) convention recording The Shannon Express Chorus: "Shannon Express-ions", cas 7.00 pounds, CD 10.00 pounds cheque payable to P.B.H.C, 50p S&H to: PBHC C/O 13 Willow Rise, Sandy, Beds, [UK?] SG19 1AY , any queries please ring Jeannie on 01767 681082 The Singing Senators: CD, "Let Freedom Sing!" Singsation: The first SINGSATION CD recorded April 1996, Our CD has a playing time of nearly 40 minutes and is available for DM 28,00 incl. postage und packaging by cheque payable to Detlef Blumentritt The Sophisticates, "By Request" Triple Disk table Anaheim, 912/929-8356 ? , Sandy McEachern, 125 Cherokee Forest Trail, Warmer Robins, GA 31088 Soul Purpose: "God's Singers", cas, $10 ~==[ordered] plus $1 for mailing, checks/money orders, released on Dec. 22, 1996. Make check/m.o. payable to Jeff Liebknecht (our tenor and treasurer) and mail to me: Jim Botelle, 203 New Avenue, Reisterstown, Maryland 21136-1321. Sound Assembly "Let The Rest Of The World Go By", CD ~==[inquire 12/27] "UK...Check out the excellent cd produced by our current champs," 10/95 Harmonizer: Rod Butcher, 7 The Spinney, Birmingham B20 INR UK; 011 21 554-9904 [ Rod Butcher rod@RBUT.DEMON.CO.UK ] "In The Pocket" - is this the same group? Moonshine MNS80031C[DS] see cdzone, Sound Tradition: "Harmony -N- Praise", cas ~==[inquire 1/22] recorded & engineered by Bob Swanson, c/o Bob Reinecke, 1150 N. Jantzen, Portland, OR 97217, 503/283-7759 or maybe these days 503-687-1322 [1/99, Bob S., Bob R's addr correct....] "Sounds Of Christmas" or "Barbershop Christmas" Roger Creedy wrote: Distributed by Classic Sound, Inc, Norcross, GA (c) 1996 Sounds Of Christmas One of my barbershop "groupies" here at Martin Automatic showed me a cassette he recently purchased at Wal-Mart called "Barbershop Christmas" which has 8 traditional Christmas songs on it. Sounds of Concord chorus "What A Country", (released in the 70's, LP only) Sounds of Music: with Roaring 20's, 1979 SGC/Gem City Joint Show, LP Sounds of Renown, 1980 ? "You Needed Me", cas (of Anne Murray fame) South Sounders cas, Fortune list Southern Achord, "When I Fall In Love" Triple Disk table Anaheim Southern Expression, "Southern Expression" Triple Disk table Anaheim SPEBSQSA: "1955 Int'l. Barbershop Chorus Winners" (DECCA, Dl8175) "1957 Int'l. Medalist Barbershop Quartet Winners" Decca, DL8615 "1966 International Barbershop Chorus Winners" Decca, DL74786 Special Feature: "Special Feature: Double Feature", CD A combined CD with "70 Years Too Late" & "Among My Souvenirs", 2/99 A new recording, 1999 Spice of Life: "planned to make a CD", 1997 Stockholm City Chorus "Stockholm City Chorus Unplugged!" (?) Sjalvklart har vi aven spelat in en CD med manga harliga latar. Med pa skivan finns aven latar framforda av vara kvartetter, vissa av dem tillsammans med Robert Broberg. eh? Sun Light Chorus [incl ABBA medley]: "Sun Light Day & Night", cas, CD email Anna Magnusson anna@STENSTROM.SE , vice director Sun Light Chorus Sweden [the address again (in your spelling...) Sun Light Chorus, c/o Agneta Hagglund, Videvagen 4, S-191 43 Sollentuna, Sweden, Phone: +46 8 35 09 22 "Kontakta PR-ansvarige: Helene Isaksson, hem: 08 - 656 72 90, arbete: 08 - 718 30 50 " (home page) "PR ansvarig, Liza Peterzon. Hem 08 - 89 43 26, Arbete: 08 - 723 50 22 " (ditto) PostGiro: 483 95 21-4 "Vibration" Our new CD 1 CD $22, 2 CD $40, 3 CD $63, 4 CD $78, 5 CD $ 93, 10 CD $180 make payment via Swift-code OEBASESS for the account of TryggBanken, 9140-16-73309. Sundowners, circa 1970 Sundowners LP title list.... Wed, 5 Nov 1997 17:02:51 Tom Emmert temmert@TSO.Cin.IX.Net Suspects on the West Coast: cas, 1979? "Usual Suspects? Swing City (AKA Great Stage Robbery) non-AIC booth, Anaheim Take Four: [German Quartet] "On Top Of The World..." , Dezember 1990 LP - 28,00 incl. Porto + Verpackung "Take Four - die CD", Juli 1993 "Take Four - Afterglow", Oktober 1995, CD - 35,00 incl. Porto + Verpackung email: , CD - Bestellungen: Jörn Wengler , Rammseer Weg 33, 24113 Kiel , Tel/Fax: 0431 / 65 02 83 [it's all in German, but this is what I could pick out....] Talk Of The Town: Caberet Time, cas ["...with half the members of 'High Time'. Also now defunct."] The Texas Millionaires hope to release their CD later this year! "Debbie Warwick" 16 Jun 1999 For more information, contact: Steve Mark at PedMar Creative Music Services 2920 W. Park Row, Suite 200 Arlington, TX 76013 Email: The Tiffanys See Joan Melling, AudioExpress [order from Giallombardo?] The Tradition: "That's Life" ~==[inquire 1/22] [per Curt, 2/99, should be out this fall] reach the Tradition or purchase "THAT"S LIFE by e-mail at: , The Tradition, c/o Curt Angel, 6623 South 107th East Avenue, Tulsa, Olkahoma 74133 , (918) 461-CURT fax (918) 437-2310 The Treasure Chest Quartet, "Our Own Anthology" Triple Disk table Anaheim, Richmond VA Tried 'N' True, "The Last Hurrah" Triple Disk table Anaheim, Hemet CA quartet Tulsa, There was a quartet in , in the '70s who recorded two albums, "Strictly Swinging" "Strictly Square" Lee at The Untouchables "Unacompanied", cas Kevin King (of BSQ fame) was the lead of this group. It seems to me that Brett Pryor (bass) was the contact for tape sales.... (Bill ) Variety Pak "Something for Everyone", cas $10 ~==[ordered] Roger Payne, 33-39 80th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 458-0642, S&H $2, [new, 12/98] Joe Hunter, Vienna-Falls Chorus - 1988 SAI Chorus Champs Their first album, sometime before 1989... Vienna-Falls Chorus; P.O. Box 3292 [or 292 ?]; Merrifield, VA 22116, Atten: Patti Freeman. email: "Mary A. Haller" ] ["...Vienna-Falls released their second album back in 1989...." Claire Gardiner, Director, Vienna-Falls Chorus, Vigortones 78 RPMs by Victor , Jack Wilcox wilcoxj@MACH3WW.COM The Villagers: ...a new recording (a Christmas recording) is due out this spring (1999). Vocal 6 [post 01/16/95] Vocal Attraction "From the Heart", cas, Fortune list Vocal Majority, "the VM chorus is featured on "A Treasure of Choral Favorites" being released by "Reader's Digest," and their latest CD has been nominated for a Grammy." (Rae Phillips) What's in a Name?: A CD by this Dutch ladies barbershop quartet web page, in Dutch, so I can't read it , For instance: Bestel informatie: of White Rosettes their latest tape "Leeds, Brit barbershoppers I've heard sing stuff from the Good Ole USofA" "Leeds' perpetual champs" Jerry/Judy Wood's list on the BABS page: LEEDS: White Rose Bshop Singers, contact: Nigel Wears , 0113-2530558 ; assume Rose and Rosettes know each other.... Thu, 6 Mar 1997 07:57:00 -0500, BYOUNG BYOUNG@TADRESOURCES.COM Leeds (LABBS) White Rosettes' "Gold Rush" or "Rhythm of Life" cassettes. Willamette Sound New CD, recording 11/21 Wise Guys, recording in progress, 1/99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Those on the page not listed elsewhere: CASA Recording Archives "What follows is a list of [a portion ] of the [634] albums that are archived at CASA, listed by artist, title, year, and format (D = CD, C = Cassette, etc.). Information about any of these albums and how to purchase them can be obtained by contacting CASA at "If your group has an album that isn't listed here, please send a copy to CASA. If it was recorded in the past year, we'll also include it in consideration for the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards. If it's a collegiate album recorded in the past five years, we'll also consider it for the next Best Of College A Cappella album." [of the 29 barbershop or near-barbershop listed, these I have not found elsewhere:] Hamilton Hamiltones,The Hamiltones,92,T [is this the high school QT from Hamilton High in L.A., 1st place FWD 1995 HS competition ?] Modern Barbershop Quartet, Modern Barbershop Quartet, 74, cas Copy Standing Room Only, Pure A Cappella, 93, CD ~==Is this the FWD QT? [the casa part of this list] Copyright 1995, The Contemporary A Cappella Society of America - Other places to check out: SAI Queens' Court HI sources The BABS shop, "Plenty of good quartet CDs and tapes are available in the UK from the BABS shop, both of American and UK (and other!) origins." Pierre DePrez gbfinaxd@IBMMAIL.COM ["First off, the BABS 'shop' is basically a merchandising stall which 'appears' at ever competition, prelims etc. Inbetween times, one guy holds all of the stock, and it is from him you can order items.... from Denie Hann (BABS shop)" ] Harmonizers before 12/79 HM catalogs before 1979 PitchPipe beforw 1982 Steven Methot's Collection, Andy Isbell's Collection, Evergreen District Barbershoppers' Shop , Paul Tomicich , 10914 165th Pl. N.E. Redmond, WA. 98052-2758 Southwestern District Barbershoppers' Shop: A wide range of tapes, CD's, and other SPEBS merchandise is available from SWD's The Barbershoppers Shopping Shop, run by Sally Cunningham ( (snailmail: 10438 Vinemont St., Dallas, TX 75218) (Ph. 214-320-1350 or 214-324-4177). Hall of Records [from the "a cappella FAQ",] The largest mail order catalogue of Barbershop and Sweet Adeline recordings in the world. They will send out a catalogue for $5 ($7.50 for Canada and Europe). Hall of Records, Dan Jordan, PO Box 11244, Glendale, CA 91206-7244 Phone: (818) 240-4868 [Dan Jordan, lead of The New Tradition, and now of 139th St. , catalog sold to some fellow in North Carolina ?? rumored to be the following:] Some catalog operation out of Durham, NC, Mark Tarantino, DBA Harmony Concepts, USAcappella, and Harmony Network. Heavy-duty problems with his vendors in 12/95, though. email: HarmonyNet@AOL.COM Thu, 3 Sep 1998 17:18:53 Don Gooding dgooding@P2.ACADIA.NET The new East Coast office of Primarily A Cappella has purchased the entire remaining inventory of Dan Jordan's old barbershop catalog. The added titles can be seen on the web at [or see list #3] The Good Music Record Co. catalog: a recording set called "Songs of WWI, original recordings 1914-1925." The American Quartet The Peerless Quartet "Top 20 Barbershop Quartets" "The Buffalo Bills and the Chordettes - Barbershop Harmony Time" in the "Music Clearance" section. Good Music Record Co., P.O. Box 1935, Ridgely, MD 21681-1935 Order Toll-Free 1-800-538-4200, 7 AM to 11 PM (EST), 7 days a week Order three or more items, you pay no shipping and handling costs. Music Central a search engine built in to search its archives!click on a link that was titled "BBS" For cassettes and CDs that are no longer available I would like to purchase them from other collectors. I am willing to purchase entire collections, including LPs if necessary, to get them, price very negotiable. Thanks. --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 4 :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 4 of 11: barbershop recordings available from MAINLY [or MAINELY] A CAPPELLA "If you can't find a recording here, let us know! We can be reached at" [ The one with an "s", , is wrong. ] PO Box 159, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 , fax 207-244-7613 or phone 800-827-2936 in North America, or 207-244-7603. Maine residents will be charged 7.25% sales tax. SHIPPING CHARGES: If order totals, Add: Up to $25.00 - $3.50 , $25.01 - 50.00 $4.50 , $50.01 - 75.00 $5.25 , Over $75 $6.00 Express Shipping $9.50 - Overseas orders will be charged the actual cost for us to ship the package when sent via air mail. [There may be other bbshop recordings in their listing by names I didn't recognize....] Summer 1999 Catalog: Ambiance, "Ain't Misbehavin'", 4993, CD $14.97 * Ambiance, "I Hear A Rhapsody", 4995, CD $14.97 * Ambiance, "Jazz Ladies", 4994, CD $14.97 * Boston Common, "Collective Works", 5010, 2-CD $59.97 * The Chordettes, "The Favulous Chordettes", 4790, CD $8.97 City Lights, "With A Wink And A Smile", 5516, cas $9.97, CD $14.97 * Expanded Sound, "Par For The Coarse", 5226, CD $14.97 * For Heaven's Sake, "What A Wonderful World", 9550, CD $14.97 * Keepsake, "The Entertainer", 9555, cas $9.97, CD $14.97 * Keepsake, "Once Upon A Time", 9556, cas $9.97, CD $14.97 * Keepsake, "Without A Song", cas $9.97, CD $14.97 * Prime Cut, "Beef Country", 5085, CD $14.97 * Sound Legacy, "From The Edge", 5090, CD $14.97 * Studio One, "In Session", 5130, CD $14.97 * Suntones, "The Complet Works, Vol 5", 5114, cas $9.97, CD $15.97 * Swing Street, "Swing Street", 5512, cas $9.97, CD $14.97 * Yesteryear, "Champions", 5229, CD $14.97 * Various, "Barbershop Harmony Favorites Vol I", 5190, cas $9.97, CD $13.97 * Various (SPEBSQSA), 1997 Top Quartets, 5197, cas 9.97, CD $16.97 * Various (SPEBSQSA), 1996 Top 21 Choruses, 5296, cas 9.97, CD $14.97 * Various (SPEBSQSA), 1997 Top 21 Choruses, 5297, cas 9.97, CD $16.97 * Various (SAI), 1998 Quartet Finalists, 5598, CD $14.97 New 1999: Bayside Edition, "If I Love Again" , 5215, CD$14.97 New Tradition Chorus, "Silver Lining" , 9565 CD$14.97 Catalogs: CDs GROUP TITLE CODE CD $ TAPE $ 139th St. Quartet Greatest Hits 9541 NA 9.97 * 139th St. Quartet Standing Room Only 9540 NA 9.97 * 139th St. Quartet Third Album-III 9539 NA 9.97 * 4 City 4 Just Because 9535 NA 9.97 * 4-Star Collection Never Stop Dreaming 5517 14.97 * 9.97 Acoustix Jazz, Jazz, Jazz 5052 14.97 * NA Acoustix New Science of Sound 5050 14.97 * 9.97 Acoustix Stars & Stripes Forever 5051 14.97 * 9.97 Airwaves Christmas With... 4996 14.97 * NA Alexandria Harmonizers A Gift of Music 9560 NA 9.97 * Backbeat Some Songs 5727 14.97 * 9.97 Bank Street Bank Street 9509 14.97 * NA Barbershop Bones Be A Trombone Here 9513 NA 9.97 [SOLD OUT] Bay Rum Runners On The Beach 5289 14.97 * NA Bayou City Music Committee We'll Be Seeing...9516 NA 9.97 * Bluegrass Student Union Legacy 5003 59.97 * 15.97 Buffalo Bills/Chordettes BBShop Harmony Time 5030 11.97 * 7.97 Bumblebee Jive Bumblebee Jive 9512 NA 9.97 * [No, Not barbershop] By Appointment With Love 9523 NA 9.97 * Cadillac Barbershop Quartet 9529 19.97 * NA Cameo Performance By Request 9531 NA 9.97 * Chiefs of Staff Memories 9504 14.97 * 9.97 Chiefs of Staff Solid Gold 9505 14.97 * 9.97 Chiefs of Staff Tribute 9508 NA * 9.97 Chordettes The Best Of 4789 13.97 * 9.97 Chordiac Arrest Live and Well! 5071 14.97 * 9.97 Chordiac Arrest Second Opinion 5072 14.97 * 9.97 Cincinnati Kids... Kids Sing the Darndest... 