Flight 72-11O: Accession Number 00492 Frame Nos. 2405-2408 2433-2442 2486-2492 Flight 76-125; Accession Number 02400 Frame Nos. 8743-8749 8758-8764 8808-8809
In conformity with Water Code Section 10505, this permit shall be subject to any and all rights of any county in which the water sought to be appropriated originates to the extent any such water may be necessary for the development of the county.Upon receipt, all items submitted by each party will be evaluated to determine if the Division will continue to process the complaint, including a possible field investigation. You and the complainant will be notified accordingly. [para] We would appreciate receiving the 'Answer to Complaint' form within 30 days from the date of this letter." etc.
TABLE 1 Estimated Mean Monthly Unimpaired Flow of Stony Creek at Black Butte Dam in CFS (1921-1983) MONTH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT FLOW 857 471 151 16 0 0 TABLE 2 Percentage of Time Mean Monthly Unimpaired Flow of Stony Creek Exceeded 364 CFS (1921-1983) MONTH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT % 75 54 6 0 0 0 [this table is wrong; it credits the 85 cfs upstream "twice" if based on flows at Black Butte]