"All the news that gives 'em fits"

(c) 2004, Mike Barkley
[Instead of wasting your time with lengthy downloads, most pages here are straight text with minimal html.]

THE SAN JOAQUIN SENTINEL, WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? - over the past 2 decades some 300 to 400 of my letters to the editor have been published by various newspapers and magazines, locally as well as clear across the country. In each instance, authoritative cites may not be displayed, quoted in full, etc. And many important stories are so convoluted and of such narrow interest they would never be properly addressed in the establishment press where space is at a premium, such as the continuing saga of the Stony Creek Water Wars.

Now comes the Internet. Now there is an opportunity to present to you full stories, with full, authoritative documentation and citation. The world has changed, delivery of news has improved. The ability of a power structure to stifle dissent and bury the truth is waning. The gloves are off, and it's now possible to publish in full. The goal remains : present the whole truth, the full story, with proper authorities, citations, documentation, noting the presence of opposing sides where there is any credibility in them, and presenting enough to allow the reader to form his or her own opinions. This is a higher standard than that followed by the establishment press.


I welcome your comment and input. If I like it, I will publish it here, with full credit to you. If I don't like it but believe the truth you put forth, I will still publish it. If neither? Well, then, start your own e-zine. Thank you.

--Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817
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