9538 NA 9.97 * City Lights City Lights 5514 14.97 * 9.97 City Lights Sophisticated Swing 5515 14.97 9.97 Classic Collection A Barbershop Album V.1 9545 NA 9.97 * Classic Collection A Barbershop Album V.2 9546 NA 9.97 * Classic Collection Special Request 9561 NA 9.97 * Classic Edition [sic] Signature 9547 NA * 9.97 ~~actually Classic Collection Classic Edition Something Hot 5535 14.97 * NA Cracker Jills Cracker Jills 5513 14.97 * 9.97 Da Vinci's Notebook Bendy's Law 2158 14.97 * NA Dealers's Choice Anthology Vol 1 5221 16.97 * 9.97 Dealers's Choice Anthology Vol 2 5222 16.97 * 9.97 Dealers's Choice Anthology Vol 3 5223 16.97 * 9.97 Dealers's Choice Anthology Vol 4 5224 16.97 * 9.97 Demon Barbers A Close Shave 4689 14.97 * NA Excalibur One Moment In Time 5287 14.97 * NA Expanded Sound A Biker's Life 5225 14.97 * NA FRED Get Happy 5228 14.97 * NA FRED Simply FRED 5227 14.97 * 9.97 Gas House Gang A Little Night Music 5060 14.97 * 9.97 Gas House Gang Face The Music 5062 14.97 * 9.97 Gas House Gang Our Rough & Tumble Best 5061 14.97 * 9.97 Gem City Chorus Live! 9526 NA 9.97 * Gema 4 "Te voy a dar" 2891 15.97 * NA Gema 4 Grandes Boleros A Capela 2890 15.97 * NA Gentleman's Agreement Gentleman's Agreement 5187 14.97 * NA Ginger 'N Jazz Back with Pizzazz 2599 NA 9.97 * Graham Smith Just One Voice 4275 NA 9.97 * Graham Smith One Voice II 4276 NA 9.97 * Grandma's Beaus That's Life 2600 NA 9.97 * Hartsmen Love at First Sound 5130 NA 9.97 * Innovations Introducing Innovations 9519 NA 9.97 Interstate Rivals It's a Brand New Day 5207 14.97 * NA Joker's Wild Chasing A Dream 5081 14.97 * 9.97 Joker's Wild Right From The Start 5080 14.97 * 9.97 Knudsen Brothers, The Knudsen Brothers 8021 14.97 9.97 * Knudsen Brothers, The Electric A Cappella 8025 14.97 9.97 Knudsen Brothers, The Nu-Wop 8026 14.97 9.97 Knudsen Brothers, The Praises We Sing 2233 14.97 * 9.97 Knudsen Brothers, The Yuletide 8027 C14.97 * T9.97 Management Management 5229 14.97 * NA Marquis Diamond Cuts 5201 14.97 * 9.97 Marquis in the wee small hours 5200 14.97 * 9.97 Masters Of Harmony California Gold Rush 5123 14.97 * 9.97 Masters of Harmony Caroling, Caroling 5121 14.97 * 9.97 Masters Of Harmony Masterpiece 5122 14.97 * 9.97 Masters Of Harmony Showtime 5125 14.97 * 9.97 Melo-Edge Potpourri 7000 NA * 9.97 Melo-Edge Queens in Harmony 9524 NA 9.97 * Metropolis Aural Hygiene 5140 C14.97 * Mission Valley Chorus In The Mission Valley 9501 14.97 * 9.97 Mixed Metafour Mixed Memories 9527 NA 9.97 * Mixed Metafour Sentimental Journeys 9528 NA 9.97 * Naturals Quartet Naturals Quartet 9506 14.97 * 9.97 New Tradition Sgt Pepler's Homely Tarts Pub 5212 24.97 * NA Nightlife Basin St Blues 5083 14.97 * 9.97 Nightlife Songs Of Twilight 5082 14.97 * 9.97 North Metro Chorus North Metro Harmony Int. 9529 NA * 9.97 Northwest Spirit Especially For You 9514 NA * 9.97 Northwest Spirit The Northwest Spirit 9515 NA 9.97 ~==[actually, "Catch The Spirit" I think....] Oriole 4 Oriole 4 5186 14.97 * NA Panache Because It's Christmas 5522 13.97 * 9.97 Panache Sweet Adeline 5598 14.97 * 9.97 Panache XXOO 5521 14.97 * 9.97 Panache The Curtain Falls 5525 14.97 * 9.97 Pittsburghers Pittsburghers 5079 17.97 * NA Power Play The Best Times 9500 14.97 * 9.97 Quartz Precision Premiere 9521 NA 14.97 * Quartz Precision The Great Race 9503 19.97 * 15.97 Ramapo Valley Chorus It's Showtime 4500 NA 9.97 * Revival Revival 5150 C14.97 * Rich-Tone Chorus One Of A Kind 5110 NA 9.97 * Rich-Tone Chorus Turnin' Up The Heat 5111 NA 9.97 * Richtones Footloose 5109 14.97 * 9.97 Ritz, The On Moonlight Bay 5011 14.97 * 9.97 Ritz, The Swingin' On A Star 5014 14.97 * 9.97 Ritz, The Most Wonderful Time... 5015 13.97 * 8.97 Ritz, The Rare Times 5016 14.97 * NA Ritz, The Old Songs, Old Friends 5017 14.97 * NA Ritz, The Beginning to See 5018 14.97 * NA Ritz, The Spirit of Christmas 5019 14.97 NA [note, this last one is a different Ritz, and not barbershop] Rumors Confirmed! 5534 14.97 * NA Rural Route 4 Friends and Relatives 5612 NA 9.97 * Rural Route 4 My Life, My Love, My Song 5611 NA 9.97 * Rural Route 4 Saturday Night, Sunday ...5610 NA 9.97 * Schmitt Brothers Live at Home/Best 35 9537 NA 12.97 * Sheffield Barbershop Quartet The Best of Barbershop 8550 19.97 * 14.97 Showtime Our Greatest Hits.. So far 9522 NA * 9.97 Sidewinders Sunrise*Sunset 9533 NA 9.97 * Sidewinders The Sidewinders 9534 NA 9.97 * Sidewinders Here's Barbershop...and 9532 NA 9.97 * Sounds Of Aloha Barbershop Wears A Lei 5127 14.97 * 9.97 Southern Cross Southern Cross Downunder 8600 NA 15.97 * Southern Gateway... All The World and ... 9510 NA * 9.97 Special Feature Street Sounds 5731 14.97 * NA Suntones The Complete Works Vol2 5111 15.97 * 10.97 Suntones The Complete Works Vol3 5113 15.97 * 10.97 Suntones The Complete Works Vol4 5112 15.97 * 10.97 Swing Street Moving Violations 5511 14.97 * 9.97 Swing Street Street Of Dreams 5510 14.97 * 9.97 Swingtime I'm Gonna Live 'Till I Die 6500 NA 9.97 * Toast of Tampa New Kids on the Block 9502 14.97 * 9.97 Vocal Majority The Secret of Christmas 5104 14.97 * 9.97 Vocal Majority Best of the Early Years 5105 14.97 * cas $10.97NA Vocal Majority Alleluia 5106 14.97 * NA Vocal Majority How Sweet the Sound 5107 14.97 * cas $10.97 Vocal Majority With Strings 5108 14.97 * cas $10.97 Vocal Majority The Music Never Ends 5110 14.97 * cas $10.97 Vocal Majority I'll be Seeing You 5115 14.97 * NA Vocal Majority&Mormon Tabarnacle... Voices... 9511 14.97 * cas $10.97 Weekend Edition Lonely At The Top 5531 14.97 * 9.97 Weekend Edition Only In My Dreams 5530 14.97 * 9.97 Yesteryear Let The Rest Of The... 5528 14.97 * 9.97 Various (BBShop) Barbershop Favorites 1 5190 13.97 * 9.97 Various (BBShop) 1997 SAI International 5597 16.97 9.97 ? which? Various (BBShop) Best of BBShop '90-'96 5193 21.98 NA ? " Various (BBShop) 1996 Top Quartets 5196 16.97 9.97 ? " Various (BBShop) Show Of Champions '96 5180 16.97 9.97 ? " Various (BBShop) Show Of Champions '97 5181 16.97 9.97 ? " VIDEOS Video Various SPEBSQSA 1997 Quartets 5119 24.97 SONGBOOKS Book Various Heritage of Harmony 50th 5849 25.00 Various Yuletide Favorites 5847 3.95 CHARTS Various (Arrangers) Barbershop Champions 5990 9.97 INSTRUCTIONAL Various Artists Sweet Adelines Arranger's Guide 5858 28.97 (Book) Others of interest: Soul Support Strength Beyond Your ...3234 14.97 9.97 Take Heart Christmas 2910 14.97 NA Don Gooding is a self-professed barbershopper and founder of Primarily A Cappella. He has probably done as much to promote a market for a cappella recordings as anybody anywhere. For that alone he deserves your business, but on top of that his service is incredibly great! MAINLY A CAPPELLA is his new venture. * = I have --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 5 :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 5 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Primarily A Cappella Catalog Summer 1999 update catalog: Bluegrass Student Union, "Jukebox Saturday Night", 5004, CD $15.98 Boston Common, "Collective Works", 5533, CD $59.98 * Gem City Chorus, "From The Heart", 5139, cas $9.98 CD $14.98 * Happiness Emporium, "That's Entertainment/Control Yourself", #5539, CD $15.98 * Sweet Adelines Top Quartets '98, 5398, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 Swing Street, "Swing Street", 5512, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Vocal Majority/Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "Voices In Harmony", 5103, CD $15.98 * Western Continentals, "Western Continentals", 5546, CD $14.98 * Chiefs Of Staff, "Memories", 5545, CD $14.98 * Confederate Encores, "Confederate Encores", 5542, CD $14.98 * Golden Staters, Golden Staters, 5541, CD $14.98 * Mark IV, "Mark IV", 5547, CD $14.98 * Masters Of Harmony, "Showtime", 5120, cas $14.98 [sic], CD $14.98 * Mid States Four, "Mid States Four", 5544, CD $14.98 [?] Schmitt Brothers, "Schmitt Brothers", 5543, CD $14.98 {?} Suntones, "The Complete Works, Vol 5", 5114, cas $10.98, CD 15.98 * Vocal Majority, "Best Of The Early Years", 5101, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Vocal Majority, "For God, Country & You", 5102, CD $14.98 * Vocal Majority, "I'll Be Seeing You", 5105, CD $14.98 * Top 100/Best Sellers '98 Catalog: AIC 1998 Show of Champions, 9234, CD $14.98 The Louisville Times Chorus, "Steppin' Out", 5126 C14.98 * SPEBSQSA, 1998 top 20 quartets, 3108, CD $14.98 Vocal Majority, "Alleluia", 5119 C14.98 * Spring 1999 update catalog: City Lights, "With A Wink And A Smile", 5516, CD $14.98 * Dealer's Choice, Anthology Vol 3, 5223, CD $14.98 * Dealer's Choice, Anthology Vol 4, 5224, CD $14.98 * Expanded Sound, "Par The Course", 5231, CD 12.98 * High Society, "Fascinatin", 5537 C14.98 * High Society, "By Design", 5538 C14.98 * Keepsake, "The Entertainer", 5128, T9.98 C14.98 * Keepsake, "Without A Song", 5128, T9.98 C14.98 * Keepsake, "Once Upon A Time", 5128, T9.98 C14.98 * Main Event, "If I Had A Voice", 5599 T9.98 C14.98 * Melodeers, "Mission Accomplished", 5211, T9.98, C14.98 * Suntones, "The Complete Works Vol 1, 5115, CD $15.98 * Holiday Update catalog, 1998: Knudsen Brothers, "Yuletide", 8027 C14.98 * Mission Valley Chorus, "Home For The Holidays", 5291 C14.98 * Metropolis, "Aural Hygiene", 5728 C14.98 * Revival, "Revival", 5529 C14.98 * The Ritz, "Rare Times", 5016 C14.98 * Soul Purpose, "Christmas Time Is Here", 5526 C14.98 * Yesteryear, "Champions!", 5527 C14.98 * Fall Update, 1998: Acoustix, "Jazz Jazz Jazz", 5052, T9.98 C14.98 * Bluegrass Student Union, "Legacy", 3 CD set, 5003 59.98 * Classic Edition, "Something Hot", 5535 C14.98 * Pittsburghers, "Pittsburghers", 5079 T10.98 C15.98 * The Vocal Majority, "The Vocal Majority With Strings", 5108 C14.98 * The Vocal Majority, "The Music Never Ends", 5109 C14.98 * Primarily A Cappella Catalog: Catalog barbershop page: SPEBSQSA, 1997 top 20 quartets, 5197, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * SPEBSQSA, 1996 top 20 quartets, 5196, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * SPEBSQSA, 1995 top 20 quartets, 5195, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * [dropped] SPEBSQSA, 1994 top 20 quartets, 5194, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * SPEBSQSA, 1997 top 20 quartets video, 5119, video $24.98 AIC 1997 Show of Champions, 5180, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * AIC 1996 Show of Champions, 5180, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 ? [dropped, but same number] SAI, "1997 Quartet Finalists", 5597, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * SAI, "1996 Quartet Finalists", 5596, cas $9.98 * SAI, 1995 top 20 quartets, 5595, cas $9.98 *, CD $14.98 [dropped] SPEBSQSA, Barbershop Harmony Favorites vol 1, 5190, cas $9.98, CD $13.98 Voices, The Movie, 5998 $24.95 SPEBSQSA (Intersound), "The Best of Barbershop Quartets" 1990-96, 5193 $21.98 4 Star Collection, "Never Stop Dreaming", 5517, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Acoustix, The New Science of Sound 5050 cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Acoustix, Stars & Stripes Forever, 5051 cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Backbeat, "Some Songs", 5727 cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Bay Rum Runners, "On The Beach In 'Acapella'", 5289, CD $14.98 * Buffalo Bills & the Chordettes, Barbershop Harmony Time, 5030, CD $11.98 [good CD but disappointing sound mix] * Chordiac Arrest, Live and Well, 5071, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Chordiac Arrest, "Second Opinion", 5072, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * City Lights, "City Lights", 5514, CD $14.98 * City Lights, "Sophisticated Swing", 5515, CD $14.98 * The Cracker Jills, "The Cracker Jills", 5513, CD $14.98 * Dealer's Choice, Anthology Vol 1, "Songs Like Daddy Used To Play" +, 5221, CD $14.98 * Dealer's Choice, Anthology Vol 2, "Choice II" +, 5221, CD $14.98 * Excalibur, "One Moment In Time", 5287,cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Expanded Sound, "A Biker's Life", 5225, CD 15.98 * Fred, "Get Happy", 5228, cas 9.98 CD 14.98 * Fred, Simply Fred, 5227, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Gas House Gang, A Little Night Music, 5060, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Gas House Gang, "Face The Music", 5062C, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Gas House Gang, Our Rough & Tumble Best, 5061, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * The Gentlemen's Agreement, "The Gentlemen's Agreement", 5187 CD $14.98 * Hartsmen, Love at First Sound, 5130, cas $9.98 * Interstate Rivals, "It's A Brand New Day", 5207 CD $14.98 * Joker's Wild, "Chasing a Dream", 5081 cas 9.98 CD 14.98 * Joker's Wild, Right From The Start, 5080, cas $9.98, CD $14.95 * The Management, "The Management", 5229, CD $14.98 * Marquis, the wee small hours, 5200, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Marquis, "Diamond Cuts", 5201, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Masters of Harmony, "Masterpiece", 5122, CD $14.98 * , cas $9.98 Masters of Harmony, "California Gold Rush", 5123, CD $14.98 *, cas $9.98 New Tradition, "Magical History Tour (Sgt Pepler's Homely Tarts Pub Band)", 5212 CDs 24.98 * Nightlife, "Basin St. Blues", 5082C, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Nightlife, "Songs Of Twilight", 5082C, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * The Oriole Four, "The Oriole Four", 5186, CD $14.98 * Panache, XXOO, 5521, cas $9.98, $14.98 * Panache, "The Curtain Falls", 5525, $14.98 * Richtones, "Footloose", 5109, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * The Ritz, Swingin' On A Star, 5014, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * The Ritz, On Moonlight Bay, 5011, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Rumors, "Confirmed", 5534, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Sounds of Aloha, "Barbershop Wears A Lei", 5127, CD $14.98 * [dropped] Special Feature, "Street Sounds", 5731, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Suntones, "The Complete Works Vol 2, 5111, CD $15.98 * Suntones, "The Complete Works Vol 3, 5113, CD $15.98 * Suntones, "The Complete Works Vol 4, 5112, CD $15.98 * Swing Street, Moving Violations, 5511, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Swing Street, Street of Dreams, 5510, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Vocal Majority, "How Sweet The Sound", 5107 cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Weekend Edition, Only In My Dreams, 5530, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Weekend Edition, "Lonely At The Top", 5531, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * Yesteryear, "Let The Rest of The World Go By", 5528, CD $14.98 * Not on the barbershop catalog page: Airwaves, "Christmas With", 4996, CD $14.98 * Chordettes, The Best of, 4789, cas $9.98, CD $13.98 * [Mr. Sandman, great!] The Demon Barbers, "A Close Shave", 4689, CD $14.98 * [but see list #4] [I did not like this CD at all.] Gema 4, Grandes Boleros A Capella, 2890, CD $15.98 * [Don Gooding: "I keep on imagining Gema 4 as a passionate Latin women's barbershop quartet!"] Gema 4, "Te Voy A Dar", 2891, CD $15.98 * Golden Gate Quartet, "Meet Me At The Golden Gate", 3453, CD $15.98 * Golden Gate Quartet, "Travelin' Shoes", 3451, CD $15.98 Golden Gate Quartet, "Gospel Train", 3452, CD $14.98 Knudsen Brothers, Praises We Sing, 2233, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * [if you do church singouts, this is a "must have"] Masters of Harmony, "Caroling, Caroling", 5121, CD $14.98 * Panache, Because It's Christmas, 5522, cas $9.98, CD $13.98 * Ritz, Most Wonderful Time of the Year, 5015, cas $8.98, CD $13.98 * Vocal Majority, The Secret of Christmas, 5104, cas $9.98, CD $14.98 * * = I have 5/1/98 catalog update: Sweet Adelines, 1997 International Finals QTs, 5597 cas 9.98 CD 14.98 * Order from 415/455-8602; email, ; fax 415/459-1622 they love to send out catalogs, or catalog is on line at; Primarily A Cappella , P.O.Box D , San Anselmo, CA 94979 , delivery is as fast as I've ever seen from a mail-order house, often 24 hours to my home here 80 miles away by regular U.S. Mail!!!! Visa/M-C/American Express Some titles listed may have been dropped, depending on volume of orders. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 6 :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 6 of 11: bbshop recordings in the SPEBSQSA Harmony Marketplace Catalog [note that the SAI "OnLine Catalog" at seems to be devoid of recordings.... and there seems to be none at all for HI....] Harmony Marketplace is the SPEBSQSA merchandise catalog, issued annually these days. Harmony Marketplace, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991-1992, 1990-1991, 1989, 1988 catalogs: For you SPEBs, this is old news to you although culling these from the catalog caused me to see a few I hadn't really noticed before. Several times over the past year I've seen inquiries from the ladies, from non- members, and even from members for recordings that are listed here, so Heeeeere's the list! International Conventions: [1998 catalog dropped most older titles. They may still be available if you call Kenosha and ask] 1998 Top 21 Choruses, 4643 cassette $11.95, 4646 CD $14.95 * 1998 Top 20 Quartets, 4642 cas $11.95, 4645 CD $14.95 * 1998 Association of International Champions, 4644 cas $9.95, 4647 CD $14.95 * 1997 Top 21 Choruses, 4637 cassette $11.95, 4640 CD $14.95 * 1997 Top 20 Quartets, 4636 cas $11.95, 4639 CD $14.95 * 1997 Association of International Champions, 4638 cas $9.95, 4641 CD $14.95 * 1996 Top 20 Choruses, 4631 cassette $11.95, 4634 CD $14.95 * 1996 Top 20 Quartets, 4630 cas $11.95, 4633 CD $14.95 * 1996 Association of International Champions, 4632 cas $9.95, 4635 CD $14.95 1995 Top 20 Choruses, 4614 cassette $11.95, 4612 CD $14.95 * 1995 Top 20 Quartets, 4613 cas $11.95, 4611 CD $14.95 * 1995 Association of International Champions, 4615 cas $9.95 * 1994 Top 20 Choruses, 4695 cas $11.95 *, 4698 CD $14.95 [dropped] 1994 Top 20 Quartets, 4694 cas $11.95, 4697 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1994 Association of International Champions, 4696 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1993 Top 20 Choruses, 4617 cas $11.95, 4620 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1993 Top 20 Quartets, 4616 cas $11.95, 4619 CD $14.95 * [dropped] Intersound repackaged as "Love's Old Sweet Song" 1993 Association of International Champions, 4618 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1992 Top 20 Choruses, 4607 cas $11.95, 4610 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1992 Top 20 Quartets, 4606 cas $11.95, 4609 CD $14.95 * [dropped] Intersound, "Sweet Georgia Brown" ? 1992 Association of International Champions, 4608 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1991 Top 17 Choruses, 4688 cas $11.95, 4831 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1991 Top 20 Quartets, 4687 cas $11.95, 4830 CD $14.95 * [dropped] Intersound, "Old Mill Stream" 1991 Association of International Champions, 4689 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1991 World Harmony Jamboree, 4811 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1990 Top 17 Choruses, 4907 cas $11.95, 4941 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1990 Top 20 Quartets, 4906 cas $11.95, 4940 CD $14.95 * [dropped] Intersound, "Coney Island Baby" 1990 Association of International Champions, 4900 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1990 International Show, 4908 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1989 Top 16 Choruses, 4677 cas $11.95, 4806 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1989 Top 20 Quartets, 4676 cas $11.95, 4805 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1989 Association of International Champions, 4678 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1988 Top 16 Choruses, 4870 cas $11.95, 4808 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1988 Top 20 Quartets, 4869 cas $11.95, 4803 CD $14.95 * [dropped] 1988 Association of International Champions, 4871 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1988 International Show, 4892 cas $9.95 * [dropped] 1987 Top 16 Choruses, 4992 cas $10.95 ~== sold out? [dropped] #4992 1987 chorus cassette ~== a few left Marketplace catalog, Nancy Jarocki, Wed, 3 Dec 1997 15:32:00 -0600 1987 Top 20 Quartets, 4991 cas $10.95 * [dropped] 1986 Top 16 Choruses, 4985 cas $10.95 * [dropped] ~==86 QTs sold out? 1986 Association of International Champions, 4986 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1985 Top 16 Choruses, 4989 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1985 Top 20 Quartets, 4988 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1985 Saturday Night Show, 4990 cas $6.95 * [dropped] 1984 Top 16 Choruses, 4967 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1984 Top 20 Quartets, 4966 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1984 Saturday Night Show, 4969 cas $5.95 * [dropped] 1984 Association of International Champions, 4968 cas $5.95 * [dropped] 1983 Top 16 Choruses, 4858 cas $4.95 * [dropped] 1983 Top 20 Quartets, 4857 cas $4.95 * ~==tape flawed, pronounced "ghosts" [dropped] 1983 Saturday Night Show, 4859 cas $5.95 * [dropped] 1983 Association of International Champions, 4883 cas $3.95 * [dropped] 1982 Top 16 Choruses, 4854 cas $4.95 * [dropped] ~==82 QTs sold out? ~==82 Saturday Nite, 4856 cas $5.95 * sold out? 1982 Association of International Champions, 4855 cas $3.95 * [dropped] 1981 Top 16 Choruses, 4895 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1981 Top 20 Quartets, 4894 cas $8.95 * [dropped] 1981 Saturday Night Show, 4897 cas $5.95 * [dropped] 1981 Association of International Champions, 4896 cas $3.95 * [dropped] SAI: 1997 Chorus, [call for cas, CD, video info] [All SAI recordings dropped 1997 Quartet, [call for cas, CD, video info] cas * from SPEBS catalog.] 1996 Chorus Competition, 1913 cas $8.00 1996 Chorus video, 1928 $35.00 1996 Quartet Competition, 1912 cas $8.00 * 1996 Quartet video, 1927 $35.00 1995 Chorus Competition, 1911 cas $7.00 1995 Chorus video, 1926 $25.00 1995 Quartet Competition, 1910 cas $7.00 * 1995 Quartet video, 1925 $25.00 AIC Recordings: Acoustix, Stars and Stripes, 2902 cas $10, 2903 CD $15 * Acoustix, The New Science of Sound, 2900 cas $10, 2901 CD $15 * Acoustix, "Jazz Jazz Jazz", 2847 cas $10, 2848 CD $15 * Bayou City Music Committee, We'll Be Seeing You, 2942 cas $10 * Bluegrass Student Union, "Legacy", 2854 3CD Boxed set $60 * The Boston Common, That Old Quartet of Mine, 4998 LP $8 ,1990 catalog, dropped The Boston Common, In The Heart Of The City, 4997 LP $8 ,1990 catalog, dropped The Boston Common, Many Happy Returns, 4999 LP $8 ,1990 catalog, dropped Center Stage, Enter Center Stage, 4909 LP $5 ~==1990 catalog, dropped Chicago News, Have You Heard The News?, 4944 LP $4, dropped Chicago News, "Have You Heard The News?", 2851 cas $10 * Chicago News, "Special Edition", 2852 cas $10 * Chicago News, "Latest Edition", 2853 CD $15 * (includes all of "Special Edition" Chiefs of Staff, Memories, 2904 cas $10, 2905 CD $15 * Chiefs of Staff, Solid Gold, 2906 cas $10, 2907 CD $15 * Chiefs of Staff, Tribute, 2908 cas $10, 2909 CD $15 * Classic Collection, A Barbershop Album vol. 1, 2910 cas $10 * Classic Collection, A Barbershop Album vol. 2, 2911 cas $10 * Classic Collection, Special Request, 2912 cas $10 * Classic Collection, The Classic Collection, 2913 cas $10, 2914 CD $15 * Classic Collection, Signature, 2915 cas $10, 2916 CD $15 * The Confederates (?), Confederate Encores, 2974 cas $10, 2975 CD $15 * Dealer's Choice, The Anthology 1 Songs Like Daddy Used To Play, 2990 cas, 2995 CD 2 Choice II, 2991 cas, 2996 CD 3 The Last Session, 2992 cas, 2997 CD 4 Like The First Time, 2993 cas, 2998 CD Indiv cas $10 ea, indiv CD $15 ea, cas 4 pak $33, CD 4 pak $49 * Fatherly Advice, 2889 cas $10 * Four Renegades, Curtain Call, 4977 LP $4.95 ,1991 catalog, dropped The Gas House Gang, Face the Music, 2933 cas $10, 2934 CD $15 * The Gas House Gang, A Little Night Music, 2919 cas $10, 2920 CD $15 * The Gas House Gang, Our Rough and Tumble Best, 2917 cas $10, 2918 CD $15 * Gentlemen's Agreeement, "Gentlemen's Agreement" Masterworks, 2894 cas $10, 2895 CD $15 * Golden Staters, "Golden Staters" Masterworks, 2866 cas $10, 2867 CD $15 * Grandma's Beaus, That's Life, 2941 cas $10 * Happiness Emporium, "That's Entertainment", 2857 cas $10 * Happiness Emporium, "That's Entertainment/Control Yourself", 2859 double CD $15 * (includes all of "That's Entertainment" cas) Happiness Emporium, "That's Life!", 2858 cas $10 *, 2855 CD $15 * Interstate Rivals, "It's A Brand New Day", 2881 cas $10, 2882 CD $15 * Joker's Wild, Chasing a Dream, 2898 cas $10, 2899 CD $15 * Joker's Wild, Right From The Start, 2939 cas $10, 2940 CD $15 * Keepsake, Once Upon A Time, 2921 cas $10, 2922 CD $15 * Keepsake, Without A Song, 2937 cas $10, 2938 CD $15 * Keepsake, "The Entertainer", 2870 cas $10, 2871 CD $15 * Marquis, In the Wee Small Hours, 2984 cas $10, 2985 CD $15 * Marquis, "Diamond Cuts", 2864 cas $10, 2865 CD $15 * The Mid States Four, "Reminiscing With...", 2986 cas $10, 2987 CD $15 * Most Happy Fellows, At Ease, 4800 LP $5 ,1991 catalog, dropped Most Happy Fellows, Thanks For The Memories, 4801 LP $5 ,1991 catalog, dropped Most Happy Fellows, We're Off To See, 4801 LP $5 ,1991 catalog, dropped The New Tradition, "Sgt. Pepler's Homely Tarts Pub Band", 2846 2CD set $25 * Nightlife, "Basin Street Blues", 2885 cas $10, 2886 CD $15 * Nightlife, "Songs At Twilight", 2885 cas $10, 2886 CD $15 * Oriole Four, ( Masterwork Series? ), 2982 cas $10, 2983 CD $15 * The Pittsburghers, "The Pittsburghers", 2849 cas $10, 2850 CD $15 * The Ritz, Swingin' On A Star, 2980 cas $10, 2981 CD $15 * The Ritz, The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, 2978 cas $10, 2979 CD $15 * The Ritz, Old Songs Are Just Like Old Friends, 2929 cas $10, 2930 CD $15 * The Ritz, I'm Beginning To See The Light, 2927 cas $10, 2928 CD $15 * The Ritz, On Moonlight Bay, 2925 cas $10, 2926 CD $15 * The Ritz, The Ritz, 2925 cas $10 * The Ritz, "Rare Times", 2862 cas $10, 2863 CD $15 * Revival, "Revival", 2842 cas $10, 2843 CD $15 * Rural Route 4, "My Life, My Love, My Song", 2931 cas $10 *, 2932 CD $15 ~==1995 catalog, dropped Rural Route 4, Friends & Relatives, 2933 cas $10 * Rural Route 4, Saturday Nite & Sunday Mornin', 2934 cas $10 *,1995, dropped The Schmitt Brothers, "Greatest Hits", 2988 cas $10, 2989 CD $15 * The Sidewinders, "Here's Barbershop and Then Some", 2841 cas $10 * The Sidewinders, "Sunrise-Sunset", 2840 cas $10 * The Suntones, ( Masterwork Series vol. 1 ) 2935 cas $10, 2936 CD $15 * [portions of various recordings, not a reissue like "The Complete Works"] The Suntones, The Complete Works Vol. 2, 2896 cas $10, 2897 CD $15 * The Suntones, The Complete Works Vol. 3, 2890 cas $10, 2891 CD $15 * The Suntones, The Complete Works Vol. 4, 2976 cas $10, 2977 CD $15 * The Suntones, The Complete Works Vol. 5, 2872 cas $10, 2873 CD $15 * Vaudeville, Ladies and Gentlemen, 4834 LP $5 ~==1991 catalog, dropped Vaudeville, Spotlight On, 4834 LP $5 ~==1991 catalog, dropped Yesteryear, "Yesteryear", 2868 cas $10, 2869 CD $15 * Chorus Champions: Alexandria Harmonizers, Having Fun, 2966 cas $10, 2967 CD $15 * Alexandria Harmonizers, Photographs And Memories, 2968 cas $10, 2969 CD $15 * Alexandria Harmonizers, Show Favorites, 2970 cas $10, 2971 CD $15 * Alexandria Harmonizers, "Live On Stage", 2860 cas $10, 2861 CD $15 * Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus, From This Moment On, 2972 cas $10, 2973 CD $15 * Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus, Songs of Inspiration, 4994 cas $5.50 * Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus, Champs Back To Back, 4996 LP $3.95 ,1990 cat, dropped Masters of Harmony, "California Gold Rush", 2879 cas $10, 2880 CD $15 * Masters of Harmony, Masterpiece, 2954 cas $10, 2955 CD $15 * Masters of Harmony, Showtime, 2954 cas $10, 2955 CD $15 * Masters of Harmony, Caroling! Caroling!, 2952 cas $10, 2953 CD $15 * Northbrook chorus and Chiefs of Staff QT, National Anthems on Tape, 4657 reel2reel $4, 4658 cas $4 ~== [dropped?] The Phoenicians, "With Strings Attached", 2983 cas $10, 2984 CD $15 * The Phoenicians, A Championship Affair: Happy Birthday Phoenicians, 2964 cas $10, 2965 CD $15 * Southern Gateway Chorus, Here Come The Tall Stacks!, 2945 cas $10 * Southern Gateway Chorus, All The World And Its Gold, 2943 cas $10, 2944 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, "How Sweet The Sound", 2874 cas $10, 2875 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, The Music Never Ends, 2892 cas $10, 2893 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, Alleluia, 2956 cas $10, 2957 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, The Secret of Christmas, 2958 cas $10, 2959 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, Best of the Early Years, 2960 cas $10, 2961 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, I'll Be Seeing You, 2962 cas $10, 2963 CD $15 * Vocal Majority, "The Vocal Majority With Strings", 2844 cas $10, 2845 CD $15 * West Towns Chorus, This Is Christmas, 2946 cas $10 * West Towns Chorus, The West Towns Chorus, 2947 cas $10 * West Towns Chorus, Our Road To The Gold, 2948 cas $10, 2949 CD $15 * Various, "Yuletide Favorites", Southern Gateway Chorus, Arlingtones, Soundtracks, 4910 cas $5.50 Various, Barbershop Harmony At Its Best, 4976 LP $5 ~==1991 catalog Various, Barbershop Harmony Favorites, Vol One, 30165 cas $7.95, 30161 CD $15 * Various, Barbershop Harmony Favorites, Vol Two, 30166 cas $7.95 * (Second Edition?) [discount offer for multiples of 25] Various, The Best of Barbershop (1938 - 1976), 4960 LP $10 ~==1990 catalog Various, The Best of Barbershop (1964 - 1976), 4961 LP $3 ~==1990 catalog Various, "The Best of Barbershop" 1990 - 1996, 30160 3CD set $21 Various, Close Harmony Pioneers, 2876 cas $9.00 * ~== dropped Various, The Winner's Circle, 4882 LP $4, 4881 cas $5.50 * ~== dropped (Dukes of Harmony, Thoroughbreds, Bluegrass Student Union, Combined Choruses, Chorus and Audience; The Winners' Circle) Various, "Showtime",4878 cas $8.95 * ~== dropped (Dukes of Harmony, Chorus and the Northland Quartet, Class of the '80s, Rumors, Vocal Majority, Scarborough Chapter Quartets, Signature, Current Affairs, Catch 44, Majestic Assembly, et al.) VIDEO: [check catalog for PAL prices] 1998 Quartet competition, 4096 $24.95 1997 Chorus competition, 4097 $24.95 1997 Quartet competition, 4091 $24.95 1997 Chorus competition, 4092 $24.95 1997 both 4865 $39.90 1996 Quartet competition, 4089 $24.95 1996 Chorus competition, 4090 $24.95 1996 both 4030 $39.90 1995 Quartet competition, 4084 $24.95 [dropped] 1995 Chorus competition, 4085 $24.95 [dropped] #4067 1994 chorus VIDEO* Nancy Jarocki reports that the following recordings, few available Wed, 3 Dec 1997 15:32:00 -0600 "Keep America Singing", 4020 $29.95 "Voices in Harmony: More Keep America Singing", 4019 $29.95 "A Walk Through Harmony Hall", 4021 $14.95 "Happiness Emporium - Double Feature", 2856 $15 [plus 15 educational tapes....] Order, 1-800-876-SING; when ordering, confirm the item number because the older I am the smaller this writing gets.... I have omitted learning cassettes because they tend to be great for learning but abysmal for listening. * = I have this one.... --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 7 :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 7 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer since 10/94 [see list #9 #10 for before 10/94] For you non-SPEBS, "The Harmonizer" is the national magazine of SPEBSQSA. Harmonizer Ads (most ads say "U.S. Funds; on credit card orders include expiration date), dates in () are dates of the Harmonizer issues: Acoustix Productions: (10/96 - 4/99)) [All CDs $15, Cas $10] Acoustix, The New Science of Sound, cas $10, CD $15 * Stars & Stripes, cas $10, CD $15 * Jazz Jazz Jazz, cas $10, CD $15 * (8/98) All 3 cas $25, CD $40 * Suntones, The Complete Works, vol. 1, cas $10, CD $15 * ["A Touch Of Gold" & "Afterglow"] The Complete Works, vol. 2, cas $10, CD $15 * ["Watch What Happens" & "Somewhere"] The Complete Works, vol. 3, cas $10, CD $15 * The Complete Works, vol. 4, cas $10, CD $15 * [double album "Fiddler" and "As Time Goes By"] The Complete Works, vol. 5, cas $10, CD $15 * All 5 cas $40, CD $60 The Dealer's Choice, The Anthology, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, All 4 cas $35, CD $60 * [see combined price elsewhere] Vocal Majority "How Sweet The Sound", cas $10, CD $15 * "The Music Never Ends", cas $10, CD $15 * "Best Of The Early Years", cas $10, CD $15 * "I'll Be Seeing You", cas $10, CD $15 * "Alleluia", cas $10, CD $15 * "The Secret Of Christmas", cas $10, CD $15 * "Vocal Majority With Strings", cas $10, CD $15 "Voices" (VHS) video, $20 , (PAL) Video $30 "Keep America Singing" Video, VHS $30 [$5 off for any 3 Acoustix titles, 5th Suntones free if you buy any 4] order, Acoustix Productions, 10455 N. Central Expressway Ste 109-128, Dallas TX 75231-2211 USA S&H was $2.50 per order , TX res sales tax 8.25% Visa M/C Amex Discover, phone 888/448-STIX (7849) or 972/307-6810 , fax 214/265-9555 acoustix@AIRMAIL.NET now S&H North America $2.50 to $15, $3.50 to $25, $4.50 to $50, $5.25 to $75, $6 over $75, overseas varies Bluegrass Student Union, "Legacy", 3CD $60 * PBS video #1 "keep America Singing" $30 The Airwaves: (12/98) "Christmas With The Airwaves", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2, order: The Airwaves, P.O.Box 55427, Portland, OR 97238, 1-800-692-2192, fax 360-687-7909, MC/Visa/Amex/Discover Aloha Chorus: (12/95) Barbershop Wears a Lei, cas $10, CD $15 * order Sounds of Aloha, P.O.Box 1723, Alea, Hawaii 96701, S&H $2 per order, (808) 488-3661 Bank Street: (6/99) "Love Me And The World Is Mine", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 VISA/M-C Bank Street, 11724 Freeway Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123 505/298-4556 BSQ: (6/99) "The Melody Lingers On", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per order, BSQ, P.O.Box 4282, Annapolis, MD 21403 Bluegrass Student Union: (6/99) "Legacy", including "After Class", "The Older, The Better", "The Music Man", "Jukebox Saturday Night", "Here To Stay" plus more.... CD Boxed set $59.95 * , S&H $6 per order, Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX, "Jukebox Saturday Night", CD $15.95 Bluegrass Productions, P.O.Box 7068, Louisville KY, 40257-0068 fax 502-638-9616 Boston Common: (06/99) "Collective Works", double CD $60 * S&h $2.50 The Boston Common, to The House Of Commons, 111 Summer Street, Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Chordiac arrest! : (10/95, 8/99) "Live and Well", cas $11, CD $16 * order "Doc" Johnson, 527 East Third Street, Lockport, IL 60441 815/838-1874 S&H included "Second Opinion", cas $11, CD $16 * "Chordiac Arrest! The Video", $30 Classic Collection: (12/94) Volumes 1 - 5, cas $10 * * * Volumes 4 & 5, CD $15 * * order 7524 E. Costilla Pl., Englewood, CO 80112, S&H $2, Visa M/C 800/873-5467 The Confederates: (10/95) Confederate Encores, cas $10, CD $15 * order George Evans, 6520 (6250?) Indian Knoll Road, Cumming, GA 30301 S&H $2, Visa M/C, 404/887-2300 ( 404-713-3628 ? ) Dealer's Choice, "Anthology", set cas $33, CD $49 * (5/97) Vol. 1 - "Songs Like Daddy Used To Play" - (the first one), cas $10 CD $15 * Vol. 2 - "Choice II" (with the Riverboat and Civil War themes), cas $10 CD $15 * Vol. 3 - "The Last Session" - with Greg Lyne as baritone, cas $10 CD $15 * Vol. 4 - "Like The First Time", cas $10 CD $15 * Or all 4 CDs $49, cas $33, order Holly Beck, Dealer's Choice Productions, 833 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, TX 75019, (O) 972/462-9248, (Fax) 972-393-7148 email, $2.50 S&H per order. [or see Acoustix Productions above, also 5/97] The EntertainMen: (10/96) "Here is to Wild, Wild Women", CD $15 * Plus (unknown amount) postage & handling, order M/C or VISA only? The Entertainmen, Toredalsvagen 35 , SE-144 63 Ronninge, Sweden email: fax +46 8 681 26 26 email: Ola Johansson , but see list #7 Excalibur: (6/98, 6/99) Gonna Build A Mountain, cas $10, CD $15 * One Moment In Time, cas $10, CD $15 * order [old] Excalibur, 6601 Arlington Court, Chanhassen, MN 55317, [new] Excalibur, 8612 Ridgewood Lane, Savage, MN 55378 S&H $2 "Unforgettable" 6/99: Excalibur, 1609 Stonepine Court, Hudson, WI 54016 Expanded Sound: (12/98) "A Biker's Life", cas $10, CD $15 * "Par For The Couarse", CD $8 * order Expanded Sound Inc., 1661 Clocktower Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63138 was: 330 Sorrento Dr., St. Louis, MO 63021-6454 S&H $2 per item Visa/MC "Equally Ugly" T-shirts $15, L/XL/XXl/XXXl FRED: (08/96) Get Happy, cas $9, CD $13 *, 8-track $4,871.00 ~==a pre-release price?? Simply Fred, cas $10, CD $15 * , 8-track $5,000.00 order Fred, 1415 Barrier Rd., Marietta, GA 30066, S&H (actually, "Touching & Feeling") $2 per order or $3 overseas "Do not operrate heavy equipment while humming a FRED tune." Gas House Gang: (02/95, 10/96) A Little Night Music, cas $10, CD $15 * Our 'Rough and Tumble' Best, cas $10, CD $15 * Face The Music, cas $10, CD $15 * order The Gas House Gang, 138 College Drive, St. Charles, Missouri 63301 314/946-6394 M/C-Visa S&H $2 per order Gentlemen's Agreement! (6/95) Masterworks Series, cas $10, CD $15 * Association of International Champions Masterworks Series, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, Texas 75019-4082 S&H $2.50 Also, Oriole Four, cas $10, CD $15 Suntones, cas $10, CD $15 Good News: (12/97) Album I & Album II, cas $12 * Album III & Album IV, cas $12 * Album V, cas $10 * "The Heart of Christmas", cas $7, CD $10 * Album VI, "Jesus Loves Me", cas $10 * Folios, learning tapes for each part available. order Good News, Jerry Fairchild, 671 W. Cypress, Redlands, CA 92373 S&H $2.50 per order, 909/792-9669, booking (612) 571-0829 The Heart of Holland Chorus: (10/94) Winter Wonderland, CD $15 * order HOHC, P.O. Box 291, 3430 AG Nieuwegein, Holland. S/H $5. "Please transfer the total amount to acc. no: (U.S. Funds)" [Did anybody do this, and did it work OK?] The Heritage Hall Museum of Barbershop Harmony : (02/95) Close-Harmony Pioneers, recorded between 1909 and 1927, including Edison Male Quartet, the Imperial Quartet, the Peerless Quartet, the Victor Male Quartet, the American Quartet, the Shannon Quartet. cas *. Contribution of $25 over and above 1993 contribution. M/C Visa. No address or phone number on the Jan/Feb 1995 p. 26 article; next page shows Charlie Green, Director of Development, 4405 Curve Avenue, Edina, MN 55424-1048; 612/929-0041 Discography, posted 07/26/95, item # 856 on Tim's Gopher for July Joker's Wild: (06/95) Right From The Start, cas $10, CD $15 * order Joker's Wild, 550 East Weisheimer Road, Columbus, OH 43214 S&H $2, 614/263-0865 Keepsake: (10/94, 10/97) The Entertainer, cas $10, CD $15 * Without a Song, cas $10, CD $15 * Once Upon A Time, cas $10, CD $15 * order Keepsake, P.O.Box 1827, Orlando, FL 32802-1827 S&H $2 maybe per order although the ad was vague Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus: (04/95) From This Moment On..., cas $10, CD $15 * order Thoroughbred Chorus, P.O. Box 99993, Louisville, KY 40269-0993 S&H $3 per order, KY residents add 6% sales tax, 800/29T-BRED Louisville Times: (08/97) "Steppin Out", cas $10, CD $15 * order The Louisville Times CD, P.O. Box 43220, Louisville, CA 40253 1-800-39-TIMES, email, credit cards, $1 S&H per item Marquis: (6/98) "Diamond Cuts", cas $10, CD $15 * the wee small hours, cas $10, CD $15 * Video, "A Celebration of the Life of Randy Chisholm", $12 order Marquis, 5738 Saddleridge Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45247 S&H $2 per order, 513/923-9457 VISA/MC The Masters of Harmony: (12/94, 12/96, 2/98) California Gold Rush, cas $10, CD $15 * Caroling! Caroling!, cas $10, CD $15 * Masterpiece, $10, CD $15 * Showtime, cas $10, CD $15 * order Foothill Cities Chapter, SPEBSQSA, Russ Johnson, 9201 Gaymont Ave., Downey, CA 90240, S&H $2.50, Visa M/C, 310/928-2426 [service is quite a bit faster than from Kenosha and I suspect they get a greater percentage of the cut, too] Soon-To-Be-Released, cas $10, CD $15 * Nightlife Recordings (same address) "Songs At Twilight", cas $10, CD $15 * Soon-To-Be-Released, cas $10, CD $15 Mid States Four : (08/96) "Reminiscing with the MID STATES FOUR", cas ?, CD $15 * [SLC HM table] Mid States Productions, 317 Poorman Creek Road, Twisp, WA 98856-9732 mail order, cas $11, CD $17 New Tradition: (2/98) "Silver Linings", cas $10, CD $15 * "Holiday Treasures", cas $10 * "It's A Good Day", cas $10 "Decade of Harmony", cas $10, CD $15 * "Let There Be Peace On Earth", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.00 per order, Visa/M-C, New Tradition Recordings, P.O. Box 2235, Northbrook, Il 60065 1-800-746-9246 Nightlife: (8/97) "Songs At Twilight", cas $10, CD $15 * "Basin Street Blues", cas $10, CD $15 * Nightlife, 2802 W. 145th Street, Gardena, CA 90249-3118 or call 310/327-3788, S&H $2.50 per order, Visa-M/C [& See Masters of Harmony] The Phoenicians: (8/97) "With Strings Attached." cas $10, CD $15 * order: Don Richardson, 346 W. El Camino Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021-5525 602.943-5955 email: $2 S&H PER order Revival: (12/98, 6/99) "Revival", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 per order, Visa M/C Disc Amex, to Revival , 12990 Winterberry Dr. , Moreno Valley, CA 92553 or by phone 909/488-9340 fax 619/624-9525 email 8/99: Revival, 9779 San Diego Street, Spring Valley, CA 91977 619/472-5049 619/624-9525 Ritz Recordings: (4/99) Rare Times, cas $10, CD $15 * The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, cas $10, CD $15 * The Ritz Anthology [includes the following 4], cas $33, CD $49 * The Ritz Swingin' On A Star, cas $10, CD $15 * Old Songs are Just Like Old Friends, cas $10, CD $15 * I'm Beginning To See The Light, cas $10, CD $15 * The Ritz on Moonlight Bay, cas $10, CD $15 * The Ritz, cas $10 * [dropped from their ad] order, The Ritz, Ritz Recordings, Box 126, Oakwood, OH, 45873, S&H $2 per order, Visa M/C, by phone 1-800-555-2324 , Doug 'Nic' Nichol, Anthology +1, cas $40, CD $60 (8/98) Anthology +2, cas $48, $72 (8/98) SPEBSQSA Harmony Marketplace: (8/98) 1998 Quartets, 4642 cas $11.95, 4645 CD $14.95 *, 4096 VHS video $24.95, 4116 PAL video $30 1998 Choruses, 4643 cas $11.95, 4646 CD $14.95 *, 4097 VHS video $24.95, 4117 PAL video $30 1998 AIC Show, 4644 cas $9.95, 4647 CD $14.95 * 5% sales tax if Wisconsin, S&H $5 per order U.S. & Canada, $15 overseas , VIsa M/C , Harmony Marketplace , SPEBSQSA, Inc. , 6315 Third Avenue , Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 , 800/876-7464 , fax 414/654-5552 (8/99) Early Bird Packages by 10/1/99: "1999 Quartet Contest, The Top 20 Quartets", 4648 cas $11.95 4650 CD $14.95 "1999 Chorus Contest, The Top 20 Choruses", 4649 cas $11.95 4651 CD $14.95 Pkg #1 4816 both cassettes $19.90 Pkg #22 4862 $24.90 both CDs ~==ordered S&H $6/$15 overseas, Harmony Marketplace, SPEBSQSA, Inc., 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 800/876-7464/ FAX 414/654-5552 Studio One "The Barbershop Quartet CD-ROM", $49 (2/99) Multimedia, 44 songs, sing what part you choose, piano-roll & on-screen notation, change tempo, loop a portion of a song, play one chord at a time, study historical notes, biographies, & photos, digital quality, all kinds of features to help teach you to sing better & learn songs. Visa M/C, S&H $2.50 North America per order, outside $5 plus $2.50 per order, U.S. Funds only, Washington residents add 8% sales tax, Studio One Productions, P.O.Box 5955, Bellingham, Washington 98227-5955 , 360/398-8710 Fax 360/398-7181 Sweet Adelines International: (5/97) 800-992-7464, Visa, M/C "Top 11 Quartets, 'Best of' Performances", cas $8, #RC9602 (1996?) "Top 6 Choruses, Semifinals & Finals Performances", cas $8, #RC9601 Swing Street: (12/94) Moving Violations, cas $10, CD $15 * Street of Dreams, $10, CD $15 * order Swing Street, 4349 Yarmouth Crossing, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 S&H $2, 313/434-4563 Time-Life Music, "The Best of Barbershop Quartets", #4836-4 3 cas $24.98, #4836-2 3 CD set * in their catalog (2/98), Order from 1-800-382-2348 24 hours a day. 3 cas set was $19.98 plus S&H & tax. Since 1990, SPEBSQSA has licensed its contest recordings to a company called INTERSOUND, which re-packages them (under titles such as "OLD MILL STREAM" and "BEAUTIFUL DREAMER" and "LOVE'S OLD SWEET SONG") and distributes them via retail, book-club and catalog channels. This year, INTERSOUND took the cream of the last six years' releases and combined them into "THE BEST OF THE BARBERSHOP," a three-disc set. See also List #5. Tulsa Tradition: (08/96) "First Hello", cas $8 * "Shenandoah", cas $10, CD $15 * Winston Associates (?), 4349 E. 57th Street, Tulsa, OK 74135 918/494-9933 S&H $2 per ITEM ["It should be available this month [11/95]. Curt Angel (the lead) told me that they were very pleased with the way it turned out."] 10/94 Harmonizer, Tim Ambrose, 4554 South Louisville, Tulsa, OK 74135 918/747-1643 The Vocal Majority: (6/96, 5/97) How Sweet The Sound, CD * The MUSIC never ends, cas $10, CD $15 * Best Of The Early Years, cas $10, CD $15 * I'll Be Seeing You, cas $10, CD $15 * For God, Country & You, cas $10, CD $15 * Voices In Harmony, cas $10, CD $15 * Alleluia, cas $10, CD $15 * The Secret of Christmas, cas $10, CD $15 * (with The Mormon Tabernacle Choir) [10/94: From Texas With Love, cas $10.50, CD $15.50 ] order, The Vocal Majority, P.O. Box 29904, Dallas, TX 75229 S&H $3 to $75, $5 over $75 $10 additional for express shipping [10/94: , add $6 if overseas,] [5/97, S&H $2.50 per order, $10 UPS, $11.50 outside U.S. M/C Visa, 1-800-VMSONGS ( 800.867.6647 ) or 214/960-0606; [ ad 12/94 mentioned a buy 3 get 1 free offer ] "The Vocal Majority With Strings", cas $10 , CD $15 * (8/98) S&H $2.50 per order, Texas 8.25% sales tax, fax 800-876-6647 Yesteryear: (08/96) Relics of Yesteryear, cas $10, CD $15 * order, Relics of Yesteryear, P.O. Box 142, Elyria, OH 44036 S&H $2 per order, foreign specify U.S.funds. VIDEOS: (10/97) "VOICES", $19.95 + $5 S&H, unspecified credit cards, 310/450-FILM, or fax 310/656-0770, checks to Seven Rays Pictures, P.O. Box 1920, Santa Monica, CA 90406 * = I have Some of these ads are hard to spot as recording ads. When I went looking for them I found a lot more than I remember. If you are composing an ad, you might run it past somebody to see if they understand what you are selling. Most ads say "The distribution, sale or advertising of unofficial recordings is not a representation that the contents of such recordings are appropriate for contest use." Sheesh! This society must have been founded by a lawyer! (I is one, so I can pick up on that stuff...) Excludes collections for sale in the "Swipes 'n' Swaps" want-ads. Note: I have been as careful transcribing this information as possible. If you find errors, please let me know, and if the recordings are no longer available or any ordering information has changed (such as a phone being disconnected and reassigned to somebody unsuspecting), please let me know ASAP so I can post the correction. Thank you. --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 8 :::::::::::::: Part 8 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer, 12/79 - 08/94, but not after that date. Note that many of these recordings are no longer available so when you call or write be sensitive that the phone numbers may have changed owners and area codes have been changing, etc., and yet even out of stock recordings are still of interest to collectors. For the most part I have ignored videos although there have been quite a few available. The audio recordings have been generally terrific, the video not. I could collect info on those as well if anybody is interested. It is quite disturbing how quickly these recordings come and go. PLEASE: if you know anything about the availability of these recordings, let me know. Thanks. Harmonizer Ads (most ads say "U.S. Funds; on credit card orders include expiration date), dates in () are dates of the Harmonizer issues, S&H outside U.S. is usually more: 139th St. Quartet: (02/92) 139th Street Quartet III, cas $10 * Greatest Hits Double Album, cas $14 * Standing Room Only, (LP $7 02/82) cas $8 * order AVCP, 2421 Via Anita, Palos Verdes Estates, California 90274 S&H $2 per order. [address suspect by 1996] The 4th Edition: (02/80) Naturally, LP $6 Album Two, LP $6 Our Last Song Together, LP $6 order: The 4th Edition, c/o Nancy Belle, 7757 King Memorial Rd., Mentor, Ohio 44060 S&H included The Alexandria Harmonizers: (02/88) #1 ~==not available #2 ~==not available "A Gift of Music", cas $8 * "havin' fun", LP $8, cas $8 ~==[CD *] (both, $15) order: Alexandria Harmonizers, Terry Jordan, Box #11274, Lincolnia, VA 22312 S&H $1.50 email phil.stern\ 703/836-0969 [address obsolete, see list #6 or their home page] The Arlingtones: (10/82) A Chorus For All Seasons, LP $7 order: The Arlingtones, P.O. Box 1263, Elk Grove, Il 60007 S&H zero? Bank Street: (12/90) Bank Street, cas $8.95, CD $14.95 * order: Bank Street, P.O. Box 13973, Albuquerque, NM 87192-1973 505/294-4697 S&H $2.00 per order, email Toby Balsley Ybot@AOL.COM or Bnkstrt@AOL.COM , Toby (505-294-8282) Roger Blackburn: (10/80) "Barbershopping in Brass", cas $7 (Philadelphia Orchestra Trumpeter, playing all 4 parts....) order Roger Blackburn, 310 Hawthorne AVe., Haddonfield, NJ 08033 S&H included [Dan Meyer, Bryn Mawr, address good 9/96) Joe De Felice: (9/11/96) "a. Roger Blackburn, a long time BBshopper, director, arranger, bari of '67 MAD quartet champs CONTINENTAL FOUR -and- Professional Musician playing I believe 1st chair trumpet with the Philadelphia Orchestra for lo these many years (whew, all in one singers/net breath), played all four parts on four different brass instruments as I recall (via overlay, of course, not all at one time). FANTASTIQUE!! and, except for no words, great barbershop harmony. b. I dont know but I would guess that Roger still might have a few albums for sale. I'm copying him on this but his Email address is as follows for anyone interisted: " [see list #7, re-released] The Bluegrass Student Union: (06/93) ~==[all included in "Legacy" CD set *] After Class, LP $9.95, cas $9.95 The Older the Better, LP $9.95, cas $9.95 Music Man, LP $9.95, cas $9.95 Jukebox Saturday Night, LP $9.95, cas $9.95, CD $14.95 Here to Stay, cas $9.95, CD $14.95 set of 4 cassettes for $35 [which 4? I count 5] order Bluegrass Productions, P.O. Box 34324, Louisville, KY 40233 or 502/499-9603 8 - 5:30 M-F. S&H $2.50 per order. The Boston Common: (Don Richardson Review, 04/84) In the Heart of the City, LP $7, (cas $8 08/93) Many Happy Returns, LP $7, (cas $8 08/93) Smilin' Through, LP $7, (cas $8 08/93) That Old Quartet of Mine, LP $7, (cas $8 08/93) order: The Boston Common, 111 Summer Street, Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 S&H $.95 per item. Both Sides Of The Fence (mixed QT): (12/85) ??, LP contact: Dave Purcell, 7 Fuller Drive, Hudson, NH 03051, 603/889-4866 The Buffalo Bills: (04/86) "Barbershop & Banjo Plus", cas $5.50 (limited edition release) order: Nu-World Productions, Inc., Scott Ward, P.O. Box 4337, Tequesta, FL 33458 S&H zero? The Cascade Chorus: (04/85) As Time Goes By, LP $9, cas $9 ~==sold out [there's a few unopened copies around the chapter, though] order: The Cascade Chorus, 541 Antelope Way, Eugene, Oregon 97401 503/687-0800 S&H zero email: martin.grandahl\ Center Stage: (02/83) Enter Center Stage, LP $8, cas $8 order Glenn Van Tassell, 5876 Mohawk Drive, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 313/484-3038 S&H zero? [jb: Center Stage - I know Glenn Van Tassell lives in Florida, not Michigan.] Chicago Chord of Trade: (02/90) fan fare for the uncommon man, LP $8.95, cas $9.95, CD $14.95 * order Chicago Chord of Trade, 445 Laburnum Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062 S&H $2 per order email: (Jay & Helen Giallombardo) Chicago News: (10/84) Have You Heard The News, LP $8 [cas *] Special Edition, LP $8, cas $8 * order: Chicago News, 739 E. Devon Ave., Roselle, IL 60172 S&H $1 per item Chiefs of Staff: (4/92) Memories, cas $10, CD $15 * Solid Gold, LP $5, cas $10, CD $15 * Tribute, LP $5, cas $10 [CD $15 *] set of 3 cassettes $25 order: Chiefs of Staff, 972 Howard St., Des Plaines, IL 60018 S&H $2 per order. (10/90, Solid & Tribute, cas $17, CD $22 for both) [or order from Giallombardo] The Cincinnati Kids Barbershop Quartet: (10/84) "Kids" Sing The Darndest Things, LP $8, cas $8 * order: Cincinnati Kids, P.O. Box 14905, Cincinnati, OH 45214 S&H $1 per item. City Lights - 1992 Queens of Harmony: (04/94) Sophisticated Swing, cas $10, CD $15 * order City Lights, 8 Woodland Road, Maplewood, NJ 07040 S&H $2 per order. City of Lakes Chorus, SAI: (04/94) The Best of Times, cas $12, CD $17 *; other countries cas $15, CD $20 ~==[ordered] order: City of Lakes Chorus, mail to City of Lakes Recording, 17036 Davenport Street, NE, Anoka, MN 55304 S&H zero? Visa. Upper Midwest A Cappella Calendar, From (SchroederK) The City of Lakes Sweet Adelines Chorus, an international medalist chorus, hotline at 612-945-0337. Class of the '80's: (12/89) Timepieces, cas $9 (including selections with the Dallas Jazz Orchestra) First Class, cas $8 order: checks payable to "Boys Next Door", 7635 Bryn Mawr Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 214/701-3440 S&H $1 per tape. [Todd says these are no longer available] Cleveland Area! (?): (12/83) Songs That Will Never Die, cas $6.95 (sung by: John Betts, Alan Kibby, Jack Rothermel, Manney Ramey) order: Songs That Will Never Die, 4062 Erie Street, Willoughby, OH, 44094 S&H $1 per order. Coronet Club Chorus: (06/90) Coronet Club Chorus (live - on stage), cas $6 * order: Ferne Hogan, 5242 Andalucia Court, Whittier, CA 90601 S&H zero? Dealer's Choice: (06/91) ~==[4CD Anthology *] Songs Like Daddy Used To Play, cas $8 Choice II, cas $8 Last Session, cas $8 Like the First Time, cas $8, CD $15 (includes Gary Parker's Beach Boys' Medley) order: Dealer's Choice Productions, 9810 El Patio, Dallas, TX 75218 S&H $2 per order. [jb: Dealer's Choice - address given is Greg Clancy.] [& see list #6] The Dolphin Barber Mates: (02/93) 10 Years Dolphin Barber Mates, cas $10, CD $15 order: Dolphin Barber Mates, AD Hofstede, Boeier 02-01, 8242CD Lelystad, Holland Tel: 3200 43124 S&H $3 per order, Visa M/C Four Under Par: (02/84) On The Fringe, LP $8 order: checks payable to Caddyshack Productions 89, 20 218 Street, Queens Village, NY 11427 S&H $.95 The General Assembly Chorus: (12/80) Live/In Concert!, LP $6.95 order: RTPC, Box 33732, Raleigh, NC 27606 S&H zero ? The Gentlemen Four: (04/82) Gentlemen Four , LP $5.95 (sacred barbershop music, plus barbershop favorites) order: R3 Marketing, 11558 Iowa Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 CA residents add sales tax, S&H $1 per order [& list #6] The Grand Tradition: (04/83) From The First Hello, LP $8 * order: payable to Traditional Recordings, c/o Dan Jordan, P.O. Box 11244, Glendale, CA 91206 S&H included email: Dave Garstang DGARSTANG@GI.COM 2/9/96: $LP $6 + $2 S&H, to David Garstang, 13173 Avd. del General, San Diego, CA 92129 Grandma's Boys: (12/83) I Had A Dream, Dear, LP $8 Grandma's Boys III, LP $8 order: Grandma's Boys, 832 Dell Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 S&H $1 per order [address is probably wrong by now. Ask Helen G.] The Great Northern Union: (04/94) Lights Up! cas $9.95, CD $14.95 * order Lights Up! The Great Northern Union, P.O. Box 21547, Eagan, MN 55121-0547, 612/643-4GNU S&H $4 per order , but see list #8 Growing Girls: (10/91) (see Second Edition) Happiness Emporium: (10/93) That's Life!, cas $10 * (still avail) That's Entertainment, LP $10, cas $10 * (still avail) Control Yourself, LP $10, cas $10 (LP still avail) [Oh Lord It's Hard to be] Humble ~==LP sold out Now & Then, LP $10 (still avail) Rise 'N Shine, LP $10 (still avail) (06/92) cas $8, 8-track $8 ~==[end of an era, last 8-track advertised] Right From The Start (06/92), LP $8, cas $8, 8-track $8 4 LP Collector's Set, $12 [? one for $10 or 4 for $12 total? guess it's the end of the LP - these are the last LPs found in the Harmonizer ads] Any two $17, 3 or more $8 each. order: Emporium Recordings, 9151 Glen Edin Lane, Minneapolis, MN 55443 email: Dick Treptow [Dick says the ones noted above are still available, but no CDs or videos available] S&H $2 per order. The Harrington Brothers: (08/81) School Days, LP $7 order: The Harrington Brothers, 3000 Kaye Lawn, Louisville, KY 40220 S&H included The Houston Tidelanders: (06/83) It's Simply Great!, Lp $8, cas $8 * order: The Houston Tidelanders, 938 Bethlehem, Houston, Texas 77018 S&H included The Innsiders: (12/85) Inside Out, LP $8 On Top Of The World, LP $8, 8-track $8, cas $8 The Way We Were,, LP $8, 8-track $8, cas $8 Till We Meet Again, LP $8, cas $8 (2nd & subsequent recording $7 each) order: The Innsiders, 9007 Concho, Houston, Texas 77036 S&H zero The Louisville Thoroughbred Chorus: (02/82) A Thoroughbred Affair, LP $8 order: "A Thoroughbred Affair", 2206 Blvd. Napoleon, Louisville, KY 40205 S&H included Most Happy Fellows: (08/91) At Ease, LP $5, cas $8 Thanks for the Memories, LP $5, cas $8 We're Off to See The Wizard, LP $5, cas $8 cassettes $6 each for 3 or more MHF Records, 3524 S.W. 325th St., Federal Way, WA 98023 S&H $2 per order The New Tradition: (04/88) Clowning Around, LP $8, cas $8 [re-release CD *] TNT Dynamite, LP $8, cas $8 [re-release CD *] order: The New Tradition, P.O. Box 11244, Glendale, CA 91206-7244 ["2. The New Tradition does have 3,786,436 records and tapes in stock. 3. The New Tradition will not break up until all units are sold (est. year 2017)"] The New Yorkers: (04/84) In Old New York, LP $8 order The New Yorkers, c/o/ Al Fennell, 70 N. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 S&H included Nightlife: (12/93) Songs at Twilight, cas $10 [CD *] order Nightlife, 614 Cherry St., Brea, CA 92621 714/255-1251 S&H $2 per order. email: The Notewits: (06/91) New Material (?), LP $6, cas $8 order The Notewits, c/o Ed Keller, 147 Oakview Ave., Mapewood, NH 07040 908/763-1989 or 908/687-0900 S&H $2 per item. Panache: (06/93) Panache XX00, cas $10, CD $15 * Sweet Adeline, cas $10, CD $15 * order "Panache", 8095 Kendra Court, Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714/282-1610 S&H $2 per order Phoenicians: (06/93) A Championship Affair, cas $10, CD $15 * Through The Years, LP $6 order Don Richardson, 346 W. El Camino Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021 S&H $2 per order. "You ain't heard nuthin' yet!", 2 cas set $14.95, S&H $2 (08/87) Phoenician Phan Club, 4324 East Darrell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040 The Rapscallions: (12/85) "Premiere" (?), LP $8, cas $8 order: Rapscallion Recordings, P.O. Box 2446, Cincinnati, OH 45201 S&H $1 per item Rich-Tones: (08/90) Rich-Tones's One Of A Kind, cas $10 *, CD $15 * order Rich-Tone Chorus, Inc., P.O. Box 832978, Richardson, Texas 75083-2978 S&H $2 per order. Rural Route 4: (06/92) My Life, My Love, My Song cas $10 *, CD $15 Friends and Relatives, LP $5, cas $8 * Saturday Night, Sunday Morning cas $8 * order: rural Route 4, 8714 E. 57th Terrace, K.C., MO 64129 S&H $2 per order The Schmitt Brothers: (10/86) Best of 35 Years, LP $8 [, cas *] [2 LP CD, ordered] Live/At Home, LP $8 [, cas *] (double album cas $12) order: J.R.S. Brothers Inc., P.O. Box 255, Two Rivers Wi 54241 414/794-7960, Visa M/C S&H $2 Second Edition: (10/91) The Best of Two Worlds, cas $11.95 * Growing Girls All Grown Up, cas $10.95, CD $14.95 * The Second Edition 1, cas $9.95, CD $14.95 order The Best of Two Worlds, P.O. Box 4010, 910 Nachand Lane, Jacksonville, IN 47131-4100 812/283-0083 [Number no longer valid, now a break room at Colgate/Palmolive], 9-5:30 EST M-F S&H $2 per order, M/C Visa [alternate address? Bjorn Andren, 4209 Lakewood Drive, P.O. Box 1107, Mango, FL 33550-1107 (08/91) ] [and see list #7] Showtime (1991 SAI Silver): (06/92) Our Greatest Hits...So Far!, cas $10, CD * order: Showtime, P.O. Box 533336, Orlando, FL 32803-3336 S&H $2 per order [& see lists 5 & 7] Side Street Ramblers: (12/86) Seems Like Yesterday, LP $8, cas $8 * Side Street Ramblers, LP $8, cas $8 * order: Side Street Ramblers, 3512 Piedmont Drive, Plano, Texas 75075 S&H $1 per item. The Sidewinders: (06/92) Here's Barbershop - and Then Some, cas $8.95 * The Sidewinders, cas $8.95 * Sunrise - Sunset, cas $8.95 * any 2 for $8 each, any 3 for $7 each order Jerry Fairchild, 671 W. Cypress, Redlands, CA 92373 714/792-8618 [Redlands area code has changed since then] S&H $2 per order [same contact as "Good News"] The Silvertones: (08/89) Reminisce with the Silvertones, cas $8 or 2 for $15 ~==[SOLD OUT] order: Sam P. Lowe, 1718 Woodlawn N.W., Canton, Ohio 44708 216/477-7847 S&H $2 per order [ he sent me a copy ] Southern Gateway Chorus: (06/93) All the Worlds and It's Gold, featuring the Naturals, cas $10, CD $15 * (CD includes bonus track) order: Southern Gateway Chorus, P.O. Box 1133, Cincinnati, OH 45201 S&H $1.50 per order. Visa M/C SPEBSQSA: (12/79) Barbershop Bonanza '75 (The Suntones, The Regents, Four Statesmen, Dealer's Choice, Louisville Thoroughbreds Chorus, Dapper Dans of Walt Disney World, Gentlemen's Agreement, Schmitt Brothers), LP $4.95 The Best of Berlin in Barbershop, LP $5.50 Featuring The Innsiders & Happiness Emporium Stockholm Barbershop Chorus: (02/85) Let's Get Together Again... , LP $13 order: Vocal Vikings, Box 15288, S-10465 Stockholm, Sweden (banker's check or money order, no personal checks, to Vocal Vikings Barbershop Chorus, discounts beyond 4 LPs) S&H included Suntones: (10/92) Best of The Suntones, cas $15.95, CD $19.95 * order: Association of International Champions, MasterWorks Series, P.O. Box 7068, Louisville, KY 40257-0068 S&H $2.50 per order. Fiddler, LP $9 (12/87) (all tapes sold out) ~==in CD vol 4 As Time Goes By, LP $9 (12/87) (all tapes sold out) " A Touch of Old, LP $9 (12/87) (all tapes sold out) ~==in CD vol 3 * Keep America Singing, LP $9 (12/87) (all tapes sold out) " Where is Love, LP $9 (12/87) (all tapes sold out) ~==in CD vol 5 * My Fair Lady, 8-track $4 (12/85) [ 8-tracks on the wane.... ] " Somewhere, 8-track $4 (12/85) ~==in CD Vol 2 * Watch What Happens, 8-track $4 (12/85) " Afterglow, cas $6 (12/85) ~==in CD Vol 1 * A Touch of Gold, 8-track $4 (12/85) " Sunrise Records, P.O. Box 6712, Lake Worth, FL 33466-6712 S&H zero S&H $2 per order (12/85) Sweet Adelines International convention: (04/94) Sweet Adelines, Indy '93, QT cas $7, video $30 Sweet Adelines, Indy '93, Chorus cas $7, video $30 order Harmony Bazaar 918/622-1444, Box 470168, Tulsa, OK 74147-0168 S&H zero? Baltimore '92, double-cas $16.50, video $30 (06/93) Vaudeville: (10/82) "Ladies and Gentlemen, Vaudeville", LP $8 *, cas $8 ["Spotlight on Vaudeville, LP, $8 *, cas $8] order: Vaudeville, c/o Scott Werner, 3302 N. Bradford St., Woodbridge, VA 22193 S&H included [new address: Vaudeville, c/o Scott Werner, 15739 Pierre Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193-1026 S&H included email contact: ] The Vocal Majority: (10/91) [recordings not listed in the "recent" Harmonizer ads] Here's to The Winners (04/91, LP $4.95, cas $9.50, 8-track $3.50 by 12/31/90) (includes 4 quartets) All The Best (04/91, LP $4.95, cas $9.50 by 12/31/90) With a Song In Our Hearts ( 04/91 same as Winners) (04/91) A Decade of Gold, LP $4.95, cas $9.50, 8-track $3.50 by 12/31/90 (04/91) Standing Room Only, LP $4.95, 8-track $3.50 by 12/31/90 CDs, Tapes, LPs.... ? order The Vocal Majority, P.O. Box 29904, Dallas, TX 75229 214/960-0606 ( 04/91 Visa M/C , zero S&H ? ) (04/91 buy 3 audio, get one LP free) [SRO, With, Here's, Gold out of circulation per "Best of the Early Years", which takes from those four] The West Towns Chorus: (10/88) "[unknown name?]" (08/85) LP $8, cas $8, S&H $1 per order Our Road to the Gold, LP $9, cas $9, CD $15 * [first CD offering?] order: West Towns Chorus, P.O. Box 1387 Lombard, IL 60148 S&H zero? The World's Largest Barbershop Chorus: (04/86) The World's Largest Barbershop Chorus, cas $5 (live, 1986 Mid-Winter Convention, Tuscon, Arizona) order: Tucson Chapter SPEBSQSA, 6942 E. Calle Betelgeux, Tucson, AZ 85710 S&H zero? Anybody got a stack of Harmonizers from before 12/79 I could look at? Note: I have been as careful transcribing this information as possible. If you find errors, please let me know, and if the recordings are no longer available or any ordering information has changed (such as a phone being disconnected and reassigned to somebody unsuspecting), please let me know ASAP so I can post the correction. Thank you. --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: 9 :::::::::::::: Part 9 of 11: bbshop recordings in the Harmonizer, 05/63 - 10/79 [missing issues, 01/74 - 02/74 01/65 - 04/65 01/74 - 06/74 09/74 - 10/74 09/78 - 08/79 [LIST IN PROGRESS] Arlingtones, (04/64) "Barbershop Harmony By The Arlingtones", LP $4 1963-64Illinois District Chorus Champs Album, 35 cents S&H, To Fred Jasper, 717 N. Chestnut, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Chord Record Co., (06/63) P.O. Box 12550, San Antonio 12, Texas, by 6/30/63, $2.79 each plus 30 cents S&H, must order at least 5, shipped one a month Auto Towners Checkmarks Checkmates Confederates Forte-Niners Gaynotes The Nighthawks Pitchikers Rocket Tones The Sidewinders [10/63: Series II] The Colonials The Evans Quartet The Four Rascals The Four-Do-Matics Gala-Lads The Journeymen The Kippers $2.79 each plus 36 cents S&H [12/63 - 04/64:] Baytown 4 The Mid-States Four, (6/63 - 12/63) "The Mid-States Four On Stage", LP $4.25 Includes tax & S&H, 20th Anniversary Record Album, 12" 33-1/3 LP High Fidelity, Mid-States Four, P.O. Box 197, Glenview, Illinois The SunTones, (6/63 - 12/63) "A Touch Of Gold", LP $4.25 Incl tax & S&H, 12" 33-1/3 LP High Fidelity, Sunrise Records, 75 N.E. 150th St., Miami, Florida Decca/SPEBSQSA, (10/63) 1963 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 4403, DL 74403 (S) The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets of 1963, DL 4402, DL 74402 (S) 1962 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 4313, DL 74313 (S) The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets of 1962, DL 4314, DL 74314 (S) 1961 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 4185, DL 74185 (S) The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets of 1961, DL 4189, DL 74189 (S) 1960 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 4067, DL 74067 (S) The Top 10 Barbershop Quartets of 1960, DL 4069, DL 74069 (S) 1959 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 8928, DL 78928 (S) 1959 Medalist Barbershop Quartet Winners, DL 8927, DL 78927 (S) 1958 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 8788, DL 78788 (S) 1958 Medalist Barbershop Quartet Winners, DL 8800 1957 International Barber Shop Chorus Winners, DL 8616 1957 Medalist Barbershop Quartet Winners, DL 8615 From your local record dealer, or SPEBSQSA, Inc. 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 [12/63] SPEBSQSA, (10/63) 1963 Top Ten Quartets, R51 $3.50, R51S (stereo) $4.50 1963 Top Five Choruses, $52 $3.50, $52S (stereo) $4.50 SPEBSQSA, P.O. Box 670, Kenosha, Wis. 53141 [12/63] 1962 Choruses, R-48 $4 1962 Quartets (Top 10), R-47 $4 1961 Choruses, R-44 $4 1961 Quartets (Top 10), R-43 $4 1960 Choruses, R-37 $4 1960 Quartets (Top 10), R-36 $4 1959 Choruses, R-30 $4 1959 Quartets (Top 5), R-29 $4 1958 Choruses, R-24 $4 1958 Quartets (Top 5), R-23 $4 1957 Choruses, R-20 $4 1957 Quartets (Top 5), R-19 $4 1956 Choruses, R-15 $4 1956 Quartets (Top 5), R-14 $4 1955 Choruses, $-13 $4 1955 Quartets (Top 5), R-12 $4 Ten Years of Champs ('50 to '59), $-35 $4 Buffalo Bills: Champs, $-17 $4 With Banjo, R-26 $4, R-26S $5 Happy Days, R-33 $4, R-33S $5 Home Is Where The Heart Is, R-39 $4, R-39S $5 We Gather Together, R-38 $4, R-38S $5 Schmitt Bros: B'Shop Ball, R-16 $4 Barbershop!, R-28 $4, R-28S $5 Around The Striped Pole, R-40 $4, R-40S $5 Brighten The Corner, R-34 $4, R-34S $5 Confederate Encores $-21 $4 Confederates & Bills: Battle, R-18 $4 Gaynotes: Stricktly B'Shop, R-31 $4 Mid-States 4: Madness, R-27 $4 Elastic Four (2 records), R-22 $10 Evans Quartet: Merry Christmas, $-46 $4, R-46S $5 Play-Tonics, R-32 $4, R-32S $5 Pittsburghers (10" LP), R-25 $3.50 --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: a :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 10 of 11: bbshop recording ads in the "Pitch Pipe" 1982 - 1995 Note that many of these recordings are no longer available so when you call or write be sensitive that the phone numbers may have changed owners and area codes have been changing, etc., and yet even out of stock recordings are still of interest to collectors. ========================================================= SAI RECORDINGS ========================================== Items listed here MAY NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE. Dates of issue "usually" indicates the most recent listing in the "Pitch Pipe" - 45 issues, 1982 - 1995 WRITE FIRST! - Addresses and prices may be out of date. 4 for the Show - 1984 Queens "For Once In Our Lives" LP $8.95 Tape $8.95 * S&H $1.00 Sally Briner; 8095 Kendra Court; Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 1/86 "Pitch Pipe" (or E-mail (I believe David Briner is also online) [jb: 4 for the Show has exactly two tapes left from the 1993 reissue. If interested, send $10.00 to Joni Bescos, PO Box 814065, Dallas TX 75381-4065.] [now they have only 1] 4 Star Collection - 1997 Queens "By Request" Tape $10.00 plus S&H $2.50 "Never Stop Dreaming" CD $15.00 Tape $10.00 plus S&H $2.50 (US Funds only) 4-Star Collection, c/o Patricia Rygg, 805 Meyer Street, Maplewood, MN 55119 , e-mail: 651-731-1673 contact Patricia Rygg April 1997 PITCH PIPE & via email [Marti 2/99] 4th Edition - 1972 Queens "The Best of..." LP? $8.00 , Tape $10 Lee Balaguer; 34880 Iris Ln.; Eastlake, OH 44094 4/85 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: 4th Edition - no one lives where they used to. Contact Lee (Balaguer) Davison at 7175 Twin Canyon Dr, Lambertville MI 48144-9542. I believe they did re-release one or more of their albums.] [Marti 2/99: Connie Noble 1028 Coronado Avenue, Spring Valley, California 91977 , or Lee Davision, 7175 Twin Canyon Drive, Lambertville, Michigan 48144-9542 ] Alamo Metro Chorus "Let There Be Music" CD - $15, Tape - $10 plus $2.50 S&H Texas residents add 7.75% sales tax , Alamo Metro Chorus, c/o Alice Ives, Rt. 2, Box 2118, Cedar Creek, TX 78612 1/97 PITCH PIPE [Marti 2/99] All Star Jubliee - 1981 Queens Reach for the Stars" (no prices available) All Star Jubilee; 2030 South Youngfield; Lakewood, CO 80228 1/87 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: All Star Jubilee - again no one lives where they used to. Try Judy Gordon at 71 Lakeshore, Irvine CA 92714-3324.] Ambiance 1986 Queens "Jazz Ladies", cas $12, CD $17 * "I Hear a Rhapsody", cas $12 *, CD $17 * "Ain't Misbehavin'", cas $12 *, CD $17 * "Take One", video $34 Ambiance Productions, Inc; 5881 Wellington Farm Dr., St. Charles, MO 63304 [jb: Ambiance - the address is valid, but I don't think they have anything left.] [Marti 2/99: Contact: Diane Huber, Update: available in CD only, per Sandi Wright , ] Audio Express "Our First Hello" LP $8 S&H $1 Audio Express; 601 Glen Park Rd.; Gen Ellyn, IL 60137 10/85 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: Audio Express - Joan Melling at O S 020 Quail Run Ct., Winfield IL 60190.] [order from Giallombardo?] Chicago Fire - 1995 Queens "Chicago Fire" Tape $10 CD $15 S&H $2 [ ??? ] "Christmas by the Fire" Tape $10 CD $15 S&H $2 "Hot Stuff", cas $10, CD $15 * S&H $2 Chicago Fire; 818 Childs St.; Wheaton, IL 60187 PHONE 708-462-0177 [or new area code 630-462-0177 ?] 7/95 Pitch Pipe [jb: Chicago Fire - address ok] City Lights - 1992 Queens "Sophisticated Swing" Tape $10 CD $15 * City Lights; 8 Woodland Rd,; Maplewood, NJ 07040 10/95 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: City Lights - address ok] [& see list #6] [Marti 2/99: ADD: "City Lights" and "With a Wink and A Smile" tapes $10 CD $15 * Address above (Jeannie Froelich) is correct or use: or Orders can also be forwarded through either: Vitkovsky@ (Sharon), (Jo) or (Nancy) ] City of Lakes Chorus "The Best of Times" Tape $12, CD $17 * (outside U.S.- add $3) City of Lakes Chorus; 17036 Davenport St. NE; Anoka, MN 55304 Classic Edition - 1998 Queens "Something Hot!" Tape $10 CD $15 $2.50 S&H Alice Johnston, 4712 SW 17th Terr., Topeka, KS 66604 (785)273-1954 email: [Marti 2/99] Cracker Jills - 1957 Queens The Cracker Jills Double album $16.00 The Cracker Jills; PO Box 96; Ramsey, NJ 07446 1/83 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: Cracker Jills - try Holly Beck at 533 Oakcrest, Coppell TX 75019] "The Best of..." Tape $10 CD $15 S&H $2.50 RC Music, 533 Oakcrest Lane, Coppell, TX 75019 [Marti 2/99] Gainesville Chorus "Barbershop At Its Best" Tape - $10 plus $2.50 S&H Gainesville Chorus, c/o S. Simpson, 2100 NW 46 St., Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 371-1013 4/97 PITCH PIPE [Marti 2/99] [see #5 & #7] Gem City Chorus - '74, '77, '82, '85, '91 Int. Champs "Reflections" Tape $6 "Reflections" LP $6 [Marti 2/99] Vivian Smith; 2723 Rugby Ln; Dayton, OH 45406 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" "Gem City Live" Tape $10 * S&H $1 Donna Gewertz; 3914 Gardenview Place; Kettering, OH 45429 [Marti 2/99: 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" "From the Heart" Tape $10, CD $15 S&H $2.50 (1-4) $3.50 (5-8) US S&H $3.50 (1-4) $5.00 (5-8) foreign Donna Gewertz; 3914 Gardenview Place; Kettering, OH 45429 or at: ] Ginger 'n' Jazz - '87 Queens "Songs from the Heart" Tape $10 ~==[SOLD OUT], LPs avail * Sally Beck , GnJBari 87 ; 7100 Summit Drive; Oklahoma City, OK 73162 [jb: Ginger 'n Jazz - Sally Beck, 8401 McKee Blvd., Oklahoma City OK 73132] [Marti 2/99: Sally Beck, 8401 McKee Blvd., Oklahoma City OK 73132 Sally's email is ] Growing Girls - '89 Queens "Still Growing" "All Grown Up", Tape $10, CD $14 * Lennie Brown; RD #2, Tinkerhill Rd.; Phoenixville, PA 19460 PHONE 215-935-2745 but area code is now 610 -or- Lou Frolen, c/o Lindgard, Kammakargatan 46, S-111 60 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 20 60 46 (info from CD - no prices available) ALSO: "The Best of Two Worlds" with the Second Edition Tape $11 S&H $2 * 1114 Winners Circle; Louisville, KY 40242 [jb: Growing Girls - the only one in the U.S. is Suzanne Harrington, 19 Moss Creek, Murrells Inlet SC 29576.] [and see list #8] Hallmarks - 1979 Queens "24 Karat Collection" LP $7.00 Tape $6.50 S&H $.75 The Hallmarks; c/o Jackie Harrison; 5608 E. 98th Terrace; Kansas City, MO 64137 1/82 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: Hallmarks - Helen Shores, 22105 Hiway HE, Weston MO 64098] "Hallmark Gold", the Hallmarks' cassette, that I bought in 1980: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 18:58:50 -0500 MRS KAREN S BRADSHAW TQUL83A@PRODIGY.COM High Country Chorus "The Sound of High Country" LP $8.00 S&H $1.00 (Foreign- $2.00) R. Martini; 7021 E. Freemont Place; Englewood, CO 80112 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" "Blue Ribbon Barbershop" Tape $9 S&H $2 K. Crier; 1505 47th Ave.; Greeley, CO 80634 High Society - 1976 Queens "On the Road Again" LP $8 Tape $8 S&H $2.50 Foreign- $5.00 ~==[Sold Out] "Our Best to You" LP $8 Tape $8 S&H $2.50 Foreign- $5.00 ~==[Sold Out] (1984 "Pitch Pipe") "The Best of ... ", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2.50 Foreign- $5.00 [CD only] "By Design", cas $10 *, CD $15, S&H $2.50 Foreign- $5.00 "Fascinatin'", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2.50 Foreign- $5.00 Connie Noble; 10289 Coronado Ave.; Spring Valley, CA 91977 [jb: High Society - I have Connie Noble's address as 1028 (not 10289) but the rest is ok.] [9/30/96 cnoble@QUALCOMM.COM changed S&H to $2 - one CD shows 1028, other 10289][ & PAC] Island Hills Chorus - 1978 Champs "Island Hills On Parade" $6.00 * Cecelia Avolese; 14 Seneca Dr.; Commack, NY 11725 4/83 "Pitch Pipe" [Marti, 2/99, $10.00 LP's only (includes S&H) Nancy Moore, 162 Woodbury Rd., Huntington NY 11743 , ] Jazzmin "Believe It Or Not" Tape $9 Jazzmin; 3404 River North; San Antonio, TX 78230 The Johnson Sisters - 1948 Champions "Remembering" Tape $10 plus $2 S&H ($3 outside US) US Funds only "The way it was, in story and in song, 1928-1995" Johnson Sisters, P. O. Box 629, Cortez, CO 81321 1/96 PITCH PIPE [Marti 2/99] Jubilation - 1985 Queens "Join the Jubilation" LP $8.00 Tape $9.00 S&H $1.00 ~==[ordered] "Jubilation Celebration" LP $9 Tape $9 S&H $1.00 ~==[ordered] Jubilation; 11050 Wakefield; Westchester, IL 60153 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" ALSO: "Queens in Harmony" with Melo-Edge, cas $11.00 * same address [jb: Jubilation - try Carol Ann Bagley at 951 Banbury, Mundelein IL 60060] [order from Giallombardo ?] [Marti 2/99: Jubilation, c/o Pat Rotunno, 7915 Deerview Ct., Burr Ridge, IL 60525 Carol Ann Bagley at] Lakeside Chorus "Our Way" LP $8.50 Tape $8.50 S&H $1 Lakeside Chapter; PO Box 2143; Kirkland, WA 98033 1/87 "Pitch Pipe" Main Event "If I Had a Voice" Tape $10, CD $15 S&H $2.50 Elaine Casperson, 683 W. Browning Ave., Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 439-0792 or email Colleen Eskender at [marti 2/99] Melo-Edge - 1983 Queens "Take One" LP $8 S&H $1 Donna Bates; 690 Ash Rd.; Hoffman Estates, IL 60194 1/86 "Pitch Pipe" "Encore" LP $8 Tape $8 S&H $1 Janell Lynch; 605 N. Chesnut, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 [jb: Melo-Edge - Donna Bates, 1852 Somerfield Ln, Crystal Lake IL 60014] [order from Giallombardo?] Melodeers Chorus - 1995 Int. Champs "Full Tilt" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 $3 outside US "Just Jump" Video $20 S&H $2 $3 outside US (Visa/MC) 1-800-ACAPLLA "High Energy" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 [see list #5] [S&H now $2.50 per item, order: P.O. Box 2112, Northbrook, Ill 60065] [Marti 2/99: ADD: "It's a Wrap" and [Christmas CD *] "Mission Accomplished" Tape $10, CD $15 * S&H $2.50 US, $3.50 outside US ] Mission Valley Chorus "In the Mission Valley Mood" Tape $12 CD $17 * (includes S&H) Mission Valley Chorus; P.O. Box 2153; Sunnyvale, CA 94087 [but see discounted prices on list #5] "Home for the Holidays" Tape $10, CD $15 S&H $2.50 ($7.50 outside US) Ca. residents add 8.25% sales tax Mission Valley Chorus, P. O. Box 2153, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 October 1998 PITCH PIPE Music Gallery - 1982 Queens "Painting Portraits in Song" LP $8 * Tape $8 [tapes sold out] S&H $1 [LP S&H now $2.50 per Marcia 2/99 ] ~==[ordered] The Music Gallery; 2431 Dupont Ave. South; Minnneapolis, MN 55405 4/86 "Pitch Pipe" [jb: Music Gallery - try Marcia Starnes at 2960 Enchanted Ln, Minnetrista MN 55364 ] [Marti: Music Gallery, c/o Marcia Starnes, 3960 Enchanted Lane, Minnetrista, MN 55364 612-472-2388 e-mail: ] Norse Winds "Nostalgia Video" $24.95 S&H $2.50 Joan Taylor; 10281 Courson Drive; Stanton, CA 90680 North Metro Chorus "North Metro" Tape $10 * S&H $3 32 Arthur Drive; Ajax, Ontario CANADA L15 2Z2 [Marti: "Seize the Day" Tape - $10, CD - $15 plus $3.00 S&H North Metro Sweet Adelines, P. O. Box 87658, 300 John St., Thornhill, ON L3T 7R4 Oct 1997 PITCH PIPE ] Panache - 1990 Queens "Sweet Adeline", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2 "XXOO", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2 "Because It's Christmas", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2 Sally Briner; 8095 Kendra Court; Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 [q.v. 4 for the Show] Ramapo Valley Chorus [price changes from Sue:] "A Gift of Love"(Christmas) cas $10 * "Winner's World" cas? $7 ~==no stock left (1/83 "Pitch Pipe") "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" cas $10 CD $15 * "Showtime" cas $10 * "Travelin' Music Show" cas $10 * "That's Showbiz" (video) $25 [$20 Marti 2/99] Ramapo Valley Chorus; PO Box 96; Ramsey, New Jersey 07446 S&H $1 per tape/CD, $3.50 for video. 10/95 "Pitch Pipe" ["...Sue Gordon, who handles Ramapo Valley's records, tapes and CD's."] Rich-Tones Chorus - 1996 Int. Champs "Unwrapped!" (Christmas) Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 Foreign $3 "Turnin' Up the Heat" Tape $10 * CD $15 * S&H $2 Foreign $3 "One of a Kind" Tape $10 * CD $15 * S&H $2 Foreign $3 "Comm. 50th Anniv.of SAI*" Tape $5 CD $7 * S&H $2 Foreign $3 (*a portion will benefit the Young Singer's Foundation) Rich-Tones; PO Box 832978; Richardson, TX 75083-2978 [jb: Rich-Tone Chorus - the information is valid. We have all recordings advertised and have reduced the price on the Comm. 50th Anniv. of SAI to $3 for tape and $5 for CD; S&H extra, as noted, on all.] [Marti 2/99: "Footloose" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H same as above ] Rumors - 1999 Int. Champs "Confirmed!" Tapes $10 CD's $15, plus $2.50 S&H Peggy Barnes, #9 Riverwood Place, Maumelle, AR 72113 Email: [Marti 2/99] San Diego Chorus "The Sound of San Diego" Tape $12.50 * CD $17.50 [CDs sold out ] (S&H included) San Diego Chorus; Attn: Recordings; P.O. Box 86606; San Diego, CA 92138-6606 [web page, sez cas $10, CD $12 S&H $2.50 per ???] Savvy - '88 Queens "love, Savvy" Tape $9 S&H $2 3935 Hawk St.; San Diego, CA 92103 [jb: Savvy - address is valid (it's Sandra Noble Trombly).] [sold out per Kim Hulbert, 3/24/97,] Scottsdale Chorus "One Moment in Time" Tape $10 S&H $1 Norine Pollari; 8102 E. Montebello Ave.; Scottsdale, AZ 88255 Seven Hills Chorus - 1981 Champs In Seventh Heaven" Tape? $8 Jacquie Grimes; 5581 Cox Smith Rd.; Mason, OH 45040 9/82 "Pitch Pipe" Showtime - 1994 Queens "Gonna Build a Mountain" Tape $10 *, CD $15 S&H $2 "Greatest Hits... So Far!", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2 "Sing Along with Showtime" (karaoke-style barbershop) ~==few available Showtime, c/o Lori Mcgrath, 16508 Foothill Dr.; Tampa, FL 33624 [jb: Showtime - Debbie Connelly at 2709 Lakeville Dr., Tampa FL 33618-1101] Contact: Cindy LeMasters, 3225 Bloomingdale Villas Court, Brandon, Florida 33511 (813) 661-3308 Starshine "Time Was" Tape $10 S&H $1 Bev Hamilton; 656 35th St. East; Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 St. Louis Harmony Chorus "Best of Show" Tape $8 Carolyn Burke; 705 Dickson St.; St. Louis, MO 63122 [Marti 2/99: "Harmonize the Holidays" Tape $10 CD $15 "Voices" CD only - $15 St. Louis Harmony Chorus , 11469 Olive Street Road, #137 , St. Louis, Missouri 63141 , Chorus email address: , Shipping and handling for all recordings is $2 per order , Information about all SLHC recordings is available on the Web: - Order form for all our recordings is available on the Web: - IN ADDITION: St. Louis Harmony has a "Happy Birthday" cassette, which comes with a padded envelope and a birthday card. $4.00; same ordering address; same URL's as above for more information. ] Sundance "Ain't Misbehavin...much" Tape $8 Jan Wyckoff, 337 Lomerta St.; El Segundo, CA 90245 [jb: Sundance - street should read "Lomita", not Lomerta.] Swing Street - 1991 Queens "Street of Dreams" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 "Moving Violations" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 Swing Street; 4349 Yarmouth Crossing; Ypsilanti, MI 48197 [mail came back no forwarding address] PHONE 313-434-4563 [Marti 2/99: "Swing Street" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2 Also available from Mainly A Cappella at: dgooding@P2.ACADIA.NET ] Telge Chorus (Sweden) Telge Chapter and Quartets $8.00 Eva Lothberg; Box 13012; S-151 13 Sodertalje; Sweden 6/82 "Pitch Pipe" [Marti 2/99: I believe Telge Chorus has disbanded.] Tetrachords - 1978 Queens Typically Tetrachords Tape $7.00 Early Portraits Tape $7.00 Patti Frei; 12751 Whispering Hills; Creve Coeur, MO 62141 1/83 "Pitch Pipe" Toast of Tampa Chorus - SAI 1994 Int. Champs "New Kids on the Block" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H = $2 US; Foreign $3 Champagne Productions; 343 79th St. South; St. Petersburg, FL 33707 Visa/MC [RandyL999@AOL.COM Randy Loos ] 1/95 "Pitch Pipe" Top of the Rock Chorus (frequent Reg 25 champ) "Our Name in Lights" Tapes $10 CD's $15, plus $2.50 S&H Top of the Rock, 1700 A&B General Samuels, Jacksonville, AR 72076 Email: "CarolM" [Marti 2/99] Valley Forge Chorus - 1983 Champs "Steppin' Out With the Stars" LP $8.00 S&H $1.00 Foreign $2.00 now, cas $10 S&H $2 * was, Dianne Reder; RD #1, Ebelhare Rd.; Pottstown, PA 19464 [Marti 2/99: Jean Sayler; 675 Hickory Lane; Berwyn, PA 19312 ] 4/85 "Pitch Pipe" ] Vienna-Falls Chorus - 1988 SAI Chorus Champs "Our Moment in Time" Tape $8 CD $10 * S&H $2 Vienna-Falls Chorus; P.O. Box 3292; Merrifield, VA 22116, Atten: Patti Freeman. email: "Mary A. Haller" ] ["...Vienna-Falls released their second album back in 1989...." Claire Gardiner, Director, Vienna-Falls Chorus, Weekend Edition (1996 Queens of Harmony) [Marti 2/99: "Only in My Dreams (Uncensored)" Tape $10 CD $15 * S&H $2.50 "It's Lonely at the Top" Tape $10, CD $15 plus $2.50 S&H Weekend Edition, Donna Kleinschmidt; 10 Inwood Ct.; St. Peters, MO 63376 (314) 441-2864 OTHERS: ================================== Grandma's Boys Grandma's Boys III LP? $8.00 S&H $1.00 Foreign- $2.00 I Had a Dream, Dear LP $8.00 S&H $1.00 Foreign- $2.00 Grandma's Boys; 832 Dell Rd.; Northbrook, IL 60062 1/85 "Pitch Pipe" [Helen Giallombardo ? ] Gentlemen Four Gentlemen Four Tape? $6.98 S&H $1.00 R3 Marketing; 11558 Iowa Ave.; Los Angeles, CA 90025 1/83 "Pitch Pipe" Joker's Wild "Right from the Start" Tape $10 CD $15 * The Ritz "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", cas $10, CD $15 *, S&H $2 order: Ritz Recordings; Box 26; Oakwood, OH 45873 ALSO: "I'm Beginning to See the Light" * "The Ritz on Moonlight Bay" * "The Ritz" * SAI's HARMONY BAZAAR ====================== 1993 Competition Quartet Recording (audio) $7 1993 Competition Chorus Recording (audio) $7 1993 Competition Quartet Recording (video) $30 1993 Competition Chorus Recording (video) $30 1994 Competition Quartet Recording (audio) $7 1994 Competition Chorus Recording (audio) $7 1994 Competition Quartet Recording (video) $30 1994 Competition Chorus Recording (video) $30 1995 Competition Quartet Recording (audio) $7 * 1995 Competition Chorus Recording (audio) $7 1995 Competition Quartet Recording (video) $30 1995 Competition Chorus Recording (video) $30 (VHS or PAL format available) (earlier years may still be available - call or write) Harmony Bazaar; PO Box 470168; Tulsa, OK 74147-0168 or Visa/MC = call 1-918-622-1444 or 1-800-992-SING (FAX= 1-918-665-0894) All orders will include S&H (amount depending on total order.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prepared by Debbie Warwick ( and Marti McCarty ( Note: If you find errors, please let me know, and if the recordings are no longer available or any ordering information has changed (such as a phone being disconnected and reassigned to somebody unsuspecting), please let me know ASAP so I can post the correction. Thank you. --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now! :::::::::::::: b :::::::::::::: This list is 2 years out of date - 4/7/02 Part 11 of 11: barbershop videos. "VOICES", distributed by ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS, $19.95 plus $5 for shipping & handling (within N. America), BY PHONE Credit Card orders call 214/265-STIX (7849), BY FAX Send Credit Card orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 214/265-9555, BY MAIL 10455 N. Central Expressway, #109-128 / Dallas, TX 75231-2211 USA, VIA THE INTERNET E-Mail your order to: PLEASE: if you know anything about the availability of these recordings, let me know. Thanks. Note: I have been as careful transcribing this information as possible. If you find errors, please let me know, and if the recordings are no longer available or any ordering information has changed (such as a phone being disconnected and reassigned to somebody unsuspecting), please let me know ASAP so I can post the correction. Thank you. --Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817 - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now!

--Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817
No more excuses! - Cure Multiple Sclerosis now